When Lin Yichen saw that Murong Qing was silent, he had no choice but to act as a go-between. He said,

"This is Murong Qing, the most powerful person with time control in Tianyuan Domain before. Lin

Yichen looked at Jinshang and Huxi with a smile, and then looked at Murong Qing with a smile.

Seeing that the three of them didn't communicate much, Lin Yichen started to adjust the atmosphere again,

"You should have a good understanding of the power of relationship time control with Senior Murong Qing. It will also be beneficial to your cultivation."

Then he said to Murong Qing,

"It's my fault for disturbing you while you sleep. Senior, please forgive me. Look, I brought two people to talk to you."

Murong Qing saw that Lin Yichen had told him twice, and that Jin Shang still looked like his disciple.

He was no longer worried about Lin Yichen waking him up just now.

Murong Qing said to Lin Yichen said,

"These two young people will stay here with me to relieve my boredom. Can you tell me what your plans are next? I can also help you with some ideas."

Lin Yichen thought that the time and space gate is related to space and may be related to time.

Ask Murong Qing, maybe he knows something related to the time and space gate.

Lin Yichen said to Murong Qing,

"To be honest, senior, I will first solve the time and space gate in my sect’s treasure pavilion."

"A space-time gate appeared in the treasure pavilion of my sect. I didn’t know what was on the other side of the space-time gate, so I decided to explore it."

"Just because they wanted to explore, Jin Shang and Hu Xi were allowed to stay in the spirit stone temporarily."

"Because neither of them belongs to human beings, I'm afraid that when the time portal opens, the two of them will be knocked back to their original shapes and get hurt."

"So I thought of letting them stay in this spiritual stone temporarily to avoid injury."

Murong Qing heard what Lin Yichen said about the space-time gate, and he asked carefully,

"What kind of space-time gate is it? Can you explain it in more detail?"

So Lin Yichen continued,

"At that time, the Space Gate was just like a crack, but it carried huge energy. As soon as you were next to it, you could feel its huge energy changes."

"The space-time gate connects two domains, just like the one between the divine beast domain and the Tianyuan domain."

"That time and space gate has appeared before, but this time and space gate appeared out of thin air in Xuantian Sect's Treasure Pavilion"

"But there is another realm in the time and space gate that people have never explored."

Murong Qing listened to what Lin Yichen said about the time and space gate, and found that the time and space gate was very similar to the time and space gate that Lin Yichen was taken away when he met the man in black. They are both gates connecting different realms. Is this another way? Is it related to his apprentice Mengshi Tianzun?

If the time and space gate that appeared in the Treasure Pavilion is related to his apprentice, then what is the reason why he built this time and space gate?

And why was it built where Lin Yichen is? In the treasure pavilion of the sect.

Murong Qing had more and more doubts in his heart, so he also told Lin Yichen his inner doubts. He said,

"Because I have practiced the power of time control, I think what you are talking about is very similar to the time and space gate I encountered when I met the man in black last time."

"This time and space gate may be related to my apprentice, and it is very likely that this time and space gate is connected to the domain you entered last time."

"In that domain, there may be many such space-time gates, but the difference between them and the space-time gates connecting the domains is the width of the space-time gate."

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