The power rushed through Hu Xi's body, making Hu Xi's whole body become a little distorted.

He curled up in pain, trying to relieve the pain caused by some strange power, but it was no use.

These powers penetrated into every cell in his body, making those cells stronger and more prominent.

Hu Xi's neck was covered with purple lines, which were the power flowing in his blood.

Suddenly, Hu Xi seemed to have lost consciousness, slowly closing his eyes, and then his body fell down, and then hit the ground heavily.

After a while, Hu Xi opened his eyes again, but when he opened them again, his eyes were filled with purple light.

He stood up slowly and dusted himself off.

Hu Xi looked around, as if he had forgotten what had just happened, his expression was full of disbelief.

He didn't seem to know where this place was, or how he ended up here. He didn't even know who he was.

Because he put his hands in front of his eyes, turned them over and over, and looked at the clothes he was wearing.

This time, his expression seemed even more confused.

He blinked his purple eyes, took a few steps forward, and saw the lying monster.

When he saw the monster, he seemed to be confused and tilted his head to observe the monster.

His face looked the same as Hu Xi's, but strangely, his expression was completely different from before.

Although Hu Xi's face is cold, he feels approachable, but at this time, the look on his face is indeed that cold and difficult to get along with.

It makes people feel difficult to get close to him, and the aura around him is extremely powerful and majestic with some oppression.

It turned out that it was the Qianyinqin's power in Huxi's body that was released. Now Huxi is not the divine beast Zihuang, but the Qianyinqin who was once a divine weapon in the divine world.

Because of the stimulation of the monster's power, the sealed divine power in Huxi's body was released, and with it the remaining soul of Qianyinqin.

Qianyinqin's soul temporarily appeared in Huxi's body.

So the doubt on Hu Xi's face just now was because his memory still stayed in the God Realm, and he didn't know how all the things in front of him appeared and happened.

Huxi's body controlled by Qianyinqin tried hard to recall what had happened, but he did not expect to touch the real Huxi's memory in his subconscious.

The souls of the two people were fighting for each other in their bodies. Hu Xi held her head in pain, fell to her knees, and kept mumbling,

"who is it? Who is in my mind?"

Huxi, who had just experienced energy torture, fell into the torture of memory again.

Gradually, the purple light in Huxi's eyes slowly disappeared, and the purple lines on his neck also slowly faded.

Huxi fainted again Half an hour later, Hu Xi woke up again.

This time it was the real Hu Xi, the divine beast Zihuang.

He stood up and looked around, forgetting how he fainted..

Hu Xi only remembered that he could not control the energy in his body, and was tortured by that energy.

He lost all the memories after Qianyinqin woke up in his body. Fortunately, Qianyinqin did not Do something bad.

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