Therefore, Huxi did not cause any serious trouble.

Huxi woke up and had no time to think about why he fainted and what happened when he fainted.

He only knew that he had been delayed for a long time, and Lin Yichen was probably impatient.

So, he went to the monster's side, checked the wounds on the monster's body, and found that except for the wounds caused by himself.

There was also an explosion damage with extremely strong energy fluctuations. Hu Xi hurriedly left here before he could check what kind of energy the explosion wound on the monster was caused by.

He was going to tell Lin Yichen what was going on here, and Lin Yichen still needed to decide what they should do next.

Lin Yichen had long returned to the place where Jinshang was resting, and Jinshang had also rested, and his expression was no different from usual.

Lin Yichen, who came back early, has been waiting for Hu Xi's return.

Because Hu Xi had been there for a long time, Lin Yichen knew Hu Xi's abilities, but he was afraid of encountering the same group of monsters as before.

If only one person was okay, but if there were too many people, Lin Yichen couldn't guarantee that Hu Xi could escape safely.

So he was anxiously waiting for Hu Xi's return.

Lin Yichen kept wandering around at the intersection to Huxi in the south, and the nausea that Jin Shang felt as he wandered around came to his heart again.

Jinshang was afraid that the feeling of vomiting that he had finally suppressed would come up again.

Quickly stop Lin Yichen,

"Master, stop wandering around. Hu Xi is so powerful, it must be okay."

"Besides, you keep swaying here, I am so disgusted, do you still want to watch me vomit again?"

Perhaps due to physical reasons, there was a hint of grievance in Jin Shang's voice.

The person who usually laughed and laughed suddenly showed his fragile side. Even Lin Yichen was worried about Hu Xi and did not dare to hang around there anymore..

He was really afraid that if he continued to wander around for two more times, Jinshang would cry.

So he stopped wandering around and comforted Jinshang, saying,

"Okay, okay, I won’t shake anymore. You’re such a big person, so don’t cry. I won’t coax people if they cry."

"I didn't cry, I just felt uncomfortable and my voice changed."

Jinshang was still arrogant, and Lin Yichen didn't care about what he said.

Shenjian on the side looked at Jinshang who was clearly aggrieved, but still trying to be strong, and felt a little funny.

Shenjian stretched out his hand and spoke through the air. He touched Jinshang's head to comfort him.

Just at this time, Huxi came back.

Lin Yichen immediately stepped forward and stood next to Huxi and asked him,

"Are you okay? Why have you been gone for so long? Is there anything unusual in the north?"

Hu Xi breathed heavily, his voice was broken,

"Master... don't worry... I'll take a breath first"

"Okay, okay, take a break first and speak slowly."

As soon as Lin Yichen finished speaking, Huxi sat down next to Jinshang and rested against the huge stone.

After a while, Huxi finally rested and his breathing rate became normal.

He began Slowly tell me what you discovered in the south,

"I listened to the owner and went to the south. When I first entered, there was nothing different. The structure was almost the same as here."

"However, there were obvious signs of fighting on the ground, but it was too chaotic, so I couldn't find any clues."

"Then I continued walking forward and found a monster that was the same as the one in the city, but that monster was not that strong and was much weaker than the one I met last time."

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