It shows that Huxi is hiding something from us and doesn’t want us to know.

Huxi usually doesn't hide anything from us, but this matter may not be simple.

Lin Yichen was walking in front, looking back at Hu Xi from time to time, observing the expression on his face, hoping to get some clues from the subtle changes in expression on his face.

But ever since Hu Xi saw the corpse disappear, the expression on his face had been very calm, and he no longer looked as nervous as before.

Lin Yichen wanted Hu Xi to tell the details of what happened here. If Hu Xi couldn't tell, then Lin Yichen could tell whether he was lying based on the changes in his face.

Lin Yichen stopped, and the people following him also stopped immediately.

Lin Yichen looked into Hu Xi's eyes and asked,

"Is this where you just killed that monster?"

Hu Xi was breathing a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect that Lin Yichen, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and asked him about what happened here.

His heart that had just been put back in his stomach was raised again, and his face also appeared A subtle change in expression.

Hu Xi thought that this change in expression would not be noticed, but he did not expect that Lin Yichen had been observing Lin Yichen's expression since he asked the question.

When Hu Xi's expression changed, Lin Yichen It has been captured.

Lin Yichen calmly kept this change in Hu Xi's expression in mind.

Hu Xi thought for a while and replied,

"I met the monster right here, and then he rushed over to hit me, so I scratched him with my sharp claws, and then used my spiritual power to give him the final blow. After it fell to the ground, it didn't get up again."

"I went over to check and found it dead, so I went back."

Although Hu Xi's tone was the same as usual, he was afraid of being discovered, so his tone unconsciously contained some meaning of explanation. After hearing Hu Xi's words, several other people began to check the marks on the ground, thinking We need to find some clues about the disappearance of the monster's corpse.

Several people began to lower their heads to check. Hu Xi rubbed his hands nervously, for fear of being discovered by a few people.

But several people had been checking for a while, except for some blood stains and monsters on the ground. Apart from the traces on the ground that came out, there were no other traces.

Jinshang said loudly,

"There was nothing but blood here, and I had no idea why the body disappeared."

Excalibur on the side continued to check around, and heard Jin Shang's words,

"You have only looked at half of the incense stick, and then look around again, looking for smaller places, maybe you will find some clues. Jinshang curled his lips and muttered in a low voice,

"I've looked at it very carefully. I didn’t see anything. Aren’t you guys checking around? Why do you need me?"

Jinshang's voice was too soft, and Shenjian didn't hear what he was saying clearly.

So he turned his head and looked at Jinshang and said,

"I didn't hear what you said clearly."

How dare Jinshang say it again? He immediately waved his hand to the divine sword.

"Didn't say anything, didn't say anything……"

Lin Yichen on the other side was looking carefully at the place. He knew that there must be something here that Hu Xi didn't want them to know.

If you search carefully, you may be able to find some detailed clues about him.

Lin Yichen searched for a long time and finally found some small energy residue.

Lin Yichen stretched out his hand to explore, but found that this power did not belong to Hu Xi's power.

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