Although there is not much of this power left, its strength can be ranked at the top or the most powerful in the Shangtian Yuan Domain.

Because when Lin Yichen used his spiritual power to feel it, he actually noticed the source of his power that was different from his.

The source of this power is so strong that even Lin Yichen cannot reach it.

Lin Yichen waved his hand and took that spiritual power into his spiritual stone.

Murong Qing's power was awakened while he was still sleeping. Murong Qing opened his eyes and was about to have a seizure when he suddenly saw the power in front of him.

In an instant, as if his sleepiness had been driven away, Murong Qing stared closely at the energy in front of him.

Then he summoned Lin Yichen through Lin Yichen's sea of ​​consciousness and asked,

"Where did you find this power?"

Lin Yichen had just gathered up his strength and was about to find a few others and continue on his way, when he heard Murong Qing's voice.

So he answered Murong Qing,

"I found this power in a city. What's wrong? Is there anything strange about it?"

"This power is not strange, but it is too powerful. This is a power that does not belong to the Tianyuan Domain at all!"

"What? Is it a power that does not belong to the Tianyuan Domain?"

Lin Yichen was shocked. He couldn't help but think of what Shenjian said before about Hu Xi.

Could this be what Hu Xi wanted to hide? Could it be that what he wanted to hide was his own power in the divine world.

Lin Yichen himself had not reacted yet. When I came over, Murong Qing's voice came again in my heart, and I only heard him say,

"This power belongs to the divine realm. When I was traveling around, I came into contact with this divine power in a small mountain village in the east. However, this power is fleeting and I have only seen it. Lin

Yichen asked again,

"Senior, did you read correctly? This power is really the power of the divine realm?"

Murong Qing heard the doubt in Lin Yichen's tone and said,

"How could I admit my mistake? I once traveled to many places in the world in search of the power of the divine realm. How could I not recognize this power?"

At this time, Lin Yichen basically had an idea in his mind.

Since this power is the power of the divine world, it means that Qian Yinqin's previous life has awakened in Hu Xi's body, although he doesn't know why it was suppressed again. Go down.

But now we know that his power has awakened, which means that Hu Xi’s real power may not be very safe at this time.

The power of the God Realm is too powerful. Even if he is the divine beast Purple Phoenix in this life, his power still cannot compete with the God Realm. The power.

Only under the protection of the people around him can he integrate with the power of the divine world and maintain the soul of his divine beast Purple Phoenix.

Thinking of this, Lin Yichen wanted to tell Hu Xi immediately how powerful and terrifying this power was..

But then he thought about it, this power had appeared before, but Hu Xi didn’t want them to know. Hu Xi might not know what to do in his heart.

But Hu Xi didn’t choose to tell everyone, he must have his own ideas.. What

Lin Yichen should do now is to stay with Hu Xi to prevent Hu Xi from being controlled by that divine power.

Lin Yichen had already figured it out, and Murong Qing was still talking,

"Who is that power? Please let me know."

Murong Qing could no longer hide his excitement. The person he had been looking for for a long time was beside Lin Yichen.

"Last time you saw it, it was Huxi"

"Shanghai tin? It was the young man from last time."

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