Su Man saw the confusion and surprise in Song Yunsheng's eyes, so he asked her puzzled: "Didn't Miss Song and Da Shuai just get married some time ago

?" Song Yunsheng suspected that he had misheard: "Fifth aunt, what are you talking about? How is it possible for me and Dashuai?"

Su Man didn't look like she was joking, and immediately reacted that she had been deceived by Ye Xifu!

She bit her lower lip, she was almost angry, and smiled embarrassedly on her face: "I had a dream last night, and I thought it was ......

Song Yunsheng said with a smile: "Fifth aunt is too relieved, I have no love for Dashuai, and the reason why I came with me is just to cure the antidote for Dashuai."

Speaking of this, Su Man's gaze fell on her wrist wrapped in gauze again: "Did you cut your wrist and bleed?"

Song Yunsheng didn't expect Su Man to know, and seeing that she knew that Song Yunsheng didn't want to hide it from Su Man, she nodded.

"I heard my brother say about Dashuai's illness, don't hide it from my fifth aunt, I am a medical student, and I have always been curious about Dashuai's illness, and I want to study Dashuai's illness and why my blood can control Dashuai's illness.

Song Yunsheng naturally didn't believe in any statements such as phoenix life, she had even contacted her senior brother abroad and took a tube of her blood to study abroad.

If it was before, Su Man would not believe these ghosts, but after the unbelievable thing happened to her wearing a book, Su Man gradually began to believe it.

But what she wants to know more is how the book's story has changed.

"Miss Song, if Da Shuai's illness doesn't get better for a day, you have to be Da Shuai's medicine guide all the time?"

This question seemed to ask Song Yunsheng, medicine lead?

She really didn't think about this question.

But Su Man began to worry about Song Yunsheng.

Now once a month, Song Yunsheng's body can still stand it, but what if Shen Zhuohuai becomes more ill in the future? Once a week, several times a day? Song Yunsheng will die of excessive blood loss sooner or later.

Song Yunsheng shook his head: "No, there will definitely be a way to cure Dashuai's disease, and there will be a day when I will develop an antidote." When

Su Man read the original book, she knew that the heroine was good at medical skills, and she forgot to sleep and eat for medical skills, she could see her love for medicine.

But Su Man can't gamble with Song Yunsheng's life, once one of the male and female directors in the book dies, the book will completely cease to exist, and Su Man himself will disappear.

If she is destined not to return to the real world, then she would rather find a place in the book where no one knows her and leave her life in an ordinary way, rather than suddenly disappear with this book.

However, the current Su Man is also very confused, she doesn't know what to do next, and the best way now is to find the master of air ride.

She looked at Song Yunsheng, maybe she could learn the news of the air master from the heroine.

"Miss Song, can you help me inquire about someone?"

Song Yunsheng was enthusiastic, and without waiting for Su Man to say, he agreed: "Fifth aunt, please say, as long as I can help, I will definitely help you."

Su Man said at length that he told Song Yunsheng about the master of the sky.

Song Yunsheng thought about it carefully, but he had a little impression of the master Chengkong in Su Man's mouth.

"Hearing the fifth aunt say this, I have a little impression that the master seems to have come to Jiangnan with him, but I don't know where he was settled by the handsome.

Su Man had no way to take Shen Zhuohuai's words, she pinned her hopes on Song Yunsheng.

"Can you trouble Miss Song to help me inquire about the whereabouts of the Sky Master?"

This inquiry was naturally from Shen Zhuohuai.

Song Yunsheng looked at Su Man and asked puzzledly: "Why didn't the fifth aunt ask the handsome in person?" Su Man

was a little embarrassed, did she want her to say it, because the master of the air ride had let her go once.

Song Yunsheng looked at Su Man's tangled look, and didn't ask anymore, she smiled and said, "Fifth aunt, it's okay if you don't want to say it, I'll help you with this favor!" Su

Man smiled on his face: "Thank

you Miss Song first!" "Fifth aunt is too polite!"

Su Man stayed here with Song Yunsheng until dark before leaving.

In the days after going back, he still taught Qingluo acting skills, filming and the like.

In a blink of an eye, Su Man spent three days in a nervous mood.

Three days later, Song Yunsheng took the initiative to find Su Man and told Su Man the whereabouts of Chengkong.

"Fifth aunt, the master of the air is in the Overseer's Mansion, but he was locked up in the dungeon by the marshal.

Su Man hurriedly asked, "Miss Song, do you know where the dungeon is?" Song

Yunsheng really knew, she left an extra hand after asking Shen Zhuohuai, and said that she wanted to meet the master of the sky, so that she could understand Shen Zhuohuai's condition and prescribe the right medicine.

Shen Zhuohuai had no doubts, and took Song Yunsheng directly to the dungeon, and she also met the master of the sky, the master who said that she was the phoenix.

Seeing Song Yunsheng nodded, Su Man's eyes were full of joy: "Can you take me there?"

The two agreed to act at night.

When it was time for the shift to be changed, the two met at the agreed place, changed into civilian clothes and walked in the direction of the dungeon.

I don't know if it's because of the darkness or what, but I didn't meet anyone along the way.

They had reached the entrance of the dungeon without any problems, and they had to go down a long staircase, with no way to see the road, and no bottom to see.

Song Yunsheng can show her the way here, she is already very grateful to her, she wants to walk alone on the road behind, and she doesn't want to burden Song Yunsheng.

She turned to look at Song Yunsheng gratefully: "Miss Song, thank you for helping me, I'll go down by myself for the rest, you can go quickly, before they find out, get out of here quickly."

Song Yunsheng shook her head, since she helped, she would help to the end.

"Fifth aunt, you go down, I'm here to help you control the wind, if there is any movement, I will knock on the stairs with stones, if you hear the movement, hide quickly, and I will help you delay time."

Su Man didn't know how to repay Song Yunsheng, and when she heard that she was going to help her cover up, Su Man was grateful.

She nodded emphatically: "Then trouble you, Miss Song." "

Let's go!" Su

Man didn't delay any longer, turned around and climbed down the stairs.

Su Man didn't know how long she had been climbing, and she finally got to the end when she was about to be exhausted.

A yin wind poured in from all directions, and Su Man couldn't help but tremble.

The sound of the wind blowing was mixed with an ethereal and eerie sound.

Su Man took a deep breath and walked inside.

It was another road with no end in sight, and it was pitch black all around, and there was no figure in sight.

Although it was a dungeon, there was not a single prisoner, and the whole dungeon was empty and quiet.

Su Man held on to the wall with both hands, and kept walking inside.

After walking for a long time, I finally saw a faint light, a ghostly light from a firewood, followed by a sound of metal colliding.

Su Man was startled, and quickened his pace, and the people inside heard the movement and spoke slowly.

"Destined person, see you again!".

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