Su Man heard this voice, it was the master of air riding!

She quickened her pace, passed around the corner, and sure enough, she saw a figure inside.

He sat on the ground, folded his hands, and opened his closed eyes faintly after seeing Su Man.

Su Man's eyes widened, and then he noticed that there were long iron chains on both sides of the Sky Master, clasping his hands.

Su Man stepped forward and smiled at Su Man on the air.

"Fifth aunt, I've seen you again. Although

he was locked up here by Shen Zhuohuai, he was still spotless, and it seemed that Shen Zhuohuai did not lynch him.

Su Man breathed a sigh of relief: "Master of the air, I am the one who has caused you a burden."

Chengkong shook his head: "I can't leave, and I won't leave here."

Su Man couldn't understand him: "Why did you want to help me in the first place? Hearing you say this, it's as if you knew that I would be captured by Shen Zhuohuai." "

Do you remember, I said that you are the one who is destined

?" Su Man remembered that she had also come for this purpose: "Master can tell me now why I came here?"

"As fate would have it, we are all characters in the script, and so are you, this is your home, and you will have to come back sooner or later.

Su Man was shocked, and his face was in a trance, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

"What does the master mean by that? I didn't understand. Su

Man didn't understand, but he didn't want to admit it.

How could it be! How could she be a character in the book! This is also ridiculous!

She clearly remembered that she had read the contents of the book, and Su Man in it was a little cannon fodder who could not survive more than three episodes, and she was obviously inserted into the book, so she was not a character in the book!

Seeing that Su Man did not believe it, the master of the air ride did not force her to accept it, but said: "True is also false, false is true." These words were originally written for you and Dashuai, and fate has already tied you and Dashuai together.

Su Man's whole body was like being struck by lightning, his body shook, and he almost collapsed.

What is it meant to be written for her and Shen Zhuohuai? Isn't the heroine of this book Song Yunsheng? When did it become herself?

Su Man was afraid for a while, as if he had guessed something.

Could it be that this is a novel that wears books? Since she opened this Republic of China novel, she herself has been a member of the book, and the background of the story has also been written from her point of view?

Su Man thought that the truth turned out to be like this, she went limp, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

The eyes are glazed, and the soul is not giving up.

It turns out that her life is a book, she is not a person, just a character in a book, a paper person with no feelings!

Seeing Su Man's lost soul in the air, she couldn't bear it: "The fifth aunt should not be sad, since she already knows the reason, she must take good care of her body."

Su Man blinked, tears couldn't bear the weight, and burst out of his eyes.

How can she take care? She didn't even have the last hope of going back.

She can't go back, she is just a character in the book, how can she return to the real world?

Su Man fell into grief, completely unaware of the message that Song Yunsheng sent to her with a stone.

Soon there was no sound above, and there was a sound of footsteps from far and near, and the master of the air ride heard it, and reminded Su Man, who was in a trance in front of him.

"Dashuai is coming down, and the fifth aunt is too quick to leave here.

As if he hadn't heard, Su Man sat down in place.

Where can she escape?

Since she and Shen Zhuohuai are the protagonists in the book, even if she escapes to the ends of the earth, she will be caught by Shen Zhuohuai!

Seeing that Su Man had become self-defeating, the Master of the Sky Ride didn't know whether it was right or wrong to tell Su Man this.

"Fifth Aunt too well, do you know why I wanted to help you leave Dashuai in the first place?"

Hearing Chengkong's question, Su Man sobered up a little, looked up at Chengkong, and said.

"I know that I can't do it, although I am destined to do it, but if I don't give it a try, how can I know that I can't change the situation? I dare to fight for the fifth aunt, what about the fifth aunt yourself? Can you fight for yourself?"

Su Man was stunned, she understood the meaning of the air.

Yes, as a person who has already seen through the heavens, Chengkong is still willing to try it for her, how can she give up herself?

Shen Zhuohuai's face was gloomy, and he walked in step by step, as early as when Song Yunsheng asked about taking the air, he was suspicious.

It was also him who evacuated the soldiers guarding the dungeon tonight, otherwise how could these two women be in and out of the dungeon under his nose alone.

He did this just to see what Su Manjian was for.

When he walked around the corner, the sound of the conversation between the two people inside was faintly heard.

"Master of the Sky, I've been a problem to you, and if it weren't for my repeated begging for your help, you wouldn't be locked up in this dark dungeon!" the woman's guilty cry faintly came out.

Shen Zhuohuai tightened his eyebrows, and sure enough, he was a white-eyed wolf who couldn't be raised! Even now, he still wanted to escape!

He took a step and was about to step forward, when he heard the sigh of the master of the sky.

"Poor Dao understands the fifth aunt, but there are very few men in this world who can do one couple for a lifetime, not to mention that he is as powerful as Dashuai, and it is inevitable to have three wives and four concubines, so why should the fifth aunt be embarrassed?"

Shen Zhuohuai's steps paused, he raised his eyebrows, and a touch of unnaturalness crossed his eyes.

The woman's cry continued: "Master of the air, don't you know, I grew up in Paramount since I was a child, and I am used to seeing the scene of men drinking and hugging left and right, and since then, I secretly swear that I will only be a wife of one person, and I will not work with others for a husband, if not, I would rather become a nun and be a nun, and from then on the Green Lantern Ancient Buddha will accompany me for a lifetime."

As soon as the woman's words fell, a cold sneer came from behind her, and she looked back in surprise.

I saw Shen Zhuohuai walking out from behind with a slightly cold expression.

He coldly lifted his eyelids and glanced at her: "Would you rather be a nun than be the fifth aunt

of the handsome?" Su Man pretended to be panicked: "Why are you here, handsome?"

Shen Zhuohuai turned his eyes and glanced at the master of the sky riding who was sitting on the ground.

He folded his hands and recited the Heart Sutra, causing Shen Zhuohuai to sneer mockingly: "She just told you these words, and you have hidden this from Ben Shuai for so long?"

Under the strong pressure, the master of the air ride seemed much calmer.

"If the big handsome knows, will he still look for the fifth aunt?"

The sentence made Shen Zhuohuai slightly stunned, if he had known that Su Man had fled for this reason, there was no need to think about it, he would have to arrest her back.

How could he, Shen Zhuohuai's woman, leave just because a man has a woman next to him? Isn't this a broken rule? How will he establish rules in the Shuai Mansion in the future?

He snorted coldly, strode forward and dragged Su Man's arm, his tone was full of disdain: "It's just nonsense!"

Feeling that the woman was trembling all over, Shen Zhuohuai stopped the second half of the reprimand, and exhaled a deep breath of turbidity.

He also said: "You are just a little aunt, how dare you do anything to escape! Since you are a handsome woman, and you have been away from the Shuai Mansion for many days, do you know what the people of Chengzhou and the subordinates of the Shuai Mansion should think of you after you go back?

Shen Zhuohuai saw that the woman beside him lowered her head, gradually lost her voice, and looked scared at first.

He rolled his throat, knowing that he was talking too seriously, but he opened his mouth anyway, and he had to teach her a long lesson.

But Shen Zhuohuai had already thought about the way back, Su Man's previous identity was just a mere fifth aunt, and it was better not to have a dispensable existence.

Shen Zhuohuai will bring Su Man back, but not as Su Man, he will give Su Man another identity.

claimed that he missed his fifth aunt too much, and when he went down to Jiangnan, he stumbled upon a woman who looked exactly the same as Su Man, and became a relative to her in Jiangnan, and when he returned to Chengzhou, Shen Zhuohuai would directly give Su Man a name.

Isn't she unwilling to compete with others for a husband? Then he will be as Su Man wishes.

dismissed the aunts in the mansion and straightened Su Man, and from then on she was the wife of the Shuai Mansion.

Then she shouldn't want to escape anymore, right?

Of course, he didn't tell Su Man these words now.

According to this woman's temperament, if he knew that he was not allowed to turn over as a serf and sing, he was handsome and handsome, and he was pressed on the head by a woman, and he must not be laughed at when he said it.

After coming out of the dungeon, Su Man remembered Song Yunsheng who was covering for her, and she quickly turned her head and asked Shen Zhuohuai.

"Dashuai, where is Miss Song?"

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