After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 113 Your son-in-law is almost being taught a bad lesson

It took a lot of effort to find the little scoundrel, and she finally made out with him. It took a lot of effort to release her emotions. But she never expected that her resentful father would come to steal her man!

At this time, Zheng Yanru was almost going crazy. She was scared and filled with endless resentment. She really wanted to drive her father away and have the little man under her to herself, but it was impossible to achieve it. If she really did this, It means a showdown with dad, a showdown now. It is obviously not a rational behavior.

"Wait a moment."

"I'll open the door for you right away."

Due to too many unexpected unexpected experiences, Yu Xiaocheng's ability to withstand emergencies has improved a lot. He leaned into the ear of the pretty and wealthy woman and said hurriedly: "Go hide in the closet. Don't do it." Come out, this situation is not suitable for a showdown with your father, after all, your best friend has not resolved it yet. "

Zheng Yanru pouted, feeling very unhappy in her heart. She silently sat up from him, and then hid in the closet. When the rich woman squatted in the corner, feeling the darkness, she suddenly felt so wronged that she wanted to cry. It was obviously her. The legally recognized husband turned out to be in hiding, and she couldn't take him with her. This love affair was such a failure.

at the same time,

Yu Xiaocheng leaned on crutches and gently opened the door, and saw Zheng Xingguo standing at the door carrying wine and vegetables.


"Why so early? Didn't you say half an hour?" Yu Xiaocheng asked doubtfully.

"There was no traffic jam on the road, so we arrived early."

Zheng Xingguo walked in with his things, put the wine and food away, and helped his little brother sit on the chair. Then he also sat down, taking out various snacks from the plastic bag while smiling. Yingying said: "Your environment is quite good."


Yu Xiaocheng looked at the four bottles of Maotai he had brought and said bitterly: "Brother, is it too much? I had a headache for a long time after I got drunk last time."

"I'm telling you."

"The more wine you drink, the faster your worries will disappear." Zheng Xingguo said with a smile.

"I read."

"I'm afraid it will only make me sad if I raise a glass to relieve my sorrow." Yu Xiaocheng curled his lips, silently took the wine bottle and chopsticks that were handed to him, subconsciously glanced at the closet, hurriedly leaned over, and reminded in a low voice: " Brother, when we chat later, don’t say anything outside, be careful. Be careful, walls have ears!”

Zheng Xingguo looked at him doubtfully and asked curiously: "What do you mean? Why didn't I understand? Why do walls have ears?"


"That's what it means literally." Yu Xiaocheng flattened his mouth, opened a bottle of Moutai, and said: "Okay, okay. Let's stop talking nonsense. Anyway, just remember what I said. As for the next step, let's start the whole process." Bar!"

"Full time!"

Zheng Xingguo smiled slightly, and then he and his little brother took a swig.

There are many dishes on the table to go with the wine, such as peanuts, braised beef, shredded beggar's chicken, duck neck and duck head, etc. After two rounds of pushing cups and changing cups, the atmosphere between the two brothers reached its highest point. At the same time, this topic It was opened naturally.

"What kind of conflict is this? You don't even live at home anymore, you come out to stay in a hotel." Zheng Xingguo asked with confusion on his face while eating peanuts.


"I can't explain it in a few words. I can only say that they are fighting." Yu Xiaocheng took a bite of beef and replied desperately: "They are like a knot, and it is getting tighter and tighter." The key to that kind of dead knot is not just to tie one knot, but to tie many dead knots.”

Zheng Xingguo took a breath and said solemnly: "This is very difficult. It has already reached the level of violence. It cannot be solved by simply apologizing and admitting your mistake."


"Brother, that's why I'm so melancholy." Yu Xiaocheng talked about his depression while drinking wine. He seemed to have forgotten that there was a rich woman hidden in the closet.

At the same time, the rich woman squatting in the closet heard the distress in the little villain's heart, and a hint of helplessness and self-blame appeared on her eyebrows. She did not want to end up in such a situation. But some things were doomed from the beginning.


"How is your relationship with your siblings?" Zheng Xingguo asked.


"I won't marry him, and I won't marry her." Yu Xiaocheng replied.

At this time, the pretty and wealthy woman showed a satisfied smile, feeling a little sweet in her heart.

"This is troublesome."

Zheng Xingguo curled his lips and said earnestly: "If the relationship between you two is normal, my suggestion is to find another wife, and a daughter-in-law that your mother likes. At the same time, this woman also likes you very much. As for whether you like it or not, actually It doesn’t matter, just think about it. Just think about it carefully.”


"Brother! Brother!"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful. Be careful that your sister-in-law hears it." Yu Xiaocheng turned pale with fright and said hurriedly.

"What a panic."

"She's not here." Zheng Xingguo responded nonchalantly.

I am here!

Your daughter is here!

Zheng Yanru, who was hiding in the closet, was so angry that her facial features were distorted. Her father actually suggested that the little villain change me. Fortunately, he could think of it!

It seems that the lesson given to dad is not profound enough. Since you are so unkind, dad, don’t blame your daughter for being unjust. This matter today costs tens of millions, so don’t try to get away with it easily! It just so happened that I also had plans to change my house.

Yu Xiaocheng said bitterly: "Brother, let's get down to business. You said you wanted me to change my wife. I think this is unlikely to happen. Is there any other way?"

"There is only one way, you can't change your mother." Zheng Xingguo said.

"That's true."

Yu Xiaocheng pursed his lips, raised the bottle, took a drink, and murmured: "It seems that I can only continue to be miserable like this."


Zheng Xingguo said calmly: "Brother, there is another way."


Yu Xiaocheng immediately became energetic and asked impatiently: "Stop being so pretentious and talk about it quickly."

"First of all, let's analyze the problem according to the problem. Why does the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law occur?" Zheng Xingguo looked at his little brother incomprehensibly, and asked with a smile: "Brother, please tell me the specific reasons."


"Both of them are the women who love me most in the world, so they are jealous of each other." Yu Xiaocheng replied.


"But it's not entirely right!" Zheng Xingguoyu said earnestly: "In the final analysis, you lost control of this matter and allowed this conflict to develop in an uncontrollable direction, so that it was completely out of control in the end."

Yu Xiaocheng, who was confused, was still analyzing what his brother said. Zheng Xingguo, after taking a sip of Maotai, started his lofty argument again, saying: "I will use four words to summarize the root cause of the problem, family status. You The family status is not enough, so these things happen.”

"Just a question."

"If you are the head of the family, will this situation happen next?" Zheng Xingguo paused and said seriously: "No! Because you are the head of the family, you have the family throne, the emperor's emperor!"

for a time,

Yu Xiaocheng felt that he had opened a door to a whole new world, but this door led to Jurassic World.

Of course, it's not completely unreasonable. Indeed, I have so little say between my mother and aunt that they both don't listen to what I say. Not only do they not listen, but they also fight against it. .

If we had enough voice at that time, how could such an outrageous situation as sisters fighting still happen?


"It's not that I'm questioning you, but your current family status doesn't seem to be enough to support what you just said, right?" Yu Xiaocheng shrank his neck and said softly.

“What happened to my family status?”

"Although your sister-in-law usually shows off her power, I actually make the final decision on all major matters in the family." Zheng Xingguo rolled his eyes and said seriously: "I usually just give in to her and give her some face."


"No, no, no, no."

Yu Xiaocheng subconsciously glanced at the closet, hurriedly lowered his voice, and reminded cautiously: "Partition walls have ears! Be careful, partition walls have ears!"


"Why are you so panicked?"

"Your sister-in-law is still at work. She has to work overtime tonight!" Zheng Xingguo waved his hand with a fearless look on his face.

Your wife is indeed not here,

But your daughter is here!

Yu Xiaocheng couldn't help but sweat for his brother, and said cautiously: "Brother, let's not go into details about family status. I may never reach your level in this life."


"If you want to reach my level, you still lack some skills, but you're not completely incapable." Zheng Xingguo smiled and said, "Brother, do you know what your biggest problem is right now?"


Yu Xiaocheng asked curiously.


"I'm not talking about masculinity, but the spirit of swallowing the sky." Zheng Xingguo said seriously while drinking Maotai and eating fried peanuts: "As long as you have the courage to face death, you will basically get twice the result with half the effort."

Yu Xiaocheng curled his lips and replied bitterly: "Brother, my situation is quite complicated. You think it is just the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In fact, it is more chaotic than you think. Moreover, these two women are not easy to mess with. One is really good at killing people with a knife, and the other is a martial arts practitioner."

Zheng Xingguo was stunned for a moment and looked at him in surprise. He quickly returned to normal and smiled disapprovingly: "Brother, you must know that your sister-in-law was once the national Sanda champion."

Case solved!

It turns out it’s genetic!

Yu Xiaocheng pursed his lips and asked softly: "Brother, how did you survive it?"


"Family throne."

Zheng Xingguo smiled slightly, picked up a peanut and put it into his mouth, saying meaningfully: "Learn from me, brother!"

At this time, Zheng Yanru's face was full of black lines. She silently took out her mobile phone, set it to silent, and hurriedly sent three WeChat messages to her mother.

【mom! Dad is bragging again, come on! 】

【This scene is out of control! 】

[Your son-in-law is being taught a bad lesson! 】

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