Qu Chunyan was working overtime at her unit. Although she was the leader of Shenhai City, some things still needed to be done by herself. Just as she was about to finish work, a WeChat message alert came from her phone. She knew it was from her daughter as soon as she guessed it. information.

Picking up the phone and taking a look at the content, Qu Chunyan was stunned for a moment, her brows full of confusion.

【mom! Dad is bragging again, come on! 】

【This scene is out of control! 】

[Your son-in-law is being taught a bad lesson! 】

Meditation Film Xu. Qu Chunyan sent a message to ask what was going on, but received a reply from her daughter within a short time.

Zheng Yanru: Mom, dad was drinking with your son-in-law, and then dad started to show off and brag, bragging about his status in the family, and deceiving your son-in-law into a daze. Mom, please come quickly, I'm worried If this continues, your son-in-law and your son-in-law will learn bad things!

Looking at the content sent by her daughter, Qu Chunyan burst into tears instantly, gritting her teeth and muttering to herself: "This damn ghost has started to act like a monster to me again. He can't brag to anyone but his future son-in-law, and he's also bragging about his family status. ”

After complaining, Qu Chunyan called her daughter, but her daughter hung up directly. Just when she was in disbelief, her daughter sent another WeChat message.

Zheng Yanru: Mom, it’s not convenient for me to answer the phone. I’m hiding in the closet.

Zheng Yanru: Originally, your son-in-law and I were in love, but my father came suddenly. I was really angry, so my mother hurried over and took my father away. The place was Shangri-La International Hotel, room number was 1206


Two people falling in love in a five-star hotel?

I don’t think I want to fall in love, but I want to explore the origin of life.

Qu Chunyan pursed her lips, with a hint of relief on her face. If it had been ten years ago, she would have been so worried that her daughter would be bullied. But at this moment, she just hoped that her daughter could quickly take care of Xiao Cheng. If you ruin it, you can get pregnant as soon as possible and become the grandma you have always dreamed of.

"Little girl"

"He is as action-minded as ever."

Qu Chunyan smiled and quickly edited the content while holding her mobile phone.

Qu Chunyan: Don't worry, don't worry. Mom will come over right now, please bear with me a little longer.

After she finished sending the message, she was cleaning up her desk when she suddenly thought of something again, and her face was filled with worry.


Xiao Cheng has already done that. Does his daughter still want to torture him?


"This dead girl!"

Qu Chunyan was immediately anxious. Xiao Cheng's feet were already in plaster, but her daughter still refused to let him go. She clearly wanted to torture him to death. Hey, although Xiao Cheng is a young man, he can't waste her like this. ah.

The desk was also untidy. Qu Chunyan picked up her bag and walked out of her office, then drove to the scene of the incident.

at the same time,

Zheng Xingguo was almost uncontrollable in his pretense. After drinking a bottle of Moutai, he seemed to open up more conversations, bragging about his family status, and at the same time praising his legendary experiences.


"Not to mention how scary the scene was at that time. A dozen gangsters with knives and hammers were standing in front of your brother." Zheng Xingguo ate peanuts and talked eloquently: "But I have never been afraid of you, brother. , I still bravely fight the gangsters, and of course I rely on outsmarting them. As the saying goes, to catch the thief first, catch the king, I"

Speaking of which,

The words stopped abruptly.

He saw Zheng Xingguo, who was already drunk, taking a swig of Maotai-flavor liquor, and then said: "I went up and caught their leader, put a dagger on his neck, and then started a stalemate until the police arrived. , there is still a banner hanging in your brother’s study regarding this matter.”


There are even banners?

Didn't my brother lie to me?

Yu Xiaocheng, who didn't know why, believed it a little bit. After all, banners don't lie.

Zheng Yanru, who was hiding in the cupboard, had a look of disdain on her face. In fact, the story told by her father actually happened, and the banner was genuine, but the protagonist of the story was not her father, but herself. Mom.

No, no, no

Weng and son-in-law must be separated from now on, and they must not stay together!

If my little husband keeps fooling around with him like this, he will become a second dad sooner or later.


"Did you, brother, pursue your sister-in-law, or did your sister-in-law pursue you?" Yu Xiaocheng asked curiously.

Zheng Xingguo couldn't help but smile, picked up a few pieces of beef and put it in his mouth, and said disapprovingly: "Your brother was also at the forefront of the times back then. He had a wavy haircut, a small suit and bell-bottom pants, and carried a Four-speaker cassette player, that’s the handsomest guy on the street.”


This is true.

Zheng Yanru curled her lips and had no objection to her father's words, because her mother had told about this period of history. Although her father was very poor at that time, he was at the forefront of the times. It was precisely because of his Chic and fashionable, my mother was so fascinated that she wanted to wear it. Of course, she regrets it now.

But then again, it is precisely because of my father's character that he has been able to face the wind of the times and successfully reach his current position, with huge assets in his hands, but his character has not changed in decades.


There was a rapid knock on the door.

Yu Xiaocheng and Zheng Xingguo were both stunned. They looked at each other and didn't know who was knocking at the door.

"You sit."

"I'll open the door."

Zheng Xingguo stood up unsteadily, walked slowly towards the door of the room, and opened the door directly.

In an instant,

When he saw his fierce-looking wife standing at the door, he was half drunk in an instant, his eyes full of horror and disbelief.



"you you you."

Zheng Xingguo was so frightened that he didn't know what to say, and his hesitant words could not form a complete sentence.


"You want to ask me why I showed up, right?"

Qu Chunyan walked into the room with a dark face, and then saw her future son-in-law lying drunk on the table. She immediately gritted her teeth and angrily yelled: "Xiao Cheng is injured like this, and you still drag others to drink. Look! Look! ! I was all blown away by you.”



He was quite sober just now.

Zheng Xingguo turned around and looked speechless for a moment. He was still showing off his peanuts before opening the door, but immediately fell drunk after opening the door. This was obviously pretending to be drunk in an attempt to get through.


"My wings have become stiff recently."

Qu Chunyan glared at her husband and asked coldly: "You must have said a lot of bad things about me, right?"

"No no!"

"How could I say bad things about you? Oh, don't be suspicious. We are an old couple." Although he is a billionaire, Zheng Xingguo can only lower his attitude when facing the wife of a big leader. He is not at all as good as before. The family throne in the mouth.


"With your nature, how can you not have it?"

"I guess you are bragging about your family status, right? You are blowing yourself up to an infinitely high position and demoting me to an infinitely low position." Qu Chunyan sneered and said, "Come on, let me give you time to perform. I would like to Listen to how you blow."


What's going on?

How come she knows everything?

Zheng Xingguo's brows were full of doubts. First he suspected his little brother, but he was quickly ruled out. When Zheng Xingguo was puzzled, Qu Chunyan became a little impatient.


"Suddenly mute?"

Qu Chunyan rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Go on, don't be timid."


"No, no, no, no."

Zheng Xingguo smiled awkwardly, hurriedly comforted his wife, and said, "Xiao Cheng is still here, please save me some face."


Qu Chunyan snorted coldly, picked up her husband's ears, and said angrily: "Let's go! Come home with me!"


"You can go home. But what about Xiao Cheng?"

Zheng Xingguo pointed at the little brother who was pretending to be drunk, and said cautiously: "We can't leave him here."

"It's none of your business."

"I have my own arrangements." Qu Chunyan glanced at her future son-in-law, knowing that he was pretending to sleep, so she said expressionlessly.


Qu Chunyan grabbed her husband and left the room.

As the door closed, Zheng Yanru hurriedly got out of the closet, breathing heavily, and at the same time her eyes moved to the little villain.

"Stop pretending."

"Your father-in-law and mother-in-law are gone."

The pretty and mature rich woman who had recovered her breath walked up to her young husband, reached out and grabbed his ears, and said angrily: "Still pretending! I won't be rude if you keep pretending!"

The next second,

Yu Xiaocheng straightened up from the table and asked bitterly: "Did you call your mother-in-law here?"

"if not?"

"If I don't call my mother here, you will be brainwashed by my father." Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes, pouted and said angrily: "I'm telling you, don't imitate him, let alone listen to him Those nonsense about being the head of the family and family status are all just bragging.”

"I know."

"How can I imitate him?"

Yu Xiaocheng smiled, reached out and pulled the rich aunt into his arms, hugged the plump and bulging body, and said softly: "Baby aunt, I have made you feel wronged."

The rich woman sat on his lap, her whole body pressed tightly into his arms, her slender arms around his neck, and she said leisurely: "My grievances should be nothing compared to yours. In fact, you are the most important." There is nothing the little bad aunt can do about the uncomfortable person. Auntie doesn’t want to bow her head and admit her mistake in front of your mother. Can you understand auntie? "


"I know what you're thinking."

Yu Xiaocheng nodded and said softly: "It's okay. I will find a solution."


The rich woman responded, then held his cheek, staring directly at her young husband who was very close at hand, then closed her eyes and slowly moved closer.

"I've been drinking"

"It's okay, Auntie doesn't mind."

As a result, there was another knock on the door at this moment.

The pretty and mature rich woman was about to explode. After getting off the little bad guy, she walked over angrily. When she opened the door, standing at the door was her own mother.


"Your son-in-law and I are kissing."

Before the pretty rich woman could finish her words, she found her own mother glaring at her angrily, and she suddenly panicked.

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