After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 134 I want to feed my sister a mouthful of dog food

The next morning, Yu Xiaocheng drove the rich woman's Porsche and slowly came to the Mathematics and Physics Branch of Shenda University, and then met the rich woman's nephew Zheng Yuanqiang, who is also the director of the Physics Department. "Finally, I've waited for you!" Zheng Yuanqiang was very excited to see Yu Xiaocheng coming to school, but he soon saw the clues. He looked at Yu Xiaocheng with a puzzled face and asked curiously: "No. Why do I feel that you seem to be haggard? Didn't you sleep well last night?" "I'm officially living with your aunt," Yu Xiaocheng replied bitterly: "Now I finally understand your difficulties. It turns out that marrying a mature woman will be so painful." Zheng Yuanqiang was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "It's just the beginning now, and the hard days are still to come." Yu Xiaocheng sighed and said bitterly Said: "Your aunt is just like a shrew, she is a scoundrel and violent. The night before yesterday, I hugged your aunt and accidentally hit her head. Look, look." Yu Xiaocheng pointed to the faint marks on his neck and began to complain to Zheng Yuanqiang, angrily: "She beat me." "Normal operation." "When I was a child, she often beat me. I don't know how many times she beat me. But although my aunt has a bad temper and likes to be petty, she is still a good person. That uncle, you should grit your teeth and strengthen your exercise to make yourself more resistant to beatings." Zheng Yuanqiang laughed. In the following time, the two talked about work-related content, and then Zheng Yuanqiang called the young director over with a phone call. The young director is Qian Feng. To be honest, his qualifications are actually not enough. It is all thanks to Zheng Yuanqiang's cultivation. Now, Qian Feng is facing the difficulty of assessment and lacks a heavyweight article. "Xiao Qian."

"This is Mr. Xu's favorite student. You should have heard of him." Zheng Yuanqiang introduced.

"I know, I know."

Qian Feng looked at Yu Xiaocheng beside him and said kindly: "I have read several of his articles. The content is very novel and has great research value. Xiao Cheng, I will leave it to you next."

"Professor Qian is joking."

"It can't be done by me alone, but we have to work together." Yu Xiaocheng said.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Qian Feng understood what Yu Xiaocheng said, nodded and said: "I may have to attend classes or something, so I will find a few graduate students to help you with the work."

Yu Xiaocheng shook his head and replied casually: "No need to bother, the first project is not too difficult, it is just a purely theoretical process, and then find an experimental platform. Theoretical process. I have completed 90%, and the rest of the days should be almost done."

As soon as the voice fell,

Yu Xiaocheng looked at the rich woman's nephew and said seriously: "Director Zheng's related equipment issues, please help me mediate when the time comes, I want to get it as soon as possible Publish articles at a speed of 100,000, and then immediately proceed to the second project. After all, I have promised to publish two top journals a year. "

Zheng Yuanqiang tried hard to suppress his excitement and said hurriedly: "Don't worry about the equipment. There will be no mistakes. If it doesn't work, I will find Dean Tian. In addition, when you publish your article, Xiao Cheng, it is best to find your teacher. I think with Mr. Xu's status in the field of physics, he should give you a green light."

Yu Xiaocheng responded, but didn't say much. In fact, this kind of thing is very normal in the scientific research circle. After all, this is a society of personal relationships. Even in science, it is difficult to escape the word "personal relationships".


Yu Xiaocheng and Qian Feng came to the laboratory, but the so-called laboratory was just two small broken rooms. Not only was the equipment simple, but it was also shared with another project team. There was no way. Qian Feng's qualifications were too shallow, and the university laboratory resources were very tight. It was a miracle to have these two small broken rooms.

"It's a bit simple."

"And it can only be used three days a week, and the other four days are for other groups." Qian Feng said embarrassedly.

"It's okay."

"When the time comes, just switch to a dedicated laboratory." Yu Xiaocheng didn't care much, then took out a laptop from his bag and briefly told Qian Feng about what he was researching.

Although Qian Feng's qualifications were very shallow, he was at least a serious associate professor. He immediately understood what Yu Xiaocheng wanted to do and said excitedly: "This research content. If it can be realized in the end, it will be a heavyweight existence!" After saying that, he suddenly thought of something and whispered: "Such a good research topic. Are you willing to let me fail as the first author?" "I promised Director Zheng that I would help you with the assessment first." Yu Xiaocheng closed his notebook and said with a smile: "He said that your contract will expire next year. If you don't have a heavyweight article, it will be difficult to be re-hired by the school. And Director Zheng and I have a special relationship, so I will definitely help you with this." Qian Feng shook Yu Xiaocheng's hand fiercely and said gratefully: "Xiao Cheng, thank you so much, and you can rest assured. During your doctoral study, I will fully support you in anything." In fact, this article is disliked by Yu Xiaocheng, but it is more than enough to cope with the assessment. The focus is on another article, and the other article does not have a so-called first author, only a solo author. "How is it?"

"Are you getting used to your first day at work?"

Zheng Yuanqiang asked Yu Xiaocheng out for lunch and asked him about his work situation.

"What's wrong with this? I'm not a rich man." Yu Xiaocheng said with a smile: "Speaking of which, why didn't you see your wife today?"

"You mean Tian Li?"

"She went on a business trip to other provinces and has not been at home these days." Zheng Yuanqiang's face was filled with a bright smile.


"Is it really that good without your wife by your side?" Yu Xiaocheng asked.

Zheng Yuanqiang winked at him and said mysteriously: "What do you think? If my little aunt goes on a business trip for a few days and leaves you to stay at home alone, do you think it would be nice?"


It seems pretty cool!

Yu Xiaocheng nodded repeatedly, and then replied helplessly: "Your little aunt doesn't seem to go out much."

"There will always be a chance." Zheng Yuanqiang said with a smile.

After lunch,

Yu Xiaocheng returned to the laboratory and sat there sending messages to his rich aunt, while Zheng Yanru in WeChat revealed her longing for him unabashedly.


Chatting on WeChat couldn't stop the rich woman's loneliness. Then she got a little emotional on the phone and said angrily: "You said you missed me, but you didn't even call me. Instead, I called you. Huh, man." None of them are good."

Yu Xiaocheng smiled awkwardly and replied in a squeaky voice: "I'm busy with work and can't get away from it."


"They are all excuses." Zheng Yanru sat in her office, pouting her plump red lips, and said angrily: "I still don't believe it. How can you be so busy that you don't even have time to make a phone call? You obviously don't think of me. , and said he was busy with work."

Got a little moody

At this moment, the aloof female CEO looked like a delicate girl, but at the same time, she still had the tenderness of a mature woman.

"Wrong, wrong."

Yu Xiaocheng quickly admitted his mistake and asked gently: "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll cook it for you."


"Here we go again."

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes and said with a hint of resentment, "Can't you try something new?"


"What kind of trick do you want? Literary or military?" Yu Xiaocheng asked meaningfully: "Or you can have both civil and military skills."

Although I didn’t understand what he was talking about, the obscene tone and ambiguous content were definitely not a good thing. The pretty, mature and wealthy woman blushed with embarrassment and said angrily: “You’re a pervert. You know that all day long. Thinking about this, if you dare not say anything, I will go find your Aunt Song to get the medicine and start drinking it tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone,

Zheng Yanru left the company and drove to Song Qinqin's home. Her best friend was resting today.

for a long time,

I patted the door a few times and quickly opened it from the inside.

"Where's my medicine?"

The rich woman asked straight to the point.

Song Qinqin rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Every time you look for me, don't you want to come and see me? They are still sisters. They are just plastic sisters."

"What nonsense"

"I am a woman with a husband now, and I can no longer play with you, a single dog." Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes at her, with a hint of arrogance and malice in her eyebrows.

The next second.

The two sisters started fighting. It was tearing to be precise, but of course it was just a joke.

"I'm furious."

"Isn't it great that you stinky bitch has a husband?" Song Qinqin, who was sitting on the sofa, panted and stared at her and Zheng Yanru beside her, angrily.

Zheng Yanru was also panting heavily and replied leisurely: "It's true. If you have a husband, you can really do whatever you want."


"It's possible to steal Sister Fangfang's son," Song Qinqin pouted and muttered in a low voice.


"I heard it all!"

Zheng Yanru grabbed the headrest and threw it on her good sister.

After another period of fun, the sisters returned to the topic.

"This is your little husband's traditional Chinese medicine. Don't drink more than one bag a day. If you overdo it, your nose will bleed." Song Qinqin put a bag of medicine on the dining table, and then looked at the rich woman carefully.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"I noticed that your skin has gotten better lately!"

Song Qinqin narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully: "It seems that your dry land has finally ushered in the rainy season."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The pretty and wealthy woman blushed with embarrassment and asked softly: "You are alone anyway, why don't you come to my house for dinner? How about staying at my house by the way?"


Song Qinqin didn't think too much and agreed directly.

Seeing that her good sister agreed, the rich woman felt secretly happy. At this moment, she couldn't wait to feed Song Qinqin a mouthful of dog food.

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