After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 135 She doesn’t have a fever, she has a tantrum!

Zheng Yanru did not go back to the company, but drove her good sister home.

Along the way, the two of them chatted about various topics, from women's care to men's care. In short, when no one is around in private, words between women are usually very perverted.

"Really do not have?"

"Then why do you feel a little rosy?" Song Qinqin looked at her doubtfully, looked at the good sister who was driving, and asked curiously: "It's like a state after a long drought. Could it be that yes"

Speaking of which,

Song Qinqin's expression was a little horrified.

"What and what!"

"It's not what you think!" Although I don't know what she is talking about, it is not a good content anyway. The pretty and mature woman rolled her eyes and replied in a squeaky voice: "I am the son of Sister Fangfang and I. The two of us were just playing the game of feeding the baby.”


As soon as Song Qinqin opened his mouth, he suddenly realized something. He carefully looked at the open-mindedness of his sisters and murmured to himself: "Not to mention the fact that I haven't seen you for a few days, it feels even worse. It turns out it's all the fault of Sister Fangfang's son."


"Stop making fun of me."

The pretty and wealthy woman glared at her fiercely and replied angrily: "I think you are a sister, so I told you this secret. You can use this to make fun of me."

"Yo yo yo."

"Don't you usually make fun of me a lot? Especially after you fell in love with Sister Fangfang's son." Song Qinqin rolled his eyes at her and said angrily: "Even if you don't mention Sister Fangfang's son, you often laugh at me. My breasts. The more I think about it, the more angry I get. How did I know you?"

Zheng Yanru pursed her lips in embarrassment and said hesitantly: "Okay, okay. I was wrong."


"You want to end it with just 'I was wrong'?" Song Qinqin snorted and said seriously: "You must give me a sports car. I want a Porsche convertible sports car."

"Give, give, give!"

Zheng Yanru said softly: "When the final payment for several projects I have arrives, I will buy them for you as soon as possible."

"That's pretty much it!"

Under the ruthless money offensive, Song Qinqin lost his temper in an instant. He bit his lips and whispered softly: "Yanru. A very handsome male doctor came to our hospital. I went to eat at noon today and met him in the cafeteria. He, oh, he fascinated me."

"Love at first sight?"

Zheng Yanru raised her eyebrows lightly, glanced at her with a gossipy face, and asked curiously: "How handsome is he? More handsome than my handsome boy?"


"It's a different type."

"Your family is a sunny boy, and the one I'm interested in is a family type." Song Qinqin replied.

Zheng Yanru pursed her lips and murmured: "My little man is also very homely, and he is also very smart, but he is a bit naughty and astringent. He has countless dirty things in his head every day, which makes him tired to death. ”

Although the rich woman complained, Song Qinqin could see that she was actually enjoying it.


The two sisters came home, sat on the sofa and continued chatting. Most of the content was related to men. They didn't know how long it had been. Suddenly they heard the sound of unlocking, and Yu Xiaocheng came back with a bag of vegetables. .


"Our great scientist is back."

Song Qinqin looked at Sister Fangfang's son and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, our great scientist. It's your first day at work. Can a great scientist still adapt to the environment of Shenzhen University?"


"I'm talking about Aunt Song. We have no grievances. Why did you suddenly start teasing me?" Faced with Aunt Song's teasing, Yu Xiaocheng didn't care. He said to the rich woman and Aunt Song: "I'm going to cook." , you continue chatting.”

As soon as the words fell,

He turned around and walked into the kitchen.


"I really didn't expect Sister Fangfang's son to be so good!" Song Qinqin touched the good sister next to him with his elbow and whispered: "If I had found out earlier, I would have come to snatch it from you, but it's a pity that I waited After knowing it, you and him are already flying together. "

"Even if you know, you can't compete with me." Zheng Yanru replied softly: "He likes plump mature women. Although you are a mature woman, you are not plump at all."

Song Qinqin almost went crazy. He stared at her so angrily that his back molars almost broke. However, he couldn't find a reason to refute. It was indeed what the sisters said. A mature woman is a mature woman, but she doesn't taste like a mature woman at all. .

for a long time,

A sumptuous dinner is ready.

Song Qinqin sat at the dining table, looking at the dishes in front of him, his face full of envy, jealousy and hatred. Why couldn't he meet such a little man?


In fact, I also encountered it, but I didn't notice it at the time.

When Song Qinqin picked up a pair of chopsticks and was about to pick up the food, he suddenly noticed Zheng Yanru sitting next to her best friend's son on the opposite side, pointing at a certain dish, and then Sister Fangfang's son picked up that dish. , slowly into her mouth.

In an instant.

Song Qinqin felt like his good sister had opened his mouth and poured tons of dog food into his mouth.

"Hey Hey hey!"

" are going too far! Can you pay attention to the impact?" Song Qinqin slammed the table and said angrily: "Are you going to let people eat?"

The pretty and mature rich woman raised her eyes and glanced at her, then pressed her closer and said softly: "My little man feeds me. What does it have to do with you? Just eat yours. You are really nosy."


"I want to eat this!"

My mother's best friend pointed at another fish, and then gently tugged on his sleeve.

The current situation was very clear. Yu Xiaocheng could see the rich woman's inner plan at a glance. She wanted to show affection in front of her sisters. In fact, in the final analysis, it was the strange comparison between women that was at work.

what to do?

Only served cold

If I don't do all the tricks with her today, I won't be able to sleep at night.

Yu Xiaocheng picked up the fish and carefully brought it to the rich woman's mouth, watching her take the fish into her mouth.

The next second.

There was brief eye contact with each other.

Looking at the rich aunt winking at him, Yu Xiaocheng suddenly got a big headache. She wanted to feed her with her mouth.

Yu Xiaocheng shook his head, but in an instant his waist was pinched, and severe pain swept through his body, almost causing him to faint from the pain.

no way.

Facing the powerful, pretty and wealthy woman, Yu Xiaocheng could only agree.

at the same time,

Song Qinqin, who was still furious at first, disappeared instantly after tasting the taste. While drinking ice-cold Coke and eating delicious food, he felt regretful in his heart. A perfect husband slipped away from her. The key slipped into the arms of good sisters.

Eat and eat


Song Qinqin inadvertently raised her head and saw a shadow that she would never forget for the rest of her life.

Sister Fangfang's son picked up a piece of beef brisket and put it into his own mouth. After chewing it for a few times, the rich woman leaning next to him suddenly held his cheek and covered her best friend's son's with her plump red lips. On the mouth.


No way!

Is this the legendary feeding by mouth?

"Don't eat it!"

Song Qinqin put down the bowl and shouted angrily: "You stinky bitch, I know you have no good intentions. You said you were inviting me to dinner, but in fact you just wanted to show your affection in front of me and let me eat your dog food. "

"Go home! I want to go home!"

Song Qinqin stood up and walked towards the door angrily.

Zheng Yanru had quick eyesight and quick hands, so she hurriedly pulled her back and said embarrassedly: "Okay, okay. I'm just kidding you. You are still looking at me anxiously. Sit down quickly."


"Are you kidding me?"

"It's obviously just rubbing salt into the wound!"

Song Qinqin glared at his good sister, silently picked up the chopsticks and said seriously: "Eat well and don't do these tricks, otherwise you will go home."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Zheng Yanru also became honest and sat obediently next to her best friend's son.

After dinner,

Yu Xiaocheng naturally took over the task of clearing the table and was busy in the kitchen alone, while the rich aunt held her good sister's arm and kept making her happy.

"Okay, okay."

"It was indeed my fault before." Zheng Yanru said softly: "In order to make up for my fault, how about I sleep with you tonight?"

Song Qinqin rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Now you know you are starting to please me? Why did you go there so early?"

The rich aunt smiled awkwardly and replied in a low voice: "Oh, let's just drop this topic. Don't hold on to it. What about that? Do you have anything you want to drink? Do you want Sister Fangfang's son to give it to you? Do you squeeze a glass of orange juice?”

"never mind."

"I've been busy since I got off work, so I won't bother him." Song Qinqin sighed and said to himself with emotion: "You are so lucky to have picked up such a great man. I’m almost crying.”

Zheng Yanru showed a sweet and happy smile and responded: "Indeed. Sometimes when I think about it carefully, I am really lucky. Look at him. He is really young, handsome, strong, smart, considerate and caring. It's a pity that he is a bit Lustful.”


"Then you can have some fun!"

"The more lustful a man is in a married life, the more stable the relationship will be." Song Qinqin replied seriously: "This is based on scientific evidence."


Zheng Yanru frowned and asked doubtfully, "Why do I feel like you are lying to me?"

"Are you happy now?" Song Qinqin asked.



The rich aunt nodded and said squeakingly: "I'm quite happy, but sometimes he does random things."


Song Qinqin looked her up and down and said meaningfully: "I see this is all your acquiescence. In fact, you little coquettish person has already enjoyed it to the point where you can't extricate yourself!"

at this time,

Yu Xiaocheng walked out of the kitchen.


"Why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?" Yu Xiaocheng looked at the rich aunt and asked curiously.

"Get out!"

The rich woman let go of Song Qinqin's arm and trotted into the bedroom.

"Aunt Song?"

"What's wrong with her?"

Yu Xiaocheng asked Song Qinqin with a confused look on his face.


"Maybe I'm angry"

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