After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 136 Shouldn’t you call me dad?

The nights are quiet.

After Yu Xiaocheng finished taking a bath, he returned to the rich aunt's bedroom. When he opened the door, he saw his mother's best friend sitting on the bedside, holding a tablet and doing something unknown. The lights in the room were not turned on either. However, the light source of the screen illuminated the rich woman’s face very clearly.

"what happened?"

"Why don't you turn on the light?"

Just as Yu Xiaocheng was about to turn on the light, the rich aunt said: "Don't drive, just get in."

Hearing that she didn't want to turn on the light, Yu Xiaocheng had nothing to do, but it wasn't like he couldn't see the way clearly. He slowly walked to the edge of the bed, lifted the quilt, and got in with a hiss, only to find that the next second... a plump mature woman next to him. Just arched in.

"Why is it so hot?"

"You're not really arrogant, are you?" Yu Xiaocheng hugged his mother's best friend, feeling her slightly hot body, and asked seriously.

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense to me. I'm already hot after taking a shower, and besides, my aunt is a little bit slutty. What do you think? Don't you like aunties who are a little bit slutty?"

"I used to like it, but now I'm a little scared." Yu Xiaocheng didn't hide it, and said with a smile: "Auntie's fighting ability is too strong."


"Obviously you are too weak, you little weakling." Zheng Yanru hugged his waist, snuggled tightly into the arms of her best friend's son, and murmured: "Suddenly I realized that I was quite lucky to be able to harvest you. Such a little husband.”

"I also feel that I am very lucky to have a wife like you." Yu Xiaocheng smelled the smell of her shampoo, felt the pressure on her delicate body, and said softly: "Okay, okay. Time is running out. It’s early, go to bed quickly, I still have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, I have asked Qiangqiang a long time ago. You have completed 90% of the content ahead of schedule, and now you are fishing in the laboratory every day."

Damn it

Unexpectedly, he with thick eyebrows and big eyes would also rebel and change!

Yu Xiaocheng was so angry that he originally thought that he and Zheng Yuanqiang were standing in the same boat, but he never expected that he would be sold out when he turned around. In this case, don't blame me for being rude to someone.

"I'll report it!"

"Your nephew's wife is not at home these days, and your nephew is a little crazy." Yu Xiaocheng said seriously.

As soon as the words fell,

Zheng Yanru's face darkened. She reached for her mobile phone and was about to dial Zheng Yuanqiang's number. At this time, Yu Xiaocheng hurriedly snatched the phone away.

"No, no, no."

"Actually, your nephew is under a lot of pressure. Let him relax properly." Yu Xiaocheng said seriously: "I think Tian Li means the same thing. You may not know that your nephew is running for the position of vice president. It can be said that there are many obstacles.”

"I won't scold him, but I will warn him not to act recklessly outside." Zheng Yanru said.


"He was so squeezed by Tian Li that he was completely empty. He couldn't do anything bad even if he wanted to. He has been unable to support himself for several days," Yu Xiaocheng said.

The rich aunt suddenly raised her eyebrows lightly, looked at her little husband meaningfully, and murmured: "Lily's method is really good. She knew she was going on a business trip and paralyzed her husband in advance. In the future, aunt will do the same. Whenever Auntie goes on a long journey, just wait to die."

Yu Xiaocheng shrank his head, but pretended not to care. He held his head high and said, "It's not certain who will die when the time comes."


The rich aunt reached out and pinched his cheek, and said angrily: "Then let's wait and see who begs for mercy first."

In the following time, the two of them chatted quietly in bed, and Yu Xiaocheng fell asleep without knowing it. Looking at the little man close at hand, the rich woman secretly kissed him, then snuggled into his arms, and gradually The ground also became sleepy.

The next morning,

Song Qinqin yawned and walked out of the second bedroom.

She thought she would be disturbed and unable to sleep last night, but nothing happened and she slept comfortably all night. As soon as she left the second bedroom, she smelled the aroma of meat porridge, which instantly whetted her appetite.

"Aunt Song?"

"Are you awake so early?" Yu Xiaocheng appeared with a pot of porridge. Looking at the confused Song Qinqin, he said with a smile: "Wash up. You can have breakfast."

"Xiao Cheng."

"Do you usually get up so early?" Song Qinqin asked curiously.


Yu Xiaocheng nodded and replied casually: "Absolutely. After all, I have to prepare breakfast for your good sister, and then send her to work."

Hearing his explanation, Song Qinqin felt jealous in his heart, but even if he was jealous at this moment, it would be useless. After all, they both rolled into the same bed, and Xiao Cheng was too young and a bit inappropriate for him.

at this time,

Zheng Yanru also came out of the bedroom, but compared to Song Qinqin's formal attire, she looked like she did when she went to bed last night, wearing black lace underwear and a black gauze nightgown, showing off all the beauty of a mature woman.

Song Qinqin saw it in his eyes and felt angry in his heart. What did this bitch eat when she grew up? Why do you have such a good figure?

Soon the three of them had breakfast, the rich woman took her good sisters out, and Yu Xiaocheng also rushed to the laboratory.

When he came to the laboratory and looked at the occupied laboratory, he realized that today's laboratory belonged to another team. When he was about to leave, a middle-aged man suddenly stopped him.

"Who are you."

"Are you Yu Xiaocheng?"

Following the voice, Yu Xiaocheng looked at him and nodded silently: "Yes, I am."

"It's really you!"

"Director Zheng and Xiao Qian told me that they didn't expect to meet you the next day." The middle-aged man went up and held Yu Xiaocheng's hand tightly, and said softly: "My name is Zhong Hai. He is also an associate professor and his research field is similar to his.”

"Hello, Professor Zhong."

Yu Xiaocheng faced Zhong Hai, who was familiar with him, and said with a smile: "I have admired his name for a long time."

"You complimented me."

"I guess you haven't heard of any of my bad articles." Zhong Hai said with a smile: "But I have read a few of your articles. It is no exaggeration to say that with your current level, you are completely qualified to become an associate professor. "

Yu Xiaocheng just smiled and didn't say much.

"Just right!"

"I encountered a problem that is difficult to solve." Zhong Hai asked awkwardly and politely: "Is it okay?"

"Let me take a look first."

After all, they share the same laboratory, so Yu Xiaocheng can't refuse. In addition, he himself is also curious about what kind of problem it is.

A little while,

Yu Xiaocheng sat in front of a computer and saw the questions asked by Zhong Hai. At the same time, he was surrounded by students.

In fact, most people don’t know Yu Xiaocheng. Unless they are in the scientific research circle, and also in the physics research circle, they will have heard of Yu Xiaocheng and the mentor behind him. Therefore, when several students present saw him , seeing the instructor inviting a boy younger than himself to solve the problem at hand, I was a little confused and shocked for a while.

who is he? Can he do it?

At this time,

Yu Xiaocheng took out a pen and calculated on the white paper.

Several students present looked around, but no one could understand what was written.

"Do you understand?"

"I can't understand what I'm writing."

"Me too, I thought I was the only one who didn't understand."

While several students were whispering, Yu Xiaocheng suddenly said to Zhong Hai: "It seems. There seems to be something wrong with the reference data, Professor Zhong. I have calculated your experiments and there are no specific errors. I personally doubt it." It’s a question of reference data.”

"A problem with reference data?"

Zhong Hai looked at the screen carefully, and then at what Yu Xiaocheng wrote on the paper, and he roughly guessed what was going on.

In fact, Yu Xiaocheng also guessed the specific reason, but there are some things that cannot be said clearly, especially when so many students are present, so he can only use ambiguous words to tell Zhong Hai the real reason.

Zhong Hai called Yu Xiaocheng out alone and asked cautiously: "What should we do? The other party is a master, and he will make it difficult for him to get off the stage."

"Why don't you ask Director Zheng?" Yu Xiaocheng didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, so he replied helplessly: "Professor Zhong, I think we should call him first, talk to him, and then let him go all the way. Anyway, it’s not your problem if you are found out.”

"That's true."

Zhong Hai nodded. The current situation can only go wrong all the way. After all, one side is a big shot in the circle and cannot afford to offend. The other side is to re-select the topic, but the funds have been spent. At this time, the school has to start again. Definitely don't agree.

"It's really troublesome."

"Who would have thought that such a problem would arise." Zhong Hai sighed and said to himself distressedly.


This situation is very common.

It is said that the entertainment industry is the dirtiest existence. In fact, the circle that Yu Xiaocheng is in is no worse than the entertainment industry. The key is that it is the same all over the world.

Yu Xiaocheng pushed away Zheng Yuanqiang's office and saw his eldest nephew talking on the phone. At this moment, his face was full of panic and fear.

"Yes Yes Yes"

"Little aunt, don't worry, I. I will definitely not mess around!"

"Let's talk about Tian Li's explosive temper. Don't you know, little aunt? She's exactly the same as you!"

"Oh okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Yuanqiang took a long breath and looked at his uncle sitting opposite, suddenly feeling very angry.

"Little uncle!"

"You've gone a bit too far! You actually blew the pillow wind in my little aunt's ear." Zheng Yuanqiang said angrily.

"Obviously you betrayed me first!" Yu Xiaocheng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You told your little aunt that I spent all day fishing in the laboratory."

Then the two started talking bad about each other, and then made various threats.

at this time,

Zheng Xingguo's phone call came suddenly. Yu Xiaocheng glanced at it and said hurriedly: "Your little aunt's father called me."

"Take it."

Zheng Yuanqiang lifted the teacup and took a sip.


"Why are you looking for me?" Yu Xiaocheng answered the phone and asked.

In an instant,

Zheng Yuanqiang looked confused and stared at his little uncle in shock.

Old brother?

Shouldn't it be called dad?

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