In the past few days, the two helped each other.

Gu Xiaoxi took Tang Xiao to practice martial arts and physical fitness.

Tang Xiao helped Gu Xiaoxi with his homework.

Gu Xiaoxi was the provincial high school martial arts champion, but his academic performance was not so good.

Tang Xiao felt a little tired when guiding Gu Xiaoxi.

"Gu Xiaoxi, if your academic score is higher, you can go to a better university.……"Tang Xiao carefully analyzed the situation for Gu Xiaoxi.

Gu Xiaoxi was depressed:"It would be great if there was a way to directly add extra points. Studying is so tiring."

"It's not tiring. You can use the time you spend watching movies and anime to study. Just watch more and learn more."

"But what should I do if I don’t want to watch or learn?"


Gu Xiaoxi was good at sports and martial arts, but she was not very interested in learning culture.

At this moment, an inopportune voice came.

"Yo yo yo!"

"I was wondering why there was a noise here? It turns out that a couple is having an affair here."

Followed by malicious laughter.

Five people dressed as gangsters walked in.

The five people blocked the way of Tang Xiao and Gu Xiaoxi.

Almost all of these gangsters had permed hair, and their hair even covered their eyes.

The gangster in the lead was wearing tight pants and moccasins, holding a cigarette in his hand.

He spit the cigarette on Tang Xiao and Gu Xiaoxi's faces, looked Gu Xiaoxi up and down, and showed an impudent smile.

"Boy, your girl is pretty good. Lend her to us for fun."

The other hooligans all showed obscene smiles.

"Boy, we'll lend it to us for a few days and we'll return it to you when we're done. Hahahaha!"

This is an abandoned old factory, and almost no one comes here.

So they are very rampant.

Tang Xiao frowned and thought quickly about countermeasures.

Oops! How could we run into hooligans!

No, I have to let Xiaoxi get away first.

He calmly took a half step forward and protected Gu Xiaoxi.

He whispered to Gu Xiaoxi:"Xiaoxi, I'll hug the guy on the right and you seize the opportunity to rush out. You are a sports student, and they probably can't outrun you."

Tang Xiao observed and found that the guy on the right was shorter and thinner, so he should be able to serve as a breakthrough.

There were two of them, but there were five people on the other side!

And they were all gangsters, and they might even be carrying weapons. It was too dangerous, so they had to run.

Gu Xiaoxi nodded and said to Tang Xiao:"Okay. There will be four on my left and one on your right! I'll help you when I'm done here."


Tang Xiao's mind was full of question marks, what was she talking about?

Tang Xiao was still confused, when he saw Gu Xiaoxi's extremely agile figure rushing out from behind him!

A clean and neat side kick kicked the leading thug in the lower abdomen.

The thug flew out and hit the ground, saliva dripping from his mouth.

The whole action was heroic and done in one go.

Gu Xiaoxi got ready and glared at the others:"Who else!"


The younger brothers were very anxious. They had never thought that this woman would dare to attack them. They were even more furious when their boss was beaten.

"Let’s go together and kill this bitch!"

""Hey! How dare you tease a decent man and woman? Let me show you how I'm going to deal with you!" There was no panic on Gu Xiaoxi's face, only excitement.

Tang Xiao was stunned, and he quickly hugged one of them.

The other three also rushed towards Gu Xiaoxi.

Gu Xiaoxi started fighting with the three.

Kicks in the crotch, stabbing in the eyes, kicking in the knees... all of which were moves that had never been taught in martial arts school.

After dealing with the three, Gu Xiaoxi flew up her beautiful long legs, and with a beautiful roundhouse kick, she dealt with the last one that Tang Xiao was holding.

The five gangsters lay on the ground, shouting"ouch ouch".

Tang Xiao was stunned.

Oh my! Is this the fighting power of the provincial martial arts champion! Awesome!

Gu Xiaoxi straightened her skirt, then patted Tang Xiao's shoulder in a pretentious manner.

"Humph, I said I would protect you. How about you, little bro? Handsome or not?"

"Handsome, handsome, the police will be here soon."Tang Xiao also called the police quickly.

After a while, the police came and everyone went to the police station.

Police station.

However, Gu Xiaoxi had an argument with the police.

Gu Xiaoxi argued:"Uncle police, I told you. It was these five hooligans who took a fancy to my friend and wanted to do something wrong. I was just acting bravely to help others."

When she said this, she pointed at Tang Xiao, who had a black line on his face.

The police looked at Tang Xiao, then at Gu Xiaoxi, and frowned:"Your friend is quite handsome, but all five of them confessed that they took a fancy to you. They just didn't expect you to be so good at fighting. This is self-defense, not acting bravely to help others."

Tang Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was embarrassed to death. It was so embarrassing. Gu Xiaoxi refused to accept:"It's not self-defense, it's clearly acting bravely to help others! Tang Xiao, come here and explain to the police uncle, whether these hooligans took a fancy to you!"

Tang Xiao's face looked ugly. He ignored Gu Xiaoxi directly and said to the police politely,"I'm sorry, uncle policeman, my friend is not very smart. She is crazy about getting extra points in the college entrance examination."

Tang Xiao saw through Gu Xiaoxi's little thoughts at a glance.

There are extra points in the college entrance examination for being brave and righteous, but there are no extra points for self-defense.

This is why Gu Xiaoxi argued.

Gu Xiaoxi is not good at studying and wants to have bad intentions.

So when she saw the gangster, she was more excited than the gangster.

She thought she could get extra points in the college entrance examination.

The police are not stupid. Can't they tell whether it was a brave and righteous act or self-defense?

But they were really surprised to learn that this little girl was fighting five people alone.

The police nodded at Tang Xiao:"I can understand. Little girl, your boyfriend is sensible, you should listen to your boyfriend more."

Tang Xiao looked obedient and more rational.

Gu Xiaoxi blushed and said embarrassedly,"What boyfriend? Don't, don't talk nonsense... He is not my boyfriend yet.……"

"We are not lovers. Police uncle, you misunderstood."Tang Xiao also hurriedly explained.

Gu Xiaoxi secretly snorted.


"Sorry." The police said:"The five people who attacked you are from another school. Their parents have been notified. We will educate them well."

"OK, excuse me, police officer."

"Just sign here."

"Well, okay."

Gu Xiaoxi was still protesting:"I don't accept it! I am acting bravely!"

"Let's go, don't embarrass yourself. I'm sorry, police officer. I'm sorry.……"

Tang Xiao smiled awkwardly as he dragged Gu Xiaoxi out of the police station.

The sky gradually darkened and street lights were lit up.

The two walked on the roadside, their shadows sometimes longer and sometimes shorter.

Gu Xiao chattered about what happened today, while Tang Xiao smiled and listened to her.

"I tell you, in our school, there are few who can beat me. These five little bastards are nothing."

"You are so good, otherwise why would I come to learn from you?"

"That's right, your master is not an ordinary person."Gu Xiaoxi was very proud.

Under a street lamp, Tang Xiao suddenly stopped.

He said seriously:"Xiaoxi, thank you today."

Gu Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, then scratched his nose with his thumb and posed in a pose that he thought was handsome.

"You protected me before, now I will protect you!"

"Have I protected you?"

"You actually forgot!"

"Um... can you give me a hint?"

"What a tip! You can even forget something like this!" Gu Xiaoxi said angrily.

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