Xin Ling looked very happy:

""Please use more force, yes, yes, right here, it feels good~"

The massage was over, her neck was no longer painful, Xin Ling felt refreshed, and she stretched.

Her waistline was very beautiful, full at the top and bottom and thin in the middle.

But Tang Xiao didn't dare to look at it any more.

This is a teacher, you can't mess around.

Xin Ling twisted her shoulders:"If I feel pain again in the future, I'll trouble you."

"No problem, teacher."

Xin Ling is usually very fierce, but at this moment he looks very nice when he smiles.

Tang Xiao was stunned for a moment, the contrast is so great. It was the first time he saw the head teacher so friendly. Usually he was fierce and had a very loud voice.

"Then teacher, I will go to class first"

"Go ahead. By the way, call Xia Yuxi over."


Tang Xiao left, and after a while Xia Yuxi came.

Seeing Xia Yuxi, Xin Ling no longer acted as reserved as she did in front of other students.

She couldn't wait to pull Xia Yuxi and said:

"Yuxi, I've helped you check it out. Tang Xiao is a good person, I agree with your marriage."

Xia Yuxi's pretty face turned red, and she slapped Xin Ling in a scolding manner.

"What marriage... Sister Ling! Don't... don't talk nonsense!"

Xia Yuxi actually called Xin Ling sister.

It turned out that Xia Yuxi and Xin Ling's parents were good friends.

The two grew up playing together and were good sisters and girlfriends.

Xin Ling is only in her twenties this year. She is actually not much older than these high school students in the class.

Xin Ling is young and beautiful. If she changes into school uniform and sneaks in to class, there will be no problem at all.

Xin Ling and Xia Yuxi have been close since childhood and can talk about almost everything.

Xin Ling certainly knew that Xia Yuxi had a crush on Tang Xiao.

As a class teacher, she should have stopped early love.

But these two people, one is the first in the grade and the other is the second in the grade.

Xia Yuxi is still her good sister. She is the class teacher, she can eat melons and be a referee, so this matter is so interesting!

Xin Ling was not very old, and now she is even more playful.

Xin Ling likes to see Xia Yuxi shy, and joked:

"I asked for you, the two women yesterday were not Tang Xiao's girlfriends."

Xia Yuxi looked at Xin Ling, and her depressed face suddenly brightened up.


Xia Yuxi was upset all night because of this, and her eyes were red from crying.

If other students knew that the goddess Xia Yuxi was sad and crying for another boy, they would be so jealous that they would bite their teeth to pieces.

Xin Ling patted his chest and promised

"I think Tang Xiao is a good person. He is worthy of being entrusted with life."

Tang Xiao is sincere and serious, and is definitely a good person.

Xia Yuxi blushed even more.

"Cousin, please stop talking nonsense. I...I just have a little crush on him.……"

"What are you afraid of? With my help, how can you lose to others?"

Xin Ling herself has never been in love, but it is so exciting to give advice to others and watch others fall in love.

Xia Yuxi is introverted and timid.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have barely spoken to Tang Xiao for so long.

Xia Yuxi was shy and flustered:"Sister Ling, please, please don't mess around."

Xia Yuxi knew Xin Ling's personality and she was very panicked.

""Okay, okay, I'll try to control myself."

Xin Ling showed a naughty smile on her face. She really liked Xia Yuxi's panic.

The more scared Xia Yuxi was, the more excited she was.


Tang Xiao returned to the classroom, and Liu Zihao came over quickly.

He touched Tang Xiao's hand, and then touched Tang Xiao's feet.

"How come you are intact?"

Tang Xiao laughed:"You unfilial son, you wish I was missing some arms and legs?"

Liu Zihao asked:"Tell me the truth, how did Teacher Xin punish you?"

Tang Xiao's hands still had a faint fragrance, he recalled the massage just now

"Punishment... should be considered a punishment"

"What punishment?"

"It's... corporal punishment."

Tang Xiao could only answer perfunctorily.

If he told the truth, he would have to explain for a long time, which was exhausting.


The class bell rang.

All the students in Class 7 returned to their seats.

Xia Yuxi was the last to come in. She lowered her head and didn't dare to look in Tang Xiao's direction.

Xin Ling walked into the classroom

"Attend class!"

"stand up!"

"Hello teacher~"

"Please take a seat!"

"Thank you, Teacher!"

After completing the whole process,

Xin Ling still looked serious, but a sly smile flashed in his eyes.

"Now, I will make some adjustments to the seats of some students so that they can learn from each other and promote each other."

Adjusting seats is a daily operation of the class teacher, and everyone is used to it.

Xin Ling said coldly.

"Tang Xiao, you sit next to Xia Yuxi. Sun Mei (Xia Yuxi's former deskmate), you sit in Tang Xiao's seat."

This means that Tang Xiao and Xia Yuxi will be deskmates from now on.


Liu Zihao's pen was broken by the pinch, and his back teeth were about to break.

His eyes were red, and he shouted in his heart:


This son of a bitch actually bribed the teacher! It's so despicable!

Jealousy made him unrecognizable. The other male students in the class were not much better.

The classmates whispered:

"Oh my god! Why is Tang Xiao and Xia Yuxi together? Why?"

"Shouldn't the head teacher punish him? Why reward him?"

Amidst the murderous aura, Tang Xiao moved to Xia Yuxi's side with his books.

Tang Xiao was speechless. He felt the murderous aura around him and felt depressed.

Teacher, please don't mess with me.

He had a lot of questions about Xin Ling's operation.

Xia Yuxi didn't dare to raise her face, and her ears were as red as cherries.

"I hope you two can learn from each other and go further."

Xin Ling had a dignified look on his face, but he was laughing wildly inside.

Hahaha! Together! Together!

"There will be another mock exam next week, so everyone should prepare well. Then the class will start. Open the textbook.……"

From time to time, birds chirped in the trees outside the window.

Since Tang Xiao sat next to her, Xia Yuxi never raised her head, and her movements were very stiff.

Her heartbeat was so fast: Tang Xiao is next to me, Tang Xiao is next to me, ah ah ah ah!!!

Unlike Xia Yuxi's nervousness.

Tang Xiao could only see Xia Yuxi's profile.

Xia Yuxi's ears were red.

Tang Xiao was puzzled: Her ears are so red, could this be the legendary endocrine disorder? I'll go back and ask Xiaoxi and Grandpa Gu. My medical knowledge still has a lot of room for improvement.

In the next few days.

Xin Ling often called Tang Xiao to the office and asked Tang Xiao to give her a massage.

This afternoon.

In the abandoned old factory next to the coal machinery factory community.

Tang Xiao and Gu Xiaoxi were exercising

"Do 100 push-ups first, then 30 pull-ups. The movements should be standard and not shaky.……"

Gu Xiaoxi instructed Tang Xiao on his movements.

Gu Xiaoxi wore her signature white short-sleeved shirt and grey pleated skirt, and her legs were straight and white.

Tang Xiao's forehead was covered in sweat, but fortunately his wounds had almost healed.

It was finally time to rest.

Tang Xiao moved his sore shoulders.

Gu Xiaoxi said disdainfully:"You did these push-ups, and your arms are shaking like wings. What do you want to do, fly to the sky?"

Tang Xiao was also unhappy:"I've only been practicing for a few days?"

"A thin dog is still a thin dog. You are obviously stupid."

"Who is stupid? Who wrote cosplay as cos on the math test paper?"Tang Xiao said sarcastically.

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