Liu Zihao rushed over and hugged Tang Xiao's neck

"You scumbag! How could you do that behind my back?"

Liu Zihao was not as tall as Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao felt very uncomfortable being strangled by the neck.

"No one can carry you. I can't carry you. Let go of your father. I can't breathe."

"You, tell the truth!" Liu Zihao held on and refused to let go.

"What to explain?"

"What were those two beauties doing yesterday?"

It turned out that Tang Xiao was dragged to the grove by Tang Xin to talk yesterday, and then they had a quarrel.

Then, he was dragged to skip class by Gu Xiaoxi who came out of nowhere.

This was seen by the whole class.

"You actually held hands! I have never held a girl's hand in my 18 years of life! You actually!" Liu Zihao was distressed:"I thought that I was not as good as you in study, but I should be single before you, right? I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are actually the Sea King! None of us saw through your human nature!"

Tang Xiao suddenly felt a headache:"Bullshit Sea King, one of them is my former sister, and the other is my neighbor."

Liu Zihao stuffed Tang Xiao with a few more punches:"Good boy, you don't even give them a name, you talk nonsense, listen to what you say, are you talking human words!" Liu Zihao frowned and said coldly:"Rebellious son! Not loyal!"

Tang Xiao was speechless.

What's good about being pestered by Tang Xin? It's quite painful.

Liu Zihao's mentality is normal.

He is afraid that his brother will suffer, and he is also afraid that his brother will drive a Land Rover.

The two were joking around when the bell rang.

Everyone returned to their seats.

Xia Yuhe ran into the classroom as the bell rang.

Xia Yuxi is the school belle, and no matter where she is, people are paying attention to her.

Xia Yuxi's beautiful eyes were obviously a little red and swollen.

Liu Zihao poked Tang Xiao

"Xia Yuxi's eyes were swollen, obviously she cried last night. What happened to her? Who can make our school beauty unhappy?"

Tang Xiao shook his head

"Not sure."

Just at this time, a beautiful and mature figure walked in.

Xin Ling, a Chinese teacher, has been the head teacher of Tang Xiao's class since the third year of high school.

Xin Ling is in her twenties, tall, bright, and absolutely beautiful.

But as a teacher, she usually wears jeans and sky blue shirts, but she is still very beautiful.

Students from other classes envy Tang Xiao and others very much.

If they have a head teacher like Teacher Xin Ling, they will not have too many classes a day.

But Tang Xiao and others don't think so.

Teacher Xin is beautiful. But how can she be gentle and sweet as a head teacher? They are all ferocious!

Xin Ling treats students very fiercely and yells at them every day.

In the eyes of the students in Class 7, how can this be beautiful?

On the podium.

Xin Ling tilted his head slightly, with a serious expression, and looked like he was not easy to mess with.

"I want to inform you today that there are strangers sneaking into our school recently. Although no harm has occurred yet, this is not a good thing."

"The school has decided to build a barbed wire fence around the wall starting today. Students, please be careful not to wander around the construction area to avoid danger."

The classmates looked at each other.

Someone sneaked into our school?

Building a barbed wire fence?

Everyone looked at Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Why are you all looking at me? It shouldn't be because of me.

Will the school build a barbed wire fence because of what I did yesterday?

Am I that awesome?

Tang Xiao smiled awkwardly, and Teacher Xin actually glanced at him.

And Liu Zihao was gloating on the side and gave Tang Xiao a thumbs up.


Xin Ling started the class.

Tang Xiao had already memorized the text that Xin Ling taught today, and not only that, he had memorized a lot.

He originally wanted to take out the books of other subjects to read like in English class, but this was the class of the head teacher, so he should restrain himself for the time being.

Because for some reason, Tang Xiao felt that the head teacher kept looking at him today.

"Is it because I skipped class for more than ten minutes yesterday? That's not possible, it's obvious that she likes to bully the PE teacher the most."

Since Xin Ling became the head teacher, the PE teacher has been healthy for a few days. She always likes to take the PE teacher's class.

The bell finally rang.

Xin Ling:"Classmates, class is over! Your music teacher is sick. The next class is still my class, you take a rest first. Tang Xiao, come to my office!"

After she said that, she turned and left the classroom.

Liu Zihao was so excited that he danced with joy. He thought Tang Xiao was dead.

"Tang Xiao! Doing bad things will bring retribution! You should quickly accept the punishment of justice!"

""You don't want your father to be well, you are an unfilial son."

Tang Xiao cursed.

Puzzled, he followed Xin Ling to the office.

There was no one in the office.

Xin Ling was sitting, and Tang Xiao was standing.

Xin Ling asked very seriously:

"Tang Xiao, why did you fall in love too early? You even skipped classes for love too early! The principal told me about it.

Tang Xiao:"I admit that I skipped classes. But the teacher is wronged, I didn't fall in love too early."

Xin Ling didn't believe it:

"Unjust? So many people saw it yesterday, even the principal saw your girlfriend. Two of them, how do you explain it?"

Tang Xiao gave a rough account of what happened yesterday.

But he didn't mention the feud with the Tang family, and there was nothing to say.

Xin Ling listened, but still had doubts:

"Really? They are not your girlfriends?"

Tang Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

They are my girlfriends. Am I that awesome?

"Teacher, I swear."

Hearing this answer, Xin Ling seemed to be secretly relieved.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now. But you should pay attention to yourself and don't fall behind in your studies.……"

Tang Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief, finally getting through it.

"Good teacher!"

"It's okay, you can go back first." Xin Ling waved his hand and wanted to send Tang Xiao away.

But Tang Xiao stared at Xin Ling's neck for a while and said:"Teacher Xin, do you have a stiff neck?"

In fact, Xin Ling tilted his head to class today, and Tang Xiao could see that Xin Ling had a stiff neck.

Xin Ling rubbed his neck like a jade lotus root:"It's all because you made me angry."

The class teacher's usual rhetoric

""Teacher, I have learned some techniques. Would you like to try them?" Tang Xiao said.

Tang Xiao had learned some Chinese medicine, and the most learned were the techniques of massage and bone setting.

Because Grandma Deng was in poor health, Tang Xiao often gave Deng Yinglan massages and had rich experience.

Although Teacher Xin was usually fierce, he was actually responsible for his students and was a good person.

In his life, Tang Xiao would cherish everyone who was good to him.

Xin Ling became interested:"You have this skill? Come on, let the teacher try you."

Tang Xiao rolled up his sleeves, walked behind Xin Ling, and held Xin Ling's head.

"Teacher Xin, please bear with the pain."

"? Ah!!"

A cry of pain echoed in the office.

Xin Ling twisted his neck in joy.

"It really doesn't hurt anymore! Amazing, I didn't know you knew this!"

Tang Xiao also gave Xin Ling a shoulder and neck massage.

Xin Ling is very beautiful, has a good figure, and has creamy skin.

But Tang Xiao didn't think too much about it, he just gave the teacher a serious massage

"Teacher Xin, your shoulder is not in good condition. You have worked too hard for us, you should pay more attention to rest."Tang Xiao suggested sincerely.

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