This was Xin Ling's plan. She deliberately created an opportunity for the two.

After a while, the car drove to Tianhe Palace, which is also a villa area.

Xin Ling's villa is a flower-roofed villa, which is more luxurious than Tang's. There are tennis courts, swimming pools, etc. in the yard.

"Teacher Xin, is this your home?"Tang Xiao was unsure.

"Nonsense, can it not be my home?" Xin Ling said indifferently.

Tang Xiao didn't know.

The Xin family is one of the top wealthy families in Jiang'an City.

Xin Ling was born financially free, and being a teacher is just her personal hobby.

She chose to teach in No. 2 Middle School so that she could find Xia Yuxi to play with. The expensive pear wood dining table was full of dishes.

Xin Ling kept picking dishes for Tang Xiao:"Tang Xiao, eat more of this. You have been overusing your brain recently, so you should eat more."

"Thank you, teacher. You eat too. Don't worry about me. Although Tang Xiao was polite, he ate a lot. He ate as much as he could, neither humble nor arrogant.

Recently, he has been very hard in both study and exercise, and his appetite is really big.

So many dishes, it would be a waste if he ate them all. Besides, why should he be polite when his class teacher treats him?

Xia Yuxi lowered his head to eat the whole time, and his voice was almost as loud as a mosquito.

The way Tang Xiao eats... is also very handsome...

The two have been sitting at the same table for several days, but Xia Yuxi still doesn't dare to talk to Tang Xiao.

After eating and drinking, Xin Ling made a cup of expensive coffee for each of them, and the three of them chatted.

"Tang Xiao, who did you learn those techniques from? The effect is so good. I have tried many massage masters at home and abroad, but none of them are as good as yours."Xin Ling asked.

Xin Ling's shoulders and cervical spine are often not good. She has spent millions on it, but it is not as comfortable as Tang Xiao's massage.

"I learned it from my neighbor. It's not that exaggerated. It's just ordinary Chinese massage techniques, just massage according to the acupoints and meridians."

After Tang Xiao had a super memory, his speed of learning Chinese medicine improved by leaps and bounds. Even Gu Weiguo was shocked by Tang Xiao's learning speed.

This is not difficult for Tang Xiao.

Anyway, he can remember and learn it as long as he reads it once.

Tang Xiao's learning speed depends on his reading speed.

And Tang Xiao's reading speed is also very exaggerated. This is the learning speed called"quantum learning method" by Liu Zihao. The acupoints and meridians are remembered by heart.

Massage and bone setting are very simple things for Tang Xiao.

"Tang Xiao... you also know Chinese massage? That's amazing!"Xia Yuxi finally plucked up the courage to interrupt.

Not only is he good at studying, but he also knows Chinese medicine. This boy is so outstanding!

The school beauty Xia Yuxi sincerely praised

"No, no." Tang Xiao was habitually modest.

Xin Ling suddenly had an idea:"Tang Xiao, Xia Yuxi told me that she wanted to learn massage. You teach her. You two can practice on me." When

Xin Ling said this, Tang Xiao and Xia Yuxi were stunned.

Xia Yuxi's face flushed instantly, and she asked Xin Ling with her eyes: When did I say I wanted to learn? I just found out today that Tang Xiao can do massage, okay?

But Xin Ling also gave her a look: Am I showing off this move? Silly girl, cooperate with me quickly, don't just stand there like an idiot.

"I...Okay, classmate Tang Xiao, I really want to learn"

"Uh, okay."

The next scene was a bit weird.

The beautiful head teacher was lying comfortably on the sofa, happily serving as a tool.

The school beauty Xia Yuxi was learning massage techniques from Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao grabbed Xia Yuxi's hand and pressed an acupuncture point on Xin Ling's shoulder.

"This acupuncture point is here. You should press it here. Don't be dazed. Press harder. Look, Teacher Xin is about to fall asleep.……"

Xia Yuxi's movements were very stiff, and Tang Xiao was disgusted.

He didn't notice that Xia Yuxi's face from cheeks to ears was as red as a cherry.

Xia Yuxi's little heart was beating so fast that it was about to fly out.

We held hands! We held hands! Oh my god!

""Ah! You hurt me!" Xin Ling suddenly yelled

"Sister Ling, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Just bear with it. Xia Yuxi apologized quickly. She had pressed the wrong acupoint just now.

"How can you bear this pain? Come and try! Tang Xiao, hold her down!"

"Forget it, it's not good."

"Just try it. Once you try it, you won’t be a child anymore."


The two sisters were pulling and playing.

Tang Xiao wanted to laugh when he saw them. The atmosphere was very relaxed.

To be honest, he was probably the only one in the school who had seen such a lively head teacher and such a lovely school beauty.

I just wonder what his good brother Liu Zihao would think when he knew his current situation?

After playing for a while, it was almost time.

Xin Ling insisted on driving them home.

Xia Yuxi didn't live far away, so Xin Ling sent Xia Yuxi home first and then Tang Xiao.

But after sending Xia Yuxi home, Xin Ling parked the car on the side of the road.

Tang Xiao sat in the passenger seat:"What's wrong? Aren't you leaving yet?"

"Wait a moment." Xin Ling took out a shoe box from the trunk, which contained a pair of new sports shoes.

"Here, this is a thank you gift for giving me a massage."Xin Ling gave the shoe box to Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao quickly refused:"No, no. Teacher Xin, you have already treated me to a meal."

"Eating is eating, and thank you gifts are thank you gifts."Xin Ling insisted on handing it to Tang Xiao

"You are my class teacher, how can I take your things? It's inappropriate."

Tang Xiao pushed the shoes back

"Oh? Because I'm the class teacher, you won't take my things? Then, I'll treat you as my brother and you as my sister. Then we'll be brother and sister, and it'll be okay for you to take my things."

Xin Ling continued,"Yuxi also calls me sister, so from now on, you two will be my brother and sister, take them quickly."


"Look how long it has been since you changed into new shoes. You have worn the same pair of shoes for so long. The shoes have all turned white from washing."Xin Ling pushed the shoes to Tang Xiao.

Xin Ling liked Tang Xiao very much. She really regarded Tang Xiao as her younger brother.

She already had a good sister, Xia Yuxi. It would be so happy to have another good brother.

Besides, wouldn't it be more convenient for her to be the matchmaker since she became the elder sister of the two of them?

And Tang Xiao's nose was a little sour.

Xin Ling actually noticed that he had been wearing old shoes, which meant that the other party had been paying attention to him.

The things were not expensive. Xin Ling originally wanted to give him something more expensive, but Tang Xiao would not accept it if it was too expensive.

But this pair of shoes was also carefully selected by Xin Ling.

This gift was very thoughtful and considered from all aspects.

Moreover, during these few days of getting along, Xin Ling really took care of Tang Xiao like a sister.

She also brought Tang Xiao home and had no defense against him at all.

Tang Xiao has four biological sisters, but he has never felt this kind of sister-brother relationship in the Tang family.

"Don't be in a daze. Brother, this is a gift from me. Please accept it."


Tang Xiao's heart skipped a beat.

Tang Xiao couldn't resist, so Xin Ling stuffed the shoe box into Tang Xiao's hand.

"That's right, hahaha. From now on, I am your sister and you are my brother. Your sister is my class teacher. You are happy, hahaha."

Xin Ling was very proud of her little trick.

She didn't know that her casual words: I am your sister and you are my brother.

How much it touched Tang Xiao, a child who had just experienced a sad thing.

This comparison is sad.

Tang Xiao has not admitted that Xin Ling is his sister, but Tang Xiao has remembered Xin Ling's kindness to him.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Xin."

"No problem, brother, hold on tight, I'm about to start the car." Xin Ling didn't care whether Tang Xiao called her sister or not.

Anyway, she felt that she was the sister, so she was.

As a sister, she should take good care of her brother!

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