On this day,

Xin Ling was called to the principal's office.

Principal Wei Changhe was sitting at his desk, while Xin Ling was standing.

""Teacher Xin, has Tang Xiao in your class been too lawless recently?" Wei Changhe said seriously. Xin Ling wondered:"What's wrong with him?"

"What happened? Other teachers told me that he was reading books of other subjects in class. Is this the result of your education?"

Tang Xiao skipped classes and fell in love in front of him last time, which made him very upset.

Wei Changhe told Xin Ling about this situation at the time, and Xin Ling also said that she would educate Tang Xiao well.

As a result, many teachers reported recently that Tang Xiao was found to be reading books of other subjects in their classes many times. The teachers reported the case to the principal.

"Forehead……"Xin Ling was speechless.

Has my brother become arrogant recently?

But what Tang Xiao did was a bit unkind.

Reading another teacher's book in this teacher's class, wouldn't this offend all the teachers?

Wei Changhe said sternly:"Even if he is the second in the grade, so what? There are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people. He is second in the grade, but he is nothing in the city." No. 2 Middle School is considered good among the high schools in Jiang'an City, but it is still far behind the top high schools.

"Arrogance leads to failure! Why is Xia Yuxi, the top student in the grade, so well behaved? Can't he learn from her?"The last incident had already offended the principal.

In the past two days, many teachers have complained to him, which made him even angrier.

"So what if he's in second place? "

Second in the grade, that needs to be disciplined!

There have been many such students before, who had good grades, but unfortunately their grades plummeted after they skipped classes.

Xin Ling quickly explained:"Principal, I know, I will educate him well."

Xin Ling was in the wrong, this Tang Xiao was too ignorant.

How can your sister help you fall in love early when you are so naughty?

She decided to have a good talk with Tang Xiao.

At this time, a middle-aged woman with a fat figure came in with a transcript.

This person is Gao Chunmei, the head of the senior grade.

Gao Chunmei hurriedly said:"Principal, the mock exam results are out. The first place has been replaced this time, and Xia Yuxi only took the second place in the grade. Teacher Xin is here too, that's just right……"

The principal was even more upset after hearing this:"Teacher Xin Ling, look at your class. Even Xia Yuxi can't keep her first place in the grade. The students in your class are collectively declining in their thinking.……"

"Yes, the principal said……"Xin Ling could only admit her mistake.

Her student lost the first place, and she had no choice but to be criticized.

Gao Chunmei quickly explained:"Principal, the first place this time is still from Xin Ling's class.""


"Tang Xiao."

At this time, the expressions of the principal and Xin Ling were very wonderful.

Xin Ling was delighted: Tang Xiao worked hard and finally got the first place again.

The principal was stunned: This brat performed exceptionally well this time?

Wei Changhe was quite embarrassed. He was just scolding Tang Xiao for his declining grades, but he turned around and got the first place.

However, the principal is worthy of being the principal. He responded very quickly:"Teacher Xin, you did a great job. Let Tang Xiao and Xia Yuxi compete in a healthy way. It is a very good teaching strategy.……"

Gao Chunmei interrupted,"Principal, Xia Yuxi probably can't compete with Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao's first place this time is not trivial. He scored 741 points. More than 70 points higher than the second place Xia Yuxi's 672."

"How much? 741!"

This time, the principal and Xin Ling were both shocked.

The total score was 750, and Tang Xiao scored 741, close to full marks.

Xia Yuxi's 672 was already very good, but how could it compare to Tang Xiao's 741.

This is not a competition, this is a crushing!

The principal couldn't believe it:"Are you sure you didn't calculate it wrong?"

Gao Chunmei nodded affirmatively:"It must be correct. Several of our teachers looked over his paper several times, and it was 741. The composition was scored at the lowest point."

Wei Changhe knew what this meant. Tang Xiao's score was at the provincial level, not to mention Jiang'an City!

Gao Chunmei was very happy that her school had such a talent:"Other teachers praised Tang Xiao highly. They all said that they could see that Tang Xiao was a serious and sensible child, and a particularly good child."

Tang Xiao even got full marks in several subjects, how could other teachers have any objections?

As long as Tang Xiao doesn't drink or play cards in their classes, what else can they not accept?

The principal's face was full of black lines. It was obviously those teachers who asked him to educate Tang Xiao, but in the end he was the only one who was embarrassed.

Xin Ling was laughing on the side.

It was so funny to see the principal embarrassed.

But the principal is worthy of being the principal. He still said calmly:"I understand, Teacher Gao, you go and do your work first."

"Okay, principal." Gao Chunmei left.

Only the principal and Xin Ling were left in the office.

The principal's expression changed quickly:"Teacher Xin, Tang Xiao is a good student. If he wants to take a leave, approve it. If he encounters emotional problems. You... do more work."

Are you kidding? This is the provincial champion, who wouldn't support him?

If he wants to skip classes, give him leave. If he wants to fall in love early, fall in love.

As for falling in love early affecting other people's grades, that's a joke. How can my grades be bad if I can date the provincial champion?

Xin Ling immediately assured:"Okay, principal, no problem, principal"

"You go too."The principal waved his hand and let Xin Ling leave.

The principal called Gao Chunmei again and asked her to arrange any scholarships for Tang Xiao. Don't be stingy. Give as much as you can.

The news that Tang Xiao scored 741 spread quickly throughout No. 2 Middle School.

Everyone was shocked, especially the students in Class 7 of Senior Grade 3.

"Tang Xiao is really amazing. He scored over 740 points. Is he still a human being?"

"This is a true god. Hurry up and put up a picture of Tang Xiao. I will rely on him to bless me in my next exam."

Tang Xiao was sitting in the classroom. Everyone was talking about him. Sometimes people would ask him for advice.

He would also explain the questions to others.

"In fact, this question is not difficult. It was asked in the third mock test in 2002. You will know it after reading it.……"

"How to get full marks in English? It's easy, just memorize everything.……"

Tang Xiao felt a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

He now had a super memory, and he could remember everything after just one look. Plus, he was smart.

Taking the exam was the easiest thing.

Xia Yuxi was left out, unable to get a word in.

Some classmates felt sympathy and went to comfort Xia Yuxi.

"Yuxi, don't be sad. The most important thing in life is to be happy. Whether you get first place in the exam is not important."

"That is, we don't need to compete with that beast Tang Xiao."

""Yuxi, don't be sad."

These 'Feiyangyang' all thought that Xia Yuxi would be sad for losing the first place, and they all came to comfort Xia Yuxi.

Xia Yuxi could only smile awkwardly.

But she was happier than Tang Xiao in her heart: Tang Xiao got the first place again, so amazing! Yeah!

In another corner of the classroom.

Liu Zihao was holding a book and flipping through it.

The speed of flipping the book was the same as shuffling playing cards.

Li Jia asked Liu Zihao:"Liu Zihao, you and Tang Xiao are good friends, why is his grade so good? You can't do it? Haven't you asked him how to study hard? What are you doing now? The money hidden in the book is lost?"

Liu Zihao flipped through the book:"Don't make noise, I'm just studying. This is called quantum learning method, you don't understand."

Li Jia looked at Liu Zihao as if he was an idiot:"Quantum learning method? You haven't been cheated, have you?"

"This is what Tang Xiao taught me. I saw it with my own eyes. That's how he learned it. Don't talk, don't disturb me." Liu Zihao turned the pages of the book intently.

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