At the same time, the phone on the principal's desk rang.

"Hello, Security Department? Who is looking for me? Claiming to be Tang Xiao's parent?!"

Wei Changhe stood up:"Come in, please."

Wei Changhe was very excited.

Tang Xiao's parents are here.

Although Wei Changhe didn't know why Tang Xiao's parents came to the school.

But he must not neglect the parents of the provincial champion.

After a while, a tall woman wearing sunglasses walked in.

It was Tang Jie.

Tang Jie took off her sunglasses and looked around: Is this Tang Xiao's school? It's not good at first glance, it's broken and old.

Wei Changhe was a little confused when he saw Tang Jie's dress.

Is this Tang Xiao's sister?

Because Tang Jie's dress made her look rich or noble.

In his impression, Tang Xiao was simple and unpretentious, even a little poor.

Tang Jie's voice was still very arrogant:"Are you Tang Xiao's principal?"

Wei Changhe frowned slightly. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he was still very enthusiastic:"I am the principal. Welcome, please sit inside, I'll make you a cup of tea."

Tang Jie walked in confidently and sat on the chair.

Wei Changhe did not dare to neglect her and took out his treasured tea to make a cup.

While making tea, he asked,"Excuse me, who are you to Tang Xiao?"

Tang Jie said elegantly,"I am his sister"

"I guessed it, everyone in your family has such a good temperament."Wei Changhe's emotional intelligence is still very high

""Haha, thank you." Tang Jie adjusted her hair.

The principal's enthusiasm made Tang Jie feel very comfortable. She even suspected that the principal recognized her.

As expected of the principal, she had seen more of the world than those doctors.

She has always been a star and was used to being praised.

Tang Jie had no idea that the principal was so enthusiastic towards her just for Tang Xiao's sake.

Tang Jie looked at the principal:"Principal, can I give you a suggestion?"

Wei Changhe smiled and said,"Of course, you can do it."

"I propose to expel Tang Xiao."Tang Jie said coldly.

This was the purpose of Tang Jie's coming here. Tang Xiao's behavior in the past two days made her very angry.

She couldn't swallow this breath, and planned to come to Tang Xiao's school and expel Tang Xiao!

Tang Jie thought she finished speaking elegantly, and was about to pick up the cup of tea that Wei Changhe had brewed for her and take a sip.

Who knew that Wei Changhe's movements were faster. He grabbed the cup of tea before Tang Jie and took a sip, completely ignoring Tang Jie.

From the initial enthusiasm, he instantly became indifferent.

The principal's face changed at the speed of light, and Tang Jie was dumbfounded.

It turned out that he was here to find trouble, so what politeness is there!

Don't waste my tea.

Wei Changhe said:"Can I ask why?"

Tang Jie said hatefully:"Tang Xiao is a scumbag! He steals things and abuses my brother. He also fought with my dad, and ran away from home two days ago. He hasn't returned home yet."

Tang Jie enumerated Tang Xiao's crimes.

Wei Changhe was surprised.

Is Tang Xiao so bad? He stole things, committed domestic violence, ran away from home, and did so many bad things.

But is it reasonable that such a bad student is the provincial champion?

Although academic qualifications cannot filter out scum, Tang Xiao really doesn't look like one.

Wei Changhe decided to ask clearly:"This is indeed too much. What did the police say?"

"this……"Tang Jie was stunned.

How could she know what the police said? She had never looked for the police.

Wei Changhe saw Tang Jie's expression and guessed that something might be fishy:"In other words, these are just your words. There is no evidence."

Tang Jie was so angry that she slammed the table:"What evidence do you need? He lives in my house, don't I know what he is like?"

""Sorry, we don't have a police verdict. It's just your opinion. We can't expel students at will." Wei Changhe said calmly.

Tang Jie became more and more angry and cursed.

"What evidence do you need to expel a scumbag? Do you know who I am?

Would I make up something? What kind of a lousy school is this! Protecting scumbags, no wonder it's so lousy……"

"That's enough!"

Wei Changhe suppressed his anger:"Ms. Tang! I don't care who you are. Tang Xiao is my student, and I will be responsible for him! You can't say he is a scumbag without evidence."

Tang Jie pointed at Wei Changhe:"You little principal dare to talk to me like this, do you know who I am?

Do you know the power of my Tang family! If my Tang family uses the power in our hands, I wonder if you can still be a good principal!"

Wei Changhe was furious:"Tang family? You are Tang Rushan's daughter! Tang Rushan is nothing!

Even if he comes in person, I will not expel Tang Xiao. I said it!"

Tang Jie was stunned by Wei Changhe's sudden attitude.

But she still hardened her mouth:"You know my dad? Since you know who my dad is, you still dare to yell at me……"

"Your father is a piece of shit."Wei Changhe was no longer polite.

He had been the principal for so many years, but this was the first time he was threatened.

Not to mention that Tang Xiao was now a potential provincial champion.

Even if Tang Xiao was just an ordinary student, it would be impossible for him to expel a student for no reason.

"You!" Tang Jie's face was ugly.

Tang Jie's Tang family was a famous family in Jiang'an.

Who dared to disrespect their Tang family? Especially when hearing Tang Rushan's name, they would respect him very much.

Where have you seen Wei Changhe so arrogant?

"You dare to scold my dad! Your name is Wei Changhe, right? I will remember you……"Tang Jie cursed

"I am your elder. Is this the family education of your Tang family? It is uneducated!"

"You! How dare you say that my Tang family is uneducated!"Tang Jie smashed the things on the table.

Wei Changhe walked out of the office and waved to the school security guard.:"Security department, kick this person out!"

Wei Changhe was not a simple person. He was not polite to people who came to cause trouble.

The principal asked the security to kick someone out, so they took it more seriously.

Several tall security guards rushed into the office, lifted Tang Jie's arms, and carried her out.

One of the security guards even used a steel fork to clamp her neck, as if to prevent her from biting people.

The scene was quite funny.

Many students and teachers saw this scene.

"Oh my god! Isn’t that the celebrity Tang Jie?"

"That's impossible. Why would Tang Jie come to our school?"

"It's really Tang Jie! I watched her web drama a few days ago"

"Who is Tang Jie?"

"A little star, a little famous……"

This is not a hospital. The students are all young people. They know more about celebrities.

Someone recognized Tang Jie and recommended her to others, so that more people can know her and watch the fun.

"How did she get carried out? The security guard's actions made me want to laugh. I remember that he also carried out the stray dog the last time."

""Take photos and videos quickly and post them online."

Students from No. 2 Middle School took out their phones to take photos and videos.

Tang Jie was embarrassed, even more embarrassed than the last time in the hospital.

As an inflated little star, Tang Jie wished everyone knew her.

But in this situation, she wished no one knew her.

""Let me go! How dare you!" Tang Jie was furious, twisting her body and struggling:"Don't take pictures! Call me!"

Unfortunately, her assistant was not around, no one helped her.

Tang Xiao! I hate you forever!

Tang Jie's face turned pale with anger, she never expected that she would score twice.

She tried to make trouble for Tang Xiao twice, but was dragged out twice.

In the seventh class classroom, Liu Zihao called Tang Xiao to the window and pointed at Tang Jie.

"Tang Xiao, that's Tang Jie. What about the celebrities? You all have the last name Tang, you don't know each other, do you?"

"I don't know her." Tang Jie denied.

Tang Xiao frowned: Is this family done? After the third one, the second one comes again.

Liu Zihao breathed a sigh of relief:"I told you, if you even know Tang Jie, it would be too sad."

Tang Xiao ignored Liu Zihao.

Tang Xiao thought: After school today, I will send the money back and put an end to this matter.

Let the Tang family stop bothering him.

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