School is finally over.

Tang Xiao packed up his schoolbag and was about to leave when Xin Ling called him again.

"Tang Xiao, wait for me, let's go together"

"Teacher Xin, I'm really busy today, let's wait until tomorrow for the massage"

"Who said you want a massage? I'm going to visit your home today! Ask your grandma to prepare some more dishes."


""What are you daydreaming about? Let's go!"

Xin Ling pulled Tang Xiao and got into her car.

Xin Ling was the class teacher. When she said she wanted to come for a home visit, Tang Xiao had nothing to say.

They drove to the coal machinery factory community.

After opening the trunk, Xin Ling bought a lot of gifts.

Massagers, bird's nests, donkey-hide gelatin and so on.

Tang Xiao refused again:"Teacher, you are just here to have a meal, why do you need all this?"

"These are not for you, but for grandma, why are you in such a hurry?" Xin Ling defended.

In fact, Xin Ling knew that Tang Xiao's family conditions were not good.

The grandfather and grandson depended on each other, and it was rare for Tang Xiao to be so sensible.

Xin Ling wanted to help Tang Xiao so much that she even wanted to give Tang Xiao one or two million.

But she knew Tang Xiao's character.

He was sincere, down-to-earth and steady, and didn't like to take advantage of others, so he would definitely not accept her kindness.

So she came to see grandma in the name of a home visit and tried to take care of Tang Xiao.

Deng Yinglan was very grateful when she saw Xin Ling:"Teacher Xin, you have worked hard as a class teacher. Please help Tang Xiao improve his grades."

Xin Ling's smile froze.

Tang Xiao's grades were almost full marks.

She, a teacher, couldn't get this score, so she couldn't help at all.

But Xin Ling still assured:"Don't worry, grandma, leave it to me. From now on, Tang Xiao is my brother, and you are my grandma"

"Oh, okay, okay……"

Xin Ling gave Tang Xiao a smug look.

You don't recognize me as your sister, but I recognize my grandmother, you can't do anything to me.

Although Xin Ling grew up in a wealthy family, she was not arrogant at all, which made the old man very happy.

Tang Xiao was speechless: bullying my grandmother has bad hearing.

Although Tang Xiao was helpless, he understood Xin Ling's intentions.

After dinner, Tang Xiao went out.

Xin Ling followed him:"Where are you going? I'll take you there."

Tang Xiao shook his head:"No need, I can go by myself. You go back first."

He wanted to pay back all the money he owed to the Tang family.

Xin Ling said:"It's okay, no trouble, I can drive faster"

"Really no need"

"Are you going to Tang's house?"

"How did you know?"Tang Xiao was surprised that Xin Ling knew

"You really are related to the Tang family."Xin Ling had an expression that said,"As expected."

Tang Jie came to the school to make trouble today, and Wei Changhe kicked Tang Jie out of No. 2 Middle School.

Tang Jie came for Tang Xiao, so Wei Changhe told Xin Ling about it.

Xin Ling was from a wealthy family, so of course she knew the Tang family, but she was not very familiar with them.

Usually no one could tell that Tang Xiao was related to the Tang family.

She came to Tang Xiao and wanted to understand the situation.

This incident also made Xin Ling appreciate Tang Xiao's character even more.

Obviously Tang Xiao is a member of the Tang family, but no one in the school knows Tang Xiao's identity.

He still studies hard and lives hard.

Xin Ling sent Tang Xiao to the roadside below the Tang family villa.

Xin Ling asked,"Really don't you want me to accompany you up? With me here, the Tang family should not dare to bully you"

"No need, I'll pay the money back and leave."Tang Xiao held the envelope in his hand.

He was not used to relying on others. This was originally a matter between him and the Tang family.

""Okay, I'll wait for you in the car." Xin Ling nodded.

Tang Xiao got out of the car.

Tang Xiao looked at the huge and luxurious Tang family villa and had a different feeling.

The first time he saw this villa, he just thought it was beautiful.

Now looking at it again, he just felt that this big house was extremely cold.

In his previous life, it was the people in this villa who treated him like garbage and killed him.

Tang Xiao rang the doorbell, and it was the nanny Sister Li who opened the door.

Sister Li was very happy to see Tang Xiao:"Master Xiao! You are back"

"Hello, Aunt Li, long time no see."Tang Xiao smiled, feeling friendly.

Tang Xiao and the servants of the Tang family got along well, and the servants also liked Tang Xiao, a humble and kind young master.

"Master Xiao, come in quickly!" Sister Li said quickly

"Forget it, I won't go in. Aunt Li, give this to the Tang family.……"Tang Xiao gave a simple explanation for the money:"Aunt Li, I'm leaving first."

Tang Xiao handed an envelope to Sister Li. He really didn't want to get too entangled with the Tang family.

Sister Li had worked as a nanny in the Tang family for many years, and her character was absolutely trustworthy.

"this……"Sister Li was also embarrassed. She also knew what happened in the Tang family, but she was just a servant.

When Tang Xiao was about to leave, a tired female voice came:"Sister Li, who rang the doorbell? Tang Xiao, it's you!"

It turned out to be the third child, Tang Xin. Tang Xin was wearing loose pajamas and looked very tired, with messy hair and pale skin. She had not been happy these days. Tang Xin was very happy to see Tang Xiao.

""Tang Xiao, it's you! You're back! That's great!"

Tang Xin's shoes flew off as she rushed to Tang Xiao, trying to pull him into the house.

Tang Xiao resisted:"No, I'm leaving now.""

"Ah, brother, you are back!" Tang Zijian also walked out of the room.

He was also very"happy" to see Tang Xiao.

Damn it! Why are you back? I thought you would never come back.

I was so happy when you were away for a few days! Why are you back?

Everything in the Tang family is mine, what are you fighting for?

Wouldn't it be better for you to die outside?

Tang Zijian's eyes were filled with tears, but his heart was quite vicious.

Tang Zijian and Tang Xin pulled Tang Xiao into the house.

At this time, Tang Xiao was more than ten pounds stronger than when he left. He looked taller, more mature, and more handsome, but his temperament was also colder.

Tang Xiao wanted to get rid of the two people.

But another sharp voice sounded.

""Tang Xiao! You still have the nerve to come back!" Tang Jie heard the noise in the room and came out to see her enemy Tang Xiao.

Tang Jie was not in a good mood either. She was so angry that she couldn't eat.

She was busy using her resources and connections to delete the videos on the Internet.

""Tang Xiao, you bastard! You teamed up with outsiders to bully me! You ungrateful bastard! How dare you come back!" Tang Jie cursed.

Tang Xiao frowned and looked at Tang Jie.

It was inexplicable!

Tang Jie was fighting wits and courage with the air, and was embarrassed. Tang Xiao was not present both times.

Can she blame herself for this?

Tang Xiao said impatiently:"Okay, I'm leaving. You two let go of your hands."

Tang Xin begged bitterly:"Tang Xiao, don't go, this must be a misunderstanding, just explain it clearly. Second sister, don't say anything, this is all a misunderstanding……"

Tang Xin had not been to work for the past few days. She was in Tang Xiao's room every day, staring at the family portrait in a daze, as if she had lost her soul.

Tang Zijian had been quite energetic these days, eating well and sleeping soundly, but at this moment, his eyes were still filled with tears.

"Brother, please don't leave. This family can't live without you.……"

"Xiao Xin Zijian, don't pull him! Get him out of the Tang family! This heartless guy!"

Tang Xiao's cold attitude made Tang Jie even angrier.

She came over to pull Tang Xin and Tang Zijian, asking them to let Tang Xiao go.

Tang Xin's pleading and Tang Zijian's crying made Tang Jie very irritable.

She slapped Tang Xiao in the face!

Tang Jie had been holding back a lot of anger these days, and she used all her strength in this slap!

This slap was what she had learned in her life in the entertainment industry!

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