Tang Jie slapped Tang Xiao in the face!

But Tang Xiao was no longer weak!

Tang Xiao leaned back slightly and dodged the slap.

Snap! A crisp sound.

The slap landed firmly on Tang Zijian's face.

Because he was caught off guard, Tang Zijian's saliva was slapped out.

His ears were buzzing. His head was dizzy.

Tang Zijian fell to the ground.

"Zijian!" Tang Jie quickly helped Tang Zijian up, she felt guilty:"Zijian, are you okay? Sister didn't mean it."

Tang Xin was also shocked, and quickly let go of Tang Xiao to check whether Zijian was seriously injured.

Half of Tang Zijian's face was red and swollen, with a big slap mark.

"Woo, woo, woo (Sister, I'm fine)……"Tang Zijian couldn't speak clearly.

Tang Xiao looked at the funny scene with a half-smile:"My dear second sister, you really have the heart to hit me."

Judging from Tang Zijian's injuries, Tang Jie's slap was really cruel.

Under Gu Xiaoxi's training, Tang Xiao's physical fitness improved by leaps and bounds.

He also learned the fighting skills of Master Chen, and the most practiced was dodging.

How could Tang Jie's slap reach Tang Xiao?

She wanted to hit Tang Xiao, but she slapped Tang Zijian in the face.

Tang Jie was so angry!

""Tang Xiao! I'm going to kill you!!!"

Every time she tried to target Tang Xiao, she would get into bad luck.

Tang Xiao seemed to be wearing anti-armor, and all the damage she dealt to her was bounced back and absorbed by herself.

Tang Jie was about to pounce on Tang Xiao and fight him to death.

Tang Xin quickly stopped the crazy Tang Jie:"Second sister, calm down."

"Zijian's face is swollen, how can I stay calm!"

Tang Xiao shook his head innocently:"You hit him yourself"

"I will kill you!"

Every time Tang Xiao said that he didn't care, he was just adding fuel to the fire in Tang Jie's heart.

The Tang family was in chaos at this time.


A majestic voice sounded.

Tang Rushan, Zhang Ping and Tang Yuan walked out of the study and saw this messy scene.

Zhang Ping saw Tang Zijian's swollen face and hurried over to check.

She was so distressed that tears were about to flow out:"Zijian! How did you become like this? Does it hurt? Ouch~"

Tang Zijian was raised by the Tang family and was doted on.

That was the care that was held in the palm of the hand and held in the mouth. From childhood to adulthood, he had never been bumped or hit.

Where had he seen Tang Zijian injured so badly?

Tang Rushan was furious. He pointed at Tang Xiao:"Bastard! You dare to hit your brother! I'll chop off your hand today! Tell me, which hand did you hit him with!"

How could he not be angry when his beloved son was beaten like this by Tang Xiao, the rebellious son!

Although it was just an angry remark, it also showed how angry Tang Rushan was! He would never let Tang Xiao off easily.

At the beginning, Tang Xiao was beaten and sent to the hospital, but no one cared, no one cared, and some even said that he was faking illness.

Today, Tang Zijian was slapped, and Tang Rushan threatened to chop off his hand. His heart was so biased that it went to the sky.

Tang Xiao pointed at Tang Jie's hand:"That hand is used to hit you, chop it off."

The atmosphere froze instantly.

Tang Rushan, Zhang Ping, and Tang Yuan looked at Tang Jie.

""Xiao Jie, Zijian is your brother, how could you be so cruel?" Zhang Ping blamed Tang Jie.

Tang Jie was embarrassed:"I hit Zijian by accident, it's all Tang Xiao's fault."……"

Tang Rushan's anger was once again rebounded.

Tang Rushan almost roared:"Little bastard! Get out! Get out of the Tang family! There is no such thing as you in my Tang family!"

Tang Xiao retorted:"I am the little bastard, and you are the old bastard"

""Damn it! Don't hold me back! I will kill this rebellious son today!" Tang Rushan was furious. He wanted to rush up and hit Tang Xiao.

The whole family held him back tightly.

Tang Xiao shrugged indifferently:"You can't beat me. I didn't want to come in anyway. It was your daughter and your son who dragged me in."

Your son, your daughter?

Tang Xiao's words were very decisive, as if Tang Rushan was not his father, and the Tang family and he were not a family.

After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he turned and left. In his opinion, it was a waste of time to say one more word to these people.

Tang Xiao left the villa and walked to the side of the road.

Xin Ling's car was parked on the side of the road.

Xin Ling got out of the car:"Are you done?"

"Well, it's over."Tang Xiao felt very relaxed, as if he had unloaded a burden.

""Xiao Xiao, don't go!"

At this moment, Tang Xin ran out.

Tang Xin cried bitterly, and he stopped Tang Xiao.

"Xiao Xiao, why haven't you answered my calls?"

Tang Xiao said indifferently:"I've blocked you. Miss Tang, please get out of the way, or I'll call the police."

Tang Xin's heart tightened, and Tang Xiao's indifference made her even more sad.

Tang Xin cried and said,"I don't believe it! You have us in your heart, and the matter in the study must have been misunderstood. Don't be angry with Dad anymore, explain it clearly to Dad, and go home, okay?"

These few days, Tang Xin thought a lot, and she became more and more unconvinced that her father's book was damaged by Tang Xiao.

Looking at the family portrait drawn by Tang Xiao, Tang Xin felt heartbroken.

Tang Xin attaches great importance to feelings.

Knowing that she had hurt a brother who loved her deeply, she regretted it very much.

But it was too late.

Tang Xiao showed an indifferent smile:"It was you who said that I was uneducated and uncultured. You insisted that I broke the book."

Tang Xin was stunned. She looked at Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao's indifference made her feel unfamiliar.

The words she used to ridicule Tang Xiao at the time were like a bullet, shooting back into her heart

""Tang Xiao, aren't you leaving yet?" Xin Ling spoke from the side.

She saw Tang Xin pestering Tang Xiao and noticed Tang Xiao's impatience, so she asked Tang Xiao to leave.

"Okay." Tang Xiao walked around Tang Xin and was about to leave.

""Xiao Xiao, don't go, Xiao Xiao." Tang Xin cried.

She stared at Xin Ling warily:"Who are you? Where are you taking my brother?"

Before Xin Ling could speak, Tang Xiao protected Xin Ling:"This is my sister, what do you want to do!"

This is my sister!

These four words, like tens of thousands of needles, pierced Tang Xin's heart.

Tang Xiao didn't recognize her, but called another person sister!

Tang Xiao used to regard her as the best sister in the world.

But now Tang Xiao calls her by her name directly and no longer recognizes her.

And another person Tang Xin didn't know became Tang Xiao's sister.

Tang Xin's heart was about to break.

""Sister, let's go." Tang Xiao didn't even look at Tang Xin and got into Xin Ling's car.

Tang Xin collapsed and sat on the ground, crying loudly.

The car sped away, and only the scarlet taillights could be seen.

""Xiao Xin!"

Tang Xin ran out, and the Tang family chased after her and helped her back home.

Seeing Tang Xin in such a state of despair, everyone felt distressed.

They tried to persuade Tang Xin, but she could not stop crying.

Tang Jie and Zhang Ping were comforting Zijian.

If they had not confirmed that Zijian was not seriously ill, they would have wanted to send Zijian to the hospital.

Tang Rushan was so angry:"This little beast, bullying his sister and beating his brother, is he still a human being?

My Tang family has spent so much money to raise him, he is such an ungrateful bastard!"

Tang Jie also said:"Xinxin, don't cry for this ungrateful bastard, he just wants our family's money, and all the paintings are lies to you."

Sister Li on the side was hesitant to speak, but still said:"Master and Miss, Young Master Xiao asked me to give this to you."

She handed over an envelope.

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