Sister Li took out an envelope and handed it to Tang Yuan.

Judging from the thickness and shape of the envelope, it was a stack of money.

Tang Yuan was puzzled:"What does Tang Xiao mean?"

Sister Li said:"This money was given to you by Master Xiao. It is a total of 32,000 yuan. 30,000 yuan is the money the Tang family spent on him, and the other 2,000 yuan is the money that the wife gave to his grandmother."

Everyone was shocked. The Tang family only spent 30,000 yuan on Tang Xiao in two years?

Their weekly pocket money is 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, who would believe it?

Tang Rushan cursed:"Bullshit! Our Tang family only spent 30,000 yuan on him?"

No one answered.

Everyone thought about it carefully and racked their brains.

It seems that they really didn't spend money on Tang Xiao in their memory, not even once.

Not only the 30,000 yuan, but the 2,000 yuan was a slap in the face of the Tang family.

The Tang family is a wealthy family after all. To repay the benefactor who raised their son for 16 years, they only gave 2,000 yuan? To send away beggars?

If this gets out, it will be extremely embarrassing. They will definitely say that the Tang family is ungrateful.

Even Tang Yuan felt that her mother was wrong in this matter:"Mom, you only gave Tang Xiao's original family 2,000 yuan at the beginning? Didn't you give more later?"

Zhang Ping was embarrassed:"I... I didn't mean to do that, I was busy and forgot."

She said distressedly:"This silly child, why didn't you tell us, and let yourself be wronged."

It turned out that Tang Xiao suffered such a big injustice.

Tang Xin felt even more ashamed, and tears could not stop flowing again.

Tang Yuan reminded her:"So what? Tang Xiao stole my necklace. It hasn't been recovered yet. Have you forgotten about this?"

Tang Jie seemed to have caught the handle and said:"Yes! How could you forget about this! Tang Xiao stole my things! His character is a problem. He was the first to let us down."

After saying this, everyone felt much more balanced.

No one would think that they are a bad person. People who do bad things like to make up for it the most.

But Tang Xin asked:"Sister, there is no evidence for this. Are you sure it was really Tang Xiao who did it?"

Tang Xin had wronged Tang Xiao, and she felt more and more that Tang Xiao was not such a person.

Tang Jie scolded,"Xiao Xin, I think you've gone crazy with art!

What evidence do you have to prove it's not Tang Xiao? Who else could it be if not Tang Xiao?"


"Don't be silly, Xiaoxin. You and Zijian are the most innocent in our family.

He has never considered us as family members and will definitely steal our things."Tang Jie cursed viciously.

Tang Xin lowered her head and said nothing.

Tang Yuan was much more mature and stable. She frowned and folded her hands, obviously agreeing with Tang Jie.

Tang Yuan was thinking: Who took Tang Xiao away just now? Why do people help Tang Xiao again and again?

On the side, half of Tang Zijian's face was swollen like a pig's head, and he looked pitiful.

In fact, the angriest person in the audience was him.

Tang Zijian was so angry that he was about to explode, but he had to act pitiful. He was roaring in his heart.

I will kill you! I will kill you! I will kill you!

Tang Xiao, I will never let you go!

A trace of viciousness flashed in Tang Zijian's swollen eyes.


On the other side, Tang Xiao was sitting in Xin Ling's car.

The car passed by street lamps, and the lights shone into the car.

Tang Xiao's face was bright and dark.

Tang Xiao spoke first:"Sorry, I made you laugh just now."

Xin Ling held the steering wheel and smiled:"It's okay, this is normal. Every family has its own problems, I understand."

"I still called you sister, I'm sorry, I just wanted to piss them off."

Tang Xiao was embarrassed, he called Xin Ling sister in a hurry.

Xin Ling smiled, she hugged Tang Xiao's neck:"What's the matter? I am your sister!"

Tang Xiao was much taller than Xin Ling, she needed to stretch her arms to hug her head, this action was a bit funny.

However, Xin Ling really likes Tang Xiao as a brother.

Just now Tang Xiao called her sister and protected her, she was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling.

It's not easy to open Tang Xiao's heart.

Xin Ling patted his chest:"You will be my brother in the future. If the Tang family dares to bully you, tell me and I will help you deal with them."

Tang Xiao is not stupid, he can feel Xin Ling's sincerity,

"Well, thank you, sister.……"Tang Xiao thanked

"Hahaha! Okay, brother, let's go have a midnight snack! It's my treat"

"Forget it, I haven't finished my homework yet."

"I am your class teacher. Which teacher bothered you to sign up for me? Eat supper, I said!"Xin Ling said domineeringly


That day.

Tang Xiao was at Gu Xiaoxi's house.

Gu Xiaoxi was not at home, only Gu Weiguo was at home.

"……Gui Ma Huang, Xingcao Shigao Jiang Zao Zang, Taiyang No sweat and irritability, dispel cold and clear heat……"

"……The perineum point is here, and its function is……"

Tang Xiao was reciting Chinese medicine knowledge fluently, and he also knew all the acupuncture points, meridians, positions and functions by heart.

Gu Weiguo was holding a teacup in his hand, looking stunned.

""You memorized all of it?" Gu Weiguo couldn't believe it.

Tang Xiao nodded:"I remember everything you taught me."

The human body is very complicated, and medicine is a very complex subject, requiring a lot of memory.

Gu Weiguo knew how much he had to endure when he first learned this.

Tang Xiao not only learned quickly, but also learned flexibly, and also learned the dialectics of traditional Chinese medicine very well.

Not only did Tang Xiao learn quickly and well, but he was also calm at a young age, which was even more rare.

"The young are formidable, the young are formidable!"Gu Weiguo couldn't help clapping his hands.

He definitely picked up a treasure and was very happy.

Tang Xiao has a super memory and speed ability, so it's really not difficult to learn these things.

As for personality, people who have died once are of course calm.

"Grandpa Gu taught me well. Tang Xiao was very modest.

Gu Weiguo took out a stack of handwritten notes and a set of acupuncture.


I thought I would have to wait a few years before I could teach you acupuncture, but you learn quickly, so I can teach you now.���, they are all handwritten, all in Gu Weiguo's handwriting

"Grandpa Gu, do you know acupuncture?" Tang Xiao was amazed.

Acupuncture is a very complicated technique among all the techniques in traditional Chinese medicine.

A powerful acupuncture master can save a life with a few needles!

But there are more cases of people being killed.

One needle can save life, and one needle can kill.

This is the characteristic of this technique, a technique that dances on the edge of a knife.

Tang Xiao really didn't know that Gu Weiguo knew acupuncture.

""Haha, I know a little bit." Gu Weiguo stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Although he was modest, Tang Xiao could feel the calm confidence in Gu Weiguo.

"Xiao Xiao, acupuncture is very complicated, you must learn it well"

"No problem, Grandpa Gu! I will definitely learn it well!" Tang Xiao said firmly.

Tang Xiao guessed that this might be Gu Weiguo's core skill.

This was teaching him his best skill, and Tang Xiao was grateful.

At this moment

"Grandpa, I'm back!"Gu Xiaoxi is back

"Eh? Tang Xiao, you are here too?"Gu Xiaoxi was very happy to see Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao smiled and nodded:"Grandpa Gu and I are studying Chinese medicine."

Gu Xiaoxi:"That's great, let's go. Let's have a barbecue. I'll treat you!""

"Um, I'm short of money recently, let's eat noodles at home." Tang Xiao looked embarrassed.

In order to cut off the relationship with the Tang family, Tang Xiao almost returned all the money he had saved for many years to the Tang family. Most of his money came from scholarships and selling eggs. Now Tang Xiao is really not well off.

Unexpectedly, today Gu Xiaoxi is very confident:"Let's go, I'm in a good mood today, it's really my treat."

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