The two sat in the barbecue restaurant, eating happily.

Tang Xiaojue ate the skewers:"You got rich? You're treating us, it's rare."

Gu Xiaoxi was unhappy:"Bullshit, you're making me look stingy. Everyone knows that I, Gu Xiaoxi, have always been generous and generous!"

"Haha, okay."

At this time, Gu Xiaoxi turned around and shouted:"Boss, give me half a dozen beers."

Tang Xiao stopped him:"Wait, why are you drinking?"

Tang Xiao had never drunk much, and Gu Xiaoxi didn't drink much either, so he didn't know what would happen if he drank. How could Tang Xiao stop him?

Gu Xiaoxi was confident:"No problem! Something good happened today, of course I have to drink some"

"What's wrong?"

Gu Xiaoxi didn't say anything, opened the lid and blew a bottle, and no one could stop her.

""Great!" Gu Xiaoxi wiped her mouth generously.

She was proud:"I succeeded in being brave today, and I can get 20 extra points in the college entrance examination. Hahaha, I am really a genius!"

It turned out that today Gu Xiaoxi encountered a knife-wielding robber on the road, and Gu Xiaoxi directly subdued him.

The police said that she was indeed brave and could get extra points in the college entrance examination.

This made Gu Xiaoxi very happy.

"Knife-wielding thug?"

"That's right."

Gu Xiaoxi said it lightly, but Tang Xiao could imagine the danger at that time.

Gu Xiaoxi was very powerful, but Tang Xiao was still afraid of her.

This girl is really a tiger. She did everything she could to get the college entrance examination. This score really made her add

"You are too crazy. He is holding a knife. What if he gets hurt?"

"You didn't hesitate when you helped me before, how could I?

Besides, we martial artists, what's wrong with helping others when we see injustice?"

Gu Xiaoxi boasted:"I was so handsome at that time, really. If you were there, you would definitely worship me as your godfather."

"Please, stop playing with your phone."

"You, you drink too!"Gu Xiaoxi asked Tang Xiao to drink too.

Tang Xiao knew that Gu Xiaoxi was happy, so he drank with her.

It was just a casual drink, but Gu Xiaoxi became more and more dizzy and couldn't speak clearly.

There were several times when she almost fell asleep. Tang Xiao shook Gu Xiaoxi's shoulders.

"Hey, hey, hey, didn't you say it was okay? How can you get drunk?"

"Don't underestimate me...……"Gu Xiaoxi is talking nonsense

"Forget it, let's go back. Boss, settle the bill."Gu Xiaoxi should go home first in this state.

On the street at night.

Gu Xiaoxi hugged Tang Xiao's neck, and Tang Xiao supported her.

It was late, and there were only two people on the street.

Gu Xiaoxi's steps were chaotic, and the two of them couldn't walk fast at all.

"If you can't drink it, don't drink it. You're just pretending to be rich." Tang Xiao said disdainfully.

This was the first time they had such close contact.

Gu Xiaoxi's body was very hot, even slightly scalding.

Tang Xiao's heart was pounding.

"Go home quickly and don't let Grandpa Gu worry……"Tang Xiao muttered

"I won't! I won't go back!"

Suddenly, Gu Xiaoxi started to struggle and danced.

Tang Xiao lost his balance and they both fell on the grass in the road green belt.

Gu Xiaoxi was lying on top of Tang Xiao.

Gu Xiaoxi's face was pressed against Tang Xiao's.

The hair on his face was a little itchy.

Tang Xiao could feel the soft touch.

The two of them pressed their bodies together and could smell a faint fragrance in the wine.

The fragrance was not strong, it was the unique fragrance of a young girl.

Tang Xiao's eyes widened and his heartbeat was so fast that it was about to fly out.

" wake up."

Tang Xiao quickly pushed Gu Xiaoxi away.

Gu Xiaoxi lay on the grass with her arms and legs spread out. Tang Xiao helped her pull up her skirt.

"You are so old, but you still make me worry." Tang Xiao was speechless.

After a lot of effort, Tang Xiao sent Gu Xiaoxi back.

The grandfather and grandson threw Gu Xiaoxi on the bed.

Tang Xiao and Gu Weiguo explained why Gu Xiaoxi drank too much.

Gu Weiguo was angry and amused:"This girl is really unreliable, fortunately you are here"

"No problem, Grandpa, go to bed early. I'm going back too."

"Okay, Xiao Xiao, you should also go to bed early."

Tang Xiao returned home and lay on the bed.

Gu Xiaoxi's touch and fragrance were still lingering in his mind.

Tang Xiao shook his head helplessly:"My master is really unreliable. But it's a good thing to get extra points." It

's a good thing to get extra points, and Tang Xiao was also very happy for Gu Xiaoxi.

That day, Tang Xiao came to school.

Xia Yuxi came early and was doing questions at her seat.

Tang Xiao greeted her:"Good morning,"

"Good morning... Good morning." Xia Yuxi's voice was very stiff.

Although the two of them became more familiar with each other, Xia Yuxi was still shy.

Tang Xiao didn't care, he knew that Xia Yuxi was just like that.

Liu Zihao came over and held Tang Xiao:"Tang Xiao, was that female hero your neighbor last time?" Tang

Xiao was puzzled:"Which female hero?"

Liu Zihao was startled:"Oh, it's the one who took you to skip class last time."

Tang Xiao remembered:"Oh, you are talking about Gu Xiaoxi. What's wrong?"

Tang Xiao was not used to the title of female hero and didn't remember it for a moment.

Liu Zihao showed admiration:"It turned out to be Miss Gu, Miss Gu is so cool!"

"Is she handsome?"

Tang Xiao still remembered how embarrassed Gu Xiaoxi was when she was drunk yesterday.

"Fighting against the knife-wielding gangster alone, so cool!"

"How do you know that?" Tang Xiao asked in confusion.

"Didn't you watch the video?"


"You are a fool who doesn't go online."

Liu Zihao took out his mobile phone and showed Tang Xiao a video.

The video was on the street.

A big man holding a dagger grabbed a little girl.

The gangster swung the knife and slashed:"Whoever dares to come over, I will kill him!"

The little girl in the gangster's arms wanted to cry, but she didn't dare to.

The pedestrians were scared and shouted and ran around.

At this time, a girl in a white short-sleeved shirt and a gray pleated skirt stood up and stopped the gangster.

It was Gu Xiaoxi!

"Let that girl go!"

"I will kill you!"

The gangster's face was fierce, and he chopped at him with a knife.

Gu Xiaoxi dodged and quickly grabbed the gangster's knife-holding hand and twisted it.

The gangster was in so much pain that he was about to react, but Gu Xiaoxi followed up with a spinning high whip kick to kick him in the face, and took the little girl from the gangster.

The gangster was kicked to the ground, and Gu Xiaoxi took the knife and threw it far away, and then kicked the gangster in the stomach several times.

The gangster fainted.

The onlookers cheered.

The girl's parents comforted the little girl.

The police finally arrived, and Gu Xiaoxi went to communicate with the police as soon as possible...

The video ended. This video actually had more than 10 million likes and was circulated all over the Internet.

Gu Xiaoxi's movements were smooth, clean and neat, and very beautiful.

Look at the comments again, they all praised her for being so handsome that they cried.

The two didn't notice that Xia Yuxi's little ears next to them were always perked up to listen, and her beautiful eyes were sneaking over here.

Liu Zihao was so excited:"Miss Gu is so handsome! A role model for our generation. This courage, this movement, this leg, it's so beautiful!!"

It's not just Liu Zihao. Several people from Class 7 recognized Gu Xiaoxi. They surrounded Tang Xiaoxi.

"Tang Xiao, do you know the heroine in the video? She's amazing."

"How did you meet? Can you tell me a little bit about that?"

"What kind of boxing is this? Can I learn it?"


Gu Xiaoxi actually became a"celebrity", Tang Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Who would have thought that Gu Xiaoxi was brave enough to do this for extra points in the college entrance examination?

Hearing everyone's praise, Xia Yuxi, who was standing next to him, felt anxious again.

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