Xia Yuxi sat next to Tang Xiao, and seemed to be doing the questions all the time, but she drew small circles on the test paper.

She was confused: What is the relationship between that girl and Tang Xiao? How far have they developed? Does

Tang Xiao like this type?

Damn... This girl is so beautiful and excellent, I can't compare to her...

Xiao Yuxi felt a lot of pressure.

The class bell rang, and everyone returned to their seats.

Xin Ling said:

"Classmates, the national exam is less than a month away. Some students' scores are almost stable, and these students can start to study which university to go to and what major to study.……"

The national exam is an exam for high school students to enter college, which almost determines the future of all high school students.

Most people will study hard in the last few days to improve their scores.

Xia Yuxi asked Tang Xiao cautiously:"Tang Xiao... Which university are you going to go to? What major are you going to take?"

Tang Xiao shook his head:"I haven't decided yet."

"Haven't you thought about it yet?"Xia Yuxi didn't get the answer she wanted and was a little disappointed.

She had been thinking about whether she could choose one that was the same as hers.���Tang Xiao chose a school that was close to him.

With Tang Xiao's grades, he could choose any university and major in China.

Originally, Tang Xiao wanted to go to the best university in China - Yan Province University.

But he has super memory and speed ability.

It doesn't take four years to complete a university course, and it can even be completed in a very short time.

The attraction of university to Tang Xiao is not that great, so he simply doesn't bother to think about it.

What he wants to do most now is to make money!

Tang Xiao really has no money to return the 32,000 to the Tang family.

Class is over.

Tang Xiao's phone vibrated, and Tang Xiao took a look.

Xia Yuxi's ears also moved.

Gu Xiaoxi sent a message

‘Good news! Good news! Tang Xiao! I don’t have to study literature anymore, wow hahahaha!!’

‘OK, OK, OK, I know you are famous, but you still need to study hard. You don't have much culture.’

‘Bullshit! How dare you say I'm uneducated!

There is really good news, I was recommended to Yan Province Drama Academy! I don't have to take the national exam, wow hahaha!! (Proud dog head)'

It turns out that this video of Gu Xiaoxi has spread all over the country.

Gu Xiaoxi was spotted by the admissions office of Yan Province Drama Academy.

In the video, Gu Xiaoxi's whole movement is sharp and chic, and she is also very beautiful.

The people at the drama academy checked Gu Xiaoxi's grades and basically met the requirements, so they contacted Gu Xiaoxi and gave Gu Xiaoxi a recommendation quota.

There is no need to take the college entrance examination, and you can report at the beginning of the school.

Action actors are too scarce in this era, and excellent young female action actors like Gu Xiaoxi have not appeared in many years.

Yan Province Drama Academy is very smart, and now Gu Xiaoxi is a positive energy figure with her own traffic.

Winning her over can also bring a wave of popularity to their own university, which is perfect.

Gu Xiaoxi is very happy that she can go to college without taking the national exam.

’I am the chosen one!‘

‘Shit luck. '

Tang Xiao couldn't help but laugh when he looked at his phone.

Tang Xiao's smile was seen by Xia Yuxi's beautiful eyes.

Who was he messaging? Why was he smiling so happily?

Could it be that handsome girl?

Xia Yuxi's heart tightened.

At this time, Tang Xiao received a text message

【The user whose bank card number ends with XXX successfully received 600,000 yuan】

"Huh? Who transferred 60,000 to me?"

Tang Xiao was wondering when Xin Ling's message came over.

‘Brother, did you receive the scholarship? 60,000 yuan’

‘So many? So fast?’

‘With your grades, it's not much. The regular approval will take several days, but I helped you find the principal and said hello, and it was issued in advance. '

Xin Ling had told Tang Xiao before that Tang Xiao had a very good scholarship for this mock exam.

In order to encourage students, No. 2 Middle School has established a generous scholarship system.

Ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands, there will be scholarships for every major exam.

Tang Xiao's grades have always been good, and he can get a scholarship every time.

He has lived in the Tang family for two years and has never relied on the Tang family or his grandmother. He just relied on scholarships.

Tang Xiao's grades this time were too amazing, and the school was very generous, giving him several types of scholarships, totaling 60,000.

Originally, it would take a few days for the money to be issued.

Xin Ling knew Tang Xiao's situation, so he went to the principal to explain, and the money was issued in advance.

Tang Xiao looked at the balance in his account, and the pressure was suddenly reduced.

Although the money is not much, it is what he deserves.

Xin Ling sent another message: Brother, to celebrate your scholarship, let's have dinner together after school, and I will take you to eat good food

’Okay, then I'll treat you.‘

’What are you doing? I am your sister and I have the final say! Don't blame me for turning against you.’

‘Okay, how about calling me Xia Yuxi?’

‘No, she has to prepare for the national exam, so we can go together, don't tell her’

‘Uh... okay. '

Tang Xiao forgot that everyone was busy preparing for the national exams during this period, and he was the only one who had so much free time.

At this moment, Xia Yuxi's thoughts were also in a mess.

High school is about to end, and I don't know if there will be another chance in the future. I can't just sit and wait for death!

Xia Yuxi mustered up her greatest courage, and she decided to be brave this time!

She folded her hands in front of her chest and said to Tang Xiao nervously

"Tang... Tang Xiao, do you have time after school today?"

Tang Xiao remembered Xia Yuxi's request and said simply,"Sorry, I don't have time."

""Okay... okay." Xia Yuxi was very disappointed.

"Do you have any help?"

"It's okay, it's okay, hehe"

"If you have any questions about study, just ask me and I will help you."

""Okay...Okay, thank you."

Being rejected by Tang Xiao, Xia Yuxi was deflated, which was a big blow to her.

She had been shy for so many years, and it was rare for her to muster up the courage, but she was rejected.

As the school beauty of No. 2 Middle School, the goddess in the hearts of many people, Xia Yuxi's love journey���It was very bumpy.

If people knew that Xia Yuxi was rejected so straightforwardly, I don't know how many people would bite their back teeth to pieces.

After school.

Tang Xiao and Xin Ling came to the car together.

Xin Ling took out a very beautiful black casual suit from the car, which was very exquisitely tailored.

Tang Xiao quickly refused:"Why are you buying me something again? I said no."

Xin Ling gestured to Tang Xiao with the clothes

"Who said I bought it for you? I lent it to you. I promised grandma that I would take care of you. What's the problem?

That restaurant requires proper attire. It's not appropriate for you to go there in your school uniform. Listen to me and put it on!"

"this……"Tang Xiao knew that these were all Xin Ling's excuses. But he couldn't get away from Xin Ling and put on his clothes anyway.

This suit was a slim fit. Tang Xiao had gained some muscles after all the exercise he had done.

He was tall, with broad shoulders, a thin waist and long legs. He wore a suit without a tie, and with two buttons undone on his collar, he looked cool and handsome, like a star.

Tang Xiao exuded a mature and somewhat youthful temperament.

Xin Ling was such a beautiful woman, and she had seen too many handsome men, but she was stunned by Tang Xiao's handsomeness.

Tang Xiao was embarrassed:"My butt... is a little tight, is the clothes a little small?"

Xin Ling slapped Tang Xiao on the butt:"You're so good, I didn't know your butt was so lifted. The clothes are not small, it's just this style. If you weren't my brother, I would be greedy."

Tang Xiao was embarrassed:"Haha, you're such a joker."

Xin Ling was thinking: Fortunately, Yu Xi was not allowed to come, otherwise she would be even less interested in studying if she saw Tang Xiao in this outfit.

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