"You are still eating here and smiling so happily. Everyone at home is having a hard time because of you. Don't you feel guilty at all?" Tang Jie questioned Tang Xiao.

Her voice was not loud. She couldn't act recklessly in such an occasion.

Everyone here was rich, and no one would spoil him.

Su Lengdie stood behind Tang Jie with her arms folded, helping her best friend to save the situation.

Tang Xiao frowned.

How unlucky! Why did he meet her here?

"I don't feel guilty." Tang Xiao replied coldly:"Whether you are happy or not is none of my business."

Tang Xiao's tone was quite impatient.

"You!" Tang Jie was so angry.

Su Lengdie:"Tang Xiao, she is your sister, you should talk to her nicely."

"Even if we're no longer related, she's not my sister."

Su Lengdie was choked and speechless, but she still wanted to fight back:"Even if we're no longer related, she's still your sister, you have the same blood!"

This sentence made Tang Xiao very unhappy.

Yes, just because I have the blood of your Tang family, I licked you for two years. Just because of this Tang family blood, I suffered two years of abuse and finally died.

Tang family blood brought him these things?

But Tang Xiao's emotions were very stable, he wouldn't lose control again.

People with a dead heart have the most stable emotions, no, it should be indifferent.

Tang Xiao said:"Is your Tang family blood noble? I also hate this stinky blood in my body, it makes me sick"

""Tang Xiao! You!" Tang Jie was furious.

The Tang family's identity was what she was most proud of, but Tang Xiao actually abused her like that.

""Tang Xiao! Apologize to Jiebao and take back what you just said." Su Lengdie said.

Xin Ling, who was standing aside, had already looked down.

Xin Ling said,"Apologize? Tang Xiao was bullied in your house for two years. Have you ever apologized?""

""Don't talk nonsense, who bullied him?" Tang Jie retorted.

Xin Ling sneered:"Haha, he was so thin when he lived in your Tang family, and his life was depressed and painful. After leaving the Tang family, he became stronger, more energetic, and even ranked first in the grade. After leaving your Tang family, he is getting better and better, how do you explain this?""

Yes, how do you explain this?

Tang Xiao is living a better life without you, doesn't this mean that he is living a bad life in your family.

Tang Jie and Su Lengdie were both speechless:"This……"

Xin Ling saw that Tang Xiao was getting impatient and was about to kick him out.

But at this moment, the sound of a stool falling was heard in the restaurant.

""Who! Who can help us? Our boss has suddenly fainted! Please help call an ambulance!" A man called for help.

A middle-aged man in elegant clothes was lying on the ground in front of a table.

His body was convulsing, and his face was red and swollen.

His companion was a man in his thirties. He grabbed his companion's hand and was in a panic.

At this time, a beautiful woman in her thirties came in from the backstage.

She was the owner of Jianhuxuan, Lan Xin.

"I'm going to call an ambulance. Everyone, please don't stand around and don't block the road. Xiao Li, open the window and get some fresh air."

There was no chaos at the scene. Lan Xin was in control of the situation very well.

As the boss of Jianhuxuan, she was also a very skilled person.

"Xiao Cheng, don't worry, Mr. Fan will be fine."Lan Xin comforted him.

Mr. Fan was the one lying on the ground, and Xiao Cheng was his companion.

Mr. Fan and Xiao Cheng were regular customers here, and Lan Xin knew them.

Xiao Cheng was about to cry:"Sister Lan, we were having dinner, and Mr. Fan suddenly convulsed and fainted. How long will it take for the ambulance to arrive? Mr. Fan doesn't look very good."

Mr. Fan's face was abnormally swollen, his eye whites were turned out, and he exhaled less and less.

Everyone could see that Mr. Fan didn't seem to be well.

Lan Xin didn't have an answer either. Part of her apparent calmness was pretended.

She was actually a little anxious.

Mr. Fan was not a small person. If something really happened in her restaurant, she would not be able to open this restaurant in the future.

Lan Xin said:"Let's help him up and put him on the sofa. The ground is too cold."

"You're right. Let's help each other."

When everyone was about to help and lift Mr. Fan to the sofa, an inopportune voice appeared.

""If you don't want him to die, don't touch him!" Tang Xiao said sternly.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Tang Xiao.

Tang Jie and Su Lengdie were dumbfounded.

Tang Jie pulled Tang Xiao and whispered:"Tang Xiao, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Don't make trouble!"

Xin Ling also blinked and looked at Tang Xiao. She knew that Tang Xiao understood Chinese medicine.

She had experienced Tang Xiao's massage technique, which was definitely not an ordinary technique.

But she didn't know whether Tang Xiao's medical skills were at the level of being able to cure diseases and save lives.

But for some reason, Xin Ling had an inexplicable expectation of Tang Xiao. She felt that Tang Xiao might be able to do it!

The others also looked at Tang Xiao.

"Who is this guy? I don't know him. He is quite handsome."

"So young, probably some rich second generation from a wealthy family"

"Some second-generation rich people just love to show off. Why do they still want to show off in a situation where human lives are at stake?"

Tang Xiao is young and handsome, with a lot of hair, which makes it easy for people to look down on him.

Lan Xin frowned, but she still asked patiently:"Sir, do you know first aid?"

"I understand a little bit."

Tang Xiao came over and squatted down.

He felt Mr. Fan's pulse, checked his heartbeat, and looked at Mr. Fan's eyelids.

Finally, he confirmed:"Acute cardiovascular spasm and blockage caused high blood pressure and fainting. If you move him, the blood vessels in his body will explode, and he will die on the spot."

Everyone looked at each other. They could understand every word Tang Xiao said, but they couldn't understand them together.

Seeing that Tang Xiao spoke very well, Xiao Cheng quickly asked:"My little brother, is this disease serious?"

"It's not serious, he can still live for ten minutes."

Everyone gasped.

He can still live for ten minutes, is this not serious? Are you talking like a human being?

Xiao Cheng was about to get angry, at this critical moment when people's lives were at stake, he was still joking.

And Tang Xiao meant that ten minutes was enough for first aid.

Tang Xiao began to massage Boss Fan.

First the head, the neck, and then changed Boss Fan's posture.

Tang Xiao's movements were very skillful, he had tried these many times on his grandmother, Gu Weiguo, and even on himself.

After he did all this, he immediately noticed that Boss Fan's swollen face seemed to have subsided a little, and it was not so red.

Xiao Cheng was happy:"Little brother is awesome, Boss Fan is much better."

Tang Xiao nodded:"It's working a bit, he can live for twenty minutes now"


Tang Xiao spoke the truth, but some people felt that Tang Xiao was a bit pretentious.

If Tang Xiao didn't seem to really know how to do it, Xiao Cheng would have wanted to beat him up.

Then, Tang Xiao took out a set of acupuncture from his body and began to give acupuncture.

The needles were very thin, but Tang Xiao's movements were very smooth, and he was very gentle when determining the acupoints and inserting the needles.

Everyone watched nervously, not daring to breathe heavily for fear of disturbing Tang Xiao.

Even Tang Jie and Su Lengdie were so nervous that they held each other's hands.

After a few injections, the hematoma on Mr. Fan's face disappeared, and Mr. Fan also began to breathe heavily.

Tang Xiao pulled out the needles and wiped the sweat from his head.

He said,"It's okay this time.……"

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