After a while, the ambulance arrived.

The doctor and the nurse used instruments to examine Boss Fan who was lying on the ground.

The doctor put away the instrument:"Acute cardiovascular spasm and blockage caused high blood pressure and fainting. The critical period has passed and there is no danger to life for the time being. But you have to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation."

The doctor's diagnosis was the same as Tang Xiao's.

The doctor also praised:"You did a very good job in emergency treatment. Letting the patient maintain this posture can indeed temporarily unblock the blocked blood vessels."

Xiao Cheng took Tang Xiao's hand and thanked him profusely:"Thank you so much. Without you, our Boss Fan would be in trouble..."

Xiao Cheng and Boss Fan have a deep friendship, and he is very grateful to Tang Xiao.

""Little brother, I will accompany Mr. Fan to the hospital first. I will definitely thank you later!" Xiao Cheng promised.

Tang Xiao didn't care:"It's just a matter of convenience. It's not a big deal."

Mr. Fan was lifted into the ambulance and taken away.

Applause broke out at the scene.

"You are awesome, little brother. Great young man."

"Don't judge a person by appearance. I think this handsome guy is extraordinary."

"Wonderful, so wonderful"

"This guy is so handsome"

"This is what young people should be like."

Lan Xin came to Tang Xiao and asked with a smile:"Little brother, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is Tang Xiao."

Lan Xin said to everyone,"So it's little brother Tang Xiao. Everyone, to celebrate Mr. Fan's rescue and to thank Tang Xiao, each table will be given a bottle of Fidel Private Estate red wine tonight!"

The red wine produced by Fidel Private Estate is an internationally famous expensive red wine, and a bottle costs about 30,000 yuan.

Jianhuxuan is a high-end restaurant that requires reservations to eat. It never has discounts and never gives away gifts.

Giving each table a bottle of 30,000 yuan red wine, Lan Xin is really generous this time

"Sister Lan is so generous!"

"Don't thank me, thank little brother Tang Xiao instead." Lan Xin had a very high EQ and pushed the thank you to Tang Xiao.

Everyone was very happy that they had this blessing.

Lan Xin was really grateful to Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao helped her solve a big problem. If Boss Fan really died here, her Jianhuxuan would not be able to operate.

Lan Xin raised her glass:"Here, I propose that all of us give a toast to Tang Xiao!"

""Tang Xiao, cheers!"

Everyone raised their glasses and toasted Tang Xiao.

Xin Ling also looked at Tang Xiao with a smile.

Tang Xiao was as dazzling as the moon surrounded by stars at this moment.

Tang Xiao was uncomfortable, he was not used to this kind of scene.

The trouble was resolved, everyone returned to their tables and continued to eat.

Everyone was talking and laughing, talking about what had just happened.

And from time to time someone would come to Tang Xiao's table and toast him a glass.

Tang Xiao was not used to it at first, but he quickly learned how to deal with it, and became more and more calm.

Lan Xin came to Tang Xiao's table:"Little brother Tang Xiao, thank you for today, I don't know what to do without you."

Tang Xiao modestly:"It's not a big deal, just a small problem."

Lan Xin handed a black card to Tang Xiao

"Brother Tang Xiao, this is our Jianhuxuan SVIP gold card, which offers a lifetime 50% discount. This card has a limit of 500,000 yuan, and this is a thank you gift for saving people today."


Tang Xiao was a little hesitant to accept the gift, as it was too expensive.

Five hundred thousand, this was a figure he could not imagine.

Tang Xiao did not know that high-end restaurants like Jianhuxuan rarely issued membership cards.

The SVIP Gold Membership Card was the highest level membership card. It was estimated that less than ten cards had been issued since Jianhuxuan opened. It was a symbol of status and could not be bought with money.

Lan Xin was quite scheming here. In fact, she could have given Tang Xiao cash directly, but she gave him a consumption card of Jianhuxuan.

In other words, Tang Xiao could often come here to consume in the future, which was equivalent to making friends with Tang Xiao. They could interact more often in the future. Of course,

Lan Xin's current status was much higher than Tang Xiao's, and this card also symbolized a friendship of extremely high value!

Xin Ling helped,"Brother, just accept it. You have helped people a lot, and they will feel at ease if you accept the gift.""

""Okay. Thank you." Tang Xiao had no choice but to accept it.

"Hehe, little Tang Xiao is quite innocent."

Lan Xin smiled softly with her hands covering her mouth when she looked at Tang Xiao, her cheeks slightly red, and her eyes somewhat charming.

Tang Xiao was handsome to begin with, and coupled with his handsome rescue just now, Lan Xin liked this little boy more and more.

Lan Xin knew that Xin Ling was Tang Xiao's female companion, and she also knew that she had no chance tonight, so she said a few polite words and left very sensibly.

Tang Jie and Su Lengdie saw the whole process.

They were shocked by Tang Xiao's calm rescue.

Later, various people came to toast Tang Xiao.

Those who could eat here were all rich people and big shots in Jiang'an City, including Lan Xin, the boss of Jianhuxuan.

They were so respectful to Tang Xiao.

Even their own father Tang Rushan had never received such treatment.

The two young girls were stunned.

For some reason, their hostility towards Tang Xiao was not so strong.

Tang Jie and Su Lengdie also came to Tang Xiao's table.

Tang Jie asked,"Tang Xiao, do you also know medicine? Do you know acupuncture?"

Tang Xiao said coldly,"Does this have anything to do with you?"

Tang Jie was angry,"Tang Xiao! I'm talking to you nicely, what's your attitude?!"

Tang Jie thought she was very polite, but she didn't expect Tang Xiao to not give her any face.

She is not Tang Xiao, how could she understand the pain that the Tang family brought to Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao used to dream of gaining a little favor from the Tang family, but now he no longer needs it.

"That's my attitude."

Tang Xiao took a sip of red wine and didn't even look at Tang Jie.

"You!" Tang Jie gritted her teeth in anger, and Su Lengdie didn't know what to say.

Xin Ling said unceremoniously:"Ladies, if you have nothing to do, please leave, and don't disturb us while we eat."

Tang Xiao put down the knife and fork in his hand and said:"No, I'm done. Let's go."

""Okay, I'll listen to you." Xin Ling was very obedient.

Tang Xiao stood up. He was almost a head taller than Tang Jie and Su Lengdie.

Tang Xiao was sturdy, with broad shoulders and a stern temperament.

Looking at him from such a close distance, he was extremely oppressive. He was completely different from the timid and thin Tang Xiao back then.

Tang Xiao said indifferently:"Please move aside and don't block the way."

He pushed the two of them apart and pulled Xin Ling out.

"You! Damn Tang Xiao!" Tang Jie cursed at Tang Xiao's back.

However, Tang Xiao didn't even turn his head.

Tang Jie stamped her feet in anger:"This damn Tang Xiao. I didn't care about it. I was so polite to him, but he still treated me like this. I was really angry."

"Well, yes." Su Lengdie said perfunctorily.

Tang Jie felt Su Lengdie's perfunctory:"Lengdie, why don't you follow me to scold Tang Xiao? Are you still my good sister?"

Su Lengdie said:"Tang Xiao did something wrong, but... he is really handsome. He was so strong and domineering just now.……"

Su Lengdie looked at Tang Xiao's departing back, seeming to reminisce.

Tang Jie was furious:"Su Lengdie! You traitor!"

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