On a city road at night.

Tang Xiao sat in Xin Ling's car.

Tang Xiao apologized:"I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood just now, I didn't scare you."

But Xin Ling smiled and said:"How could I scare me? You were so handsome just now."

"Haha, Teacher Xin is joking."

"You are the one who surprised me. I didn't expect that your medical skills can save people."

Xin Ling knew that Tang Xiao knew some medical skills, which could be seen from the massage.

But Tang Xiao's calm performance tonight still surprised her.

Tang Xiao waved his hand:"It's nothing. Boss Fan's illness is urgent, not difficult. So I can handle it."

Boss Fan's illness is an acute attack. The key point is time. The sooner the rescue, the better.

The difficulty of treatment is not great.

As for Tang Xiao's acupuncture on the patient, it was his first time to give acupuncture to someone other than himself, Gu Weiguo, and Deng Yinglan, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

But now it seems that the effect is very good.

His super memory allows him to find and grasp the acupuncture points and meridians of the human body far beyond ordinary people.

Tang Xiao felt that acupuncture seemed to him... not too difficult.

If Gu Weiguo knew about this, he would probably be depressed for a few days.

At this time, Xin Ling received a call.

"Hello, principal, ok, I got it."

Xin Ling hung up the phone and said to Tang Xiao,"Brother, the principal asked you to go to him tomorrow."

Tang Xiao was puzzled:"What's the matter?"

"He didn't say anything, but from his tone he didn't seem angry."

"Um...does that mean I always make the principal angry? No."Tang Xiao was puzzled. He felt that he was not such a person.

Xin Ling rolled her eyes. She had wiped Tang Xiao's butt several times.

"You will find out tomorrow when you go to see the principal. I will take you back first."


The next day, in the principal's office of No. 2 Middle School,

Tang Xiao knocked on the door:"Principal Wei, are you looking for me?"

"Come in and sit down first." Wei Changhe waved his hand


Tang Xiao sat down at the desk.

"Drink tea."

Wei Changhe smiled and pushed a cup of hot tea with a slight aroma in front of Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao didn't know that this tea was the principal's treasured tea.

"Um, thank you, Principal.……"Tang Xiao took a sip.

He felt uncomfortable because he couldn't guess what the principal was going to do.

As a principal, is it appropriate to make tea for a student? Even teachers don't get this treatment.

Wei Changhe said earnestly:"Tang Xiao, how are your grades recently?"

Although Tang Xiao was confused, he still replied:"Principal, my grades are okay, just so-so."

Tang Xiao's grades were close to full marks, and the sentence"just so-so" was very valuable.

Wei Changhe nodded with satisfaction, and asked again:"In addition to science, how are you in liberal arts?"

Tang Xiao has a super memory and speed reading, and he is also very smart.

Liberal arts and science are the same to him.

In fact, for a true genius, both arts and science will not be bad.

Tang Xiao replied:"It should be okay."

He is very humble, but those who know Tang Xiao's grades know that his"okay" is definitely different from that of ordinary people.

Wei Changhe smiled:"Very good. Tang Xiao, do you want to make some money?"

"Of course I want to. Principal, do you have a way to make money? Is your way legal?"Tang Xiao blinked and looked at the principal.

Tang Xiao wanted to make money too much, he wanted to be more independent.

How could a perfect life be short of money?

Although the scholarship of 60,000 yuan alleviated his poverty, he still lacked money.

Deng Yinglan is old, and now she is still selling things at the stall.

Lan Xin gave him a meal card worth 500,000 yuan, which sounds like a lot, but it is only a meal card for eating at Jianhuxuan, which is meaningless.

If Wei Changhe can make himself rich, that would be great!

Tang Xiao's expectant look of"I know" made Wei Changhe very uncomfortable.

"Don't think too much, I'm the principal, I won't take you to do anything illegal."Wei Changhe said unhappily.

Really, what do you think I am?!

"Tang Xiao, have you ever heard of high school subject competitions?"Wei Changhe stated his purpose.

"Subject competitions?" Tang Jie pondered this strange yet familiar word.

In fact, almost every subject in high school has a corresponding subject competition.

For example, mathematics competitions, physics competitions, geography competitions, computers, etc.

The difficulty of the questions in these competitions is often higher than that of high school textbooks, and they are specially prepared for particularly smart students.

If you get a ranking in these competitions, you will get a corresponding bonus, and some will even have extra points for the national examination!

But this kind of competition is very difficult and consumes a lot of energy, and the extra points are really thankless.

It is easier to study hard and improve your scores.

That is a game for smart students.

Before, Tang Xiao was in the Tang family and had no energy to pay attention to these things, so he had heard of them but never thought about participating.

Wei Changhe said,"That's right. If you participate in one or two subject competitions and get a ranking, you can get a bonus. This will also win honor for our school, and I can approve other scholarships for you. How about it?"

Tang Xiao's eyes lit up.

Yes, with his current super learning ability, isn't it easy to get such a ranking? Isn't this bonus free?

And Wei Changhe also stated his ultimate goal:"You are looking at the bonus, and I am looking at the score. Your national exam score must be very high, but what if it is even higher? If you add another five or ten points, and get a score of more than 750, wouldn’t that be even more amazing?"

As the principal of No. 2 Middle School, Wei Changhe's ideal is to run No. 2 Middle School better.

No. 2 Middle School is good in Jiang'an City, but there is still a gap compared with the top high schools.

And Tang Xiao, the top seed of the academic god, will definitely enhance the reputation of No. 2 Middle School.

But Wei Changhe is very ambitious, he thinks it is not enough.

Why not do something big? Let Tang Xiao's national exam score be higher!

Getting a place in the subject competition can make Tang Xiao's score higher.

But Wei Changhe still said:"Of course, the choice is yours. If you don't want to participate, forget it. This is your personal wish."

Wei Changhe said so much, mainly because he was not sure whether Tang Xiao was willing.

Because this is indeed a thankless task and it takes a lot of energy, it is normal for Tang Xiao not to be willing

"No problem, Principal, I'll participate."Tang Xiao agreed immediately.

Tang Xiao didn't care about the score or not. He had a super learning ability and the score was just a number to him.

Making money was his goal.

Wei Changhe was overjoyed:"Great! You are worthy of being my favorite student. There will be a geography and chemistry competition next week. I will sign up for you. Although it is very stressful to participate in two competitions, you should prepare for it and we will try our best."One geography and one chemistry, one liberal arts and one science.

Now it is less than a month away from the national exam. Wei Changhe is ambitious, but he also knows how difficult it is.

But he still wants Tang Xiao to strive for it and try to get a ranking. The third place can get five points.

Tang Xiao was not satisfied:"Principal, why are there only two competitions?"

Wei Changhe frowned:"What do you mean?"

Tang Xiao said calmly:"Principal, before the national exam, please sign up for as many competitions as you can. I can win ten, and more than ten is better."

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