Liu Zihao pretended to be deep:"Xiao, have you ever heard of a kind of genius? They are paranoid, partial to one subject, and focused. They focus on one thing and reach the pinnacle. And I am that kind of genius."

"I don't know if you are a genius or not, but your situation is called academic imbalance in our place." Tang Xiao said bluntly.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Liu Zihao is seriously academically imbalanced.

His best subject is biology, and the others are just average.

Liu Zihao also signed up for the biology competition this afternoon.

The three of them knew each other, so they made an appointment to meet at the Jiang'an City Library.

They planned to review in the library and participate in the competition in the afternoon.

Today, Xia Yuxi did not wear a school uniform, but a floral dress, which was very youthful and beautiful.

Many people in the library looked over here from time to time.

Xia Yuxi was so beautiful today, no wonder Liu Zihao pretended.

But Xia Yuxi only had Tang Xiao in her eyes, but she was shy and didn't dare to look boldly.

Liu Zihao said:"You are young, you don't understand, I don't blame you. But by the way, why did you participate in subject competitions? You weren't���Are you interested? I don’t even know when you signed up."

Tang Xiao replied,"I started to be interested yesterday. The principal signed me up."

Liu Zihao didn’t know that Tang Xiao was not uninterested before, but he just didn’t have the energy.

Tang Xiao longed for family affection and tried his best for that pitiful family affection. He had abandoned all his hobbies and interests, so where would he find time for academic competitions?

"If you had told me earlier, I would have lent you the study materials to help you intensively study. Although you are a good student, it is a pity that... This is my field and you cannot beat me." Liu Zihao said coolly.

Liu Zihao is quite fat and pretends to be cool on purpose, which makes people feel a little funny.

But what he said is the fact. The questions in the subject competitions are much more difficult than the national examinations.

It is not feasible to only learn the contents in the textbooks to do the competition questions.

However, Tang Xiao said,"No need, I have already gone through all the questions."

Liu Zihao took the book on the table and flipped through it twice like flipping a deck of cards:"You have finished reading it like this? Do you think I will believe it?"

Liu Zihao never believed that Tang Xiao studied in this way and thought that Tang Xiao was joking:"Tang Xiao, you still say that I am pretending, but you are more pretending than me."

"No, I watched it several times."

"You are kidding me."

Xia Yuxi couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

It was very interesting to see two big boys bickering childishly.

Liu Zihao said:"Look, Xia Yuxi is laughing at you, Yuxi, let's ignore her. I tell you, this question is likely to be tested today. Come, let me explain it to you."

As he said, he turned over a question and pointed it to Xia Yuxi.

Xia Yuxi timidly asked Tang Xiao:"Tang Xiao, do you know how to do this question?"

Tang Xiao smiled and replied:"I do."

"Then...can you tell me?"

""Okay." Tang Xiao agreed.

The two of them were having a great time.

Liu Zihao on the side shouted in his heart: No!!! Tang Xiao you beast!!

The lunch time passed quickly.

Keji Road Cultural Palace. The

Jiang'an City Senior Three Biology Competition exam was held here.

At this time, in a beautiful office.

Two people were sitting in front of a tea set and chatting.

On one side was a short woman in her sixties wearing a lanyard reading glasses, and on the other side was a bright and beautiful woman.

This beautiful woman turned out to be the eldest sister of the Tang family - Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan was dressed decently and generously, with a hip skirt underneath, and a beautiful and elegant hip line.

A pair of long legs were long and straight.

The old woman's name was Ge Juan, and she was the person in charge of today's exam.

Ge Juan smiled kindly and said,"Tang Yuan, it's great that you can come. I remember that you were just a big girl before, and now you are a career woman. Time flies so fast."

Tang Yuan respected Ge Juan very much:"No matter how old I get, I will always be Teacher Ge's student."

It turned out that Ge Juan used to teach biology, and she was a famous teacher at a famous school.

She also taught Tang Yuan before.

Later, Ge Juan was transferred to work at the Cultural Palace and did not participate in teaching. The two had a good relationship, and Tang Yuan often came to see Ge Juan.

The Cultural Palace was full of youthful atmosphere.

Tang Yuan, who was used to the intrigues of business, felt very comfortable here.

And today, Tang Yuan was invited as a special guest.

Because Tang Yuan is the second highest scorer in the biology competition!

Ge Juan recalled:"I remember that you broke the historical record and became the first. After you graduated, it was your sister Tang Xue who broke your record again and became the current number one." The paper score of this kind of competition is one thousand points. The number of questions is very large and the difficulty is also very high. The exam lasts three hours and it is impossible to finish it.

That's why it's called a competition. Just try to get as many points as possible and rank according to the score.

Tang Xue and Tang Yuan, they are still the first and second highest scorers in the biology competition.

Tang Yuan said:"That was all in the past. To be honest, although I like biology, I majored in business management in college."

Ge Juan said,"I understand that you want to take care of the Tang family's business. Your sister Tang Xue is very capable. I heard that she is an associate professor in the medical school."

Tang Yuan was very proud of her sister. She apologized,"Tang Xue is too busy at school and has no time to come."

The Cultural Palace also invited Tang Xue, but she was too busy, so only Tang Yuan squeezed out time to come.

Ge Juan said,"It's okay, it's good that you can come. Everyone will be very happy to see you."

At this moment, a staff member of the Cultural Palace came in:"Teacher Ge, Ms. Tang. The time is up, let the competition begin."

Ge Juan nodded:"Okay, I got it."

In the auditorium of the Cultural Palace, there was a sign saying"Jiang'an City XXth High School Biology Knowledge Competition" and many leaders were sitting on the rostrum.

"This is Teacher Ge Juan, the general manager of this competition. Let's applaud.……"

"The last one is the special guest of this competition, Ms. Tang Yuan! She is our senior. The second highest scorer is this lady.……"

Tang Yuan sat on the podium, nodding gracefully to everyone.

The students and teachers sitting below were talking about it.

"The second highest score record! I remember the second highest score was 895 points, this is great. I can get 700 points, it's good, more than 800 points, I dare not think about it."

"Wait! Tang Yuan! She is the director of the Tang Group! The eldest daughter of the Tang family!"

"I remembered it too, I saw her in a magazine! Tang Yuan, known as the 'Queen of the Chaebol'! I thought they had the same name, but it turns out they are the same person!"

"She is beautiful, rich, and she was a good student before? This is a real goddess."

The appearance of such a big shot as Tang Yuan caused a small sensation.

Tang Xiao and the other two were also sitting in the audience.

Tang Xiao frowned and was not in a good mood.

Why did she come? She was a special guest?

Xia Yuxi looked at Tang Xiao with some concern. She knew a little bit about Tang Xiao and the Tang family's past.

But Liu Zihao was very excited:"Tang Xiao, look, a beauty!"

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