How could Liu Zihao know so many stories here?

He just thought Tang Yuan was pretty.

Tang Xiao had never participated in a competition before, and he never cared about the records.

It was just a coincidence that they met, and they had severed their relationship, so there was nothing to worry about.

Tang Xiao decided to ignore it.

Tang Xiao said to the two of them,"Don't worry about it, just do your homework well."

""Okay." Liu Zihao also calmed down.

And Xia Yuxi thought: Tang Xiao is so mature and handsome.

The people on the stage didn't pay attention to the audience.

After the host finished the introduction, the leader said some encouraging words.

Then the competition was announced to start.

The scene was quiet, the students handed in their mobile phones, and the papers were distributed.

This set of competition questions has twelve papers, after all, there are 1,000 points of content.

The number of questions is very large, and the competition time is three hours.

Competition is like this, the difficulty is far beyond the national examination

"The competition has begun, and it's time to answer the questions."

This is a tiered classroom, and each student sits at a long table.

The four sides are relatively open, making it easier for the teacher to supervise.

On the rostrum, Tang Yuan and Ge Juan also looked through the papers, roughly scanning the twelve papers.

Ge Juan said:"This year's questions are really difficult. I'm afraid it's the most difficult in more than ten years. It seems impossible to break the record of you two sisters."

Tang Yuan looked at the questions and said:"It's really difficult. If it were the old me, I probably wouldn't be able to get 885 points."

"Hehe, you are too modest."

Tang Yuan said:"My best score was 885, and Tang Xue scored 893. The two of us were always close to 900, and it was a pity that we didn't break the record of 900."

This kind of competition is very difficult. In previous years, those who could score around 800 were almost the top three.

But the two sisters of the Tang family are too outstanding. What they want is to break through to 900 and set a new record.

Sure enough, the goals pursued by outstanding people are different from those of ordinary people.

Ge Juan was very pleased to see Tang Yuan.

What an outstanding person, born in a famous family, beautiful, good at studying, and a director of a listed group, a proud daughter of heaven.

Not only Ge Juan thought so, almost everyone present looked at Tang Yuan this way.

Tang Yuan looked at the test paper for a while, then looked at the students doing the questions, reminiscing about her student days.

"Hmm?" Tang Yuan exclaimed softly. She saw a familiar figure.

"Tang Xiao!"

The view from the rostrum was great, and she finally saw Tang Xiao.

"This ungrateful bastard actually came to participate in the competition!."Tang Yuan was furious.

She was usually very busy and often not at home.

But that didn't mean she didn't know what was happening at home.

She knew that her family was very unhappy because of Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao had quarreled with his father Tang Rushan many times recently, and even threatened to break off relations.

This made Tang Yuan hate Tang Xiao even more.

What's more, Tang Xiao had stolen her necklace and has not found it back yet.

Tang Yuan was very upset: You stole my things and made Dad so angry, and now you are pretending to take the exam here! How shameless.

Tang Yuan then thought: How could he be able to participate in the competition? Could it be... cheating!

In Tang Yuan's eyes, Tang Xiao is a bad guy who is always sneaky and cunning.

How could he possibly participate in such a competition?

Tang Yuan has never paid attention to Tang Xiao's grades, and she doesn't care about such people.

She doesn't know Tang Xiao's grades.

But she thinks she knows Tang Xiao's character very well: a thief with corrupt morals.

This person must cheat!

Tang Yuan likes biology competitions, which brings her many happy memories.

She can't stand Tang Xiao using cheating to taint the competition!

Tang Xiao, Tang Xiao, you can fool around outside, but you must never come here to cheat!

Tang Yuan can't stand it.

She said to Ge Juan:"Teacher Ge, you need to pay special attention to one person. This person has a very bad character and may cheat."

Tang Yuan's words immediately caught Ge Juan's attention.

She is the general person in charge of the competition and has zero tolerance for cheating.

Ge Juan asked:"Who?"

Tang Yuan pointed at Tang Xiao:"That's the man, his name is Tang Xiao, he used to steal my necklace worth millions."

Tang Yuan's voice was not small, and several invigilators around heard it.

Damn! A necklace worth a million!

This guy must be a criminal!

Who would believe that such a person would not cheat?

Tang Yuan has such a high status, and they have every reason to believe what she said.

Ge Juan nodded:"I know, we will deal with it seriously."

The students in the audience were all concentrating on answering the questions and had no idea what was happening on the stage.

Tang Xiao was still concentrating on answering the questions, and his answering speed was terrifying.

At this moment, Ge Juan's voice rang out:"The contestant named Tang Xiao, please put down the pen in your hand."

The voice was abrupt, attracting all the contestants to look over.

Liu Zihao and Xia Yuxi both raised their heads and looked at Tang Xiao, wondering what had happened.

Tang Xiao was very confused. He hadn't figured out the situation yet, and saw five invigilators walking towards him.

An invigilator said:"This candidate, you may be suspected of violating regulations. Please come to the stage and cooperate with us to re-examine you."

Tang Xiao:"I have handed in my mobile phone.……"

Before he finished speaking, a teacher took away Tang Xiao's test paper and pulled Tang Xiao up from his seat. He began to search her body and even scanned her body with a detection instrument over and over again.

"Why do you suspect me of cheating?" Tang Xiao said unhappily.

"Don't talk, just cooperate."The invigilator was very rude.

How could you be polite to such a person?

Everyone saw this scene and murmured in a low voice.

‘Oh my god! That person cheated? How did you know?’

‘Who knows how it was exposed?’

‘The invigilator is not an idiot, he will definitely not make up stories.’

‘How dare you cheat in such an occasion. '

Liu Zihao asked loudly:"Teacher, could you have made a mistake?"

Xia Yuxi also plucked up the courage to say:"Proctor, Tang Xiao is from our school. He is a good student and will not cheat.……"

"You two, be quiet! If you violate the exam rules again, please get out!"

Ge Juan directly scolded Liu Zihao and Xia Yuxi, using her power to pressure them.

Tang Xiao was a bad student identified by Xia Yuxi, and she would rather kill the wrong person than let him go!

Liu Zihao was very angry and the pen in his hand was about to break.

Xia Yuxi was also very worried. She looked at Tang Xiao and then at the invigilators.

They didn't believe that Tang Xiao would cheat.

Tang Xiao was a genius student who didn't care about the scores at all. Was it necessary to cheat like this?

Tang Xiao was confused at first, but then he saw Tang Yuan looking at him with a scrutinizing look, and he understood everything.

Tang Yuan! It's you!

Tang Yuan must have said something to the invigilator. , making them suspect that he cheated.

After figuring it all out, Tang Xiao felt humiliated!

In the Tang family, he had experienced this kind of groundless trial many times.

Just because of a suspicion, he might be judged and even punished without mercy.

In the past, Tang Xiao was submissive and submissive, and he would only compromise no matter how much he was wronged.

Just for the illusory family affection.

But his good sister, the good sister that Tang Xiao once respected the most, never trusted him once.

Just today, she still treated him in such a humiliating way!

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