In the sales center, Tang Zijian and Zhang Ping were talking and laughing.

It was bustling here with many people.

But Tang Zijian had sharp eyes, and he saw Tang Xiao in school uniform leisurely eating snacks on a small coffee table. Tang

Zijian couldn't help but feel jealous.

Damn Tang Xiao, he was so leisurely, why don't you just die!

He had a strong possessiveness for the things of the Tang family, whether it was property, the love of his parents, and the love of his sisters.

They all belonged to him.

As long as Tang Xiao was alive, Tang Zijian would not be happy.

Tang Zijian's mind turned and he came up with a plan.

He pulled Zhang Ping and shouted:"Mom, look, it's my brother, my brother is sitting there!"

Tang Zijian pulled Zhang Ping and walked towards Tang Xiao.

"Ah, it's really Tang Xiao." Zhang Ping also saw Tang Xiao.

In fact, after not seeing each other for so many days, Zhang Ping still felt soft-hearted when she saw Tang Xiao, after all, he was her child.

Tang Xiao raised his head and looked at the two people walking towards him, and said to himself: What bad luck, how could I meet them.

The two people walked up to Tang Xiao, but Tang Xiao did not get up.

Instead, he lay comfortably on the sofa.

Zhang Ping said:"Tang Xiao, why are you here?"

"Nothing, just sitting around. What's up, you two?"Tang Xiao was quite casual.

Tang Xiao's attitude made Zhang Ping a little unhappy, after all, she was Tang Xiao's mother. She didn't even call her mom. But Tang Zijian's eyes turned red again in an instant.

""Brother, are you angry enough? We are all waiting for you to come home."

Tang Zijian is really a master of fanning the flames. With just one sentence, 'Are you angry enough?', he pushed all the responsibility onto Tang Xiao.

It seemed that such a big conflict was Tang Xiao's problem alone, caused by Tang Xiao's bad temper.

Tang Xiao frowned, but didn't indulge him anymore:"Whether I am angry enough or not is none of your business! Also, don't pee here, it's disgusting to look at."

Tang Xiao hit back hard as soon as he opened his mouth, without any mercy. Tang Zijian was very angry when he heard being scolded, but when he thought of Zhang Ping next to him, he felt better.

"Brother, please don't say that.'s all my fault. I ignored your feelings.……"

"Then you should move out."Tang Xiao chased

"Forehead……"Tang Zijian was choked by this sentence.

Tang Zijian's strategy was to retreat in order to advance, but Tang Xiao just kept advancing and not retreating at all.

He didn't follow any tricks, which made Tang Zijian speechless.

Zhang Ping hadn't seen Tang Xiao for a long time, and she softened her heart when she saw him today.

But Tang Xiao's attitude immediately made her unhappy.

After all, she was a mother, so she still said patiently:"Tang Xiao, that's enough! You also know that your brother has a kind nature.

Your sister said that he is a people-pleasing personality, how can you treat him like this?"

Tang Xiao was speechless:"What are you talking about to yourself? You are still a people-pleasing personality, I think he is a people-pleasing personality."

Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian were suppressed by Tang Xiao's firepower, they never expected it.

How come Tang Xiao is so powerful now?

Is this still the timid Tang Xiao!

Tang Xiao said leisurely:"If you two have nothing to do, just leave and don't disturb me from eating cookies."

Zhang Ping was so angry that she cursed:"Tang Xiao! I am your mother, and you haven't called me mother until now. Do you still have a conscience? Do you know what respect is? You don't recognize your relatives. I gave birth to you and raised you in vain! Without me, where would you come from!"

Tang Xiao looked at this mother in front of him and found it funny.

He still remembered that two years ago, when Zhang Ping found him, he cried with joy because he had a mother from then on.

For this maternal love that was delayed for more than ten years, Tang Xiao tried his best to please this mother, this biological mother, in the Tang family.

But this mother, seemingly soft-hearted, is actually extremely partial!

Zhang Ping never cared about Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao lived in the staircase warehouse for two years, and she didn't come to see him.

Tang Xiao's clothes were old and she couldn't see them.

Zhang Ping didn't know how much Tang Xiao had paid for her!

In the past two years, Zhang Ping was very doting on Tang Zijian, and Tang Xiao didn't dare to have any resentment at all.

He even felt that Zhang Ping deserved it.

But how good Zhang Ping was to Tang Zijian, how bad she was to Tang Xiao.

She listened to whatever Tang Zijian said, so she ignored Tang Xiao more and more.

She was willing to be the sharp knife that Tang Zijian used to hurt Tang Xiao!

Zhang Ping, the mother, was also the person who hurt Tang Xiao the most!

But after dying once, Tang Xiao regarded the bullshit maternal love as dirt.

Tang Xiao immediately retorted:"Have you ever taken care of me for a day since you gave birth to me? Do you really treat me as your son?

How did you lose me in the first place? You are just enjoying the airs of being a mother now, but you have never fulfilled your obligations as a mother. You have never had any feelings of nurturing me, you are a bullshit mother!"

Tang Xiao scolded without any mercy.

"You! Tang Xiao!"

Zhang Ping was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. Tang Zijian quickly said

"Brother, it's not like that. Mom feels sorry for you.……"

Tang Xiao interrupted directly:"Enough! You disgusting motherf*cker. You still feel sorry for me. I used to think that Ms. Zhang was the softest, but now I know that her self-righteous softness is pure selfishness and hypocrisy! The most disgusting!"

Tang Xiao actually said that Zhang Ping's softness was worthless.

But Tang Xiao was right. Those self-righteous kindness and self-righteous softness were just a kind of narcissism. Also

, why should I be polite to you just because you are soft-hearted?

If you are soft-hearted, all your evil deeds will be written off? It will be easier to be a bad guy.

Zhang Ping was furious:"Tang Xiao! You rebellious! How could I give birth to someone like you!"

She was furious and raised her hand to slap Tang Xiao.

Who knew that Tang Xiao reacted faster. He grabbed Zhang Ping's wrist like lightning, and then slapped Tang Zijian in the face with his backhand.

Afraid! A muffled sound.

Tang Zijian was slapped against the wall and was dizzy.

Tang Xiao glared at the two of them:"If you hit me, I will hit your son!"

Fight violence with violence, tooth for tooth.

This is Tang Xiao's value after his rebirth!

Tang Xiao now has many advantages, but he does not repay evil with virtue.

Zhang Ping was anxious and angry. She broke free from Tang Xiao's hand and helped Tang Zijian up.

She was heartbroken:"Zijian, Zijian, are you okay?"

"Woo, woo, woo (Mom, my face is numb)……"Tang Zijian's face was swollen again, and he couldn't speak clearly.

Zhang Ping was angry:"Security! Where are the staff! Someone is beating someone up here! Are you going to do anything about it?"

Tang Xiao and the others made a lot of noise, and immediately a staff member came to check.

A young man in his twenties came over with a badge on his chest that read: Manager Cheng Lei.

Tang Xiao knew this man. It was Xiao Cheng who had been thanking him profusely when he saved Fan Youtong last time.

Xiao Cheng walked over with a very dignified look. Today was the opening day, and he didn't want anyone to cause trouble.

Cheng Lei said,"I'm the manager here. What happened?"

Zhang Ping stopped Cheng Lei, and then pointed at Tang Xiao:"Manager, you're good to be here. This is not a plaything. You beat my son! Call the police and arrest him!"

"Okay, we will deal with it seriously." Cheng Lei's expression was dignified.

But when he turned around and saw Tang Xiao, his expression immediately changed:"Tang Xiao, little brother!"

Tang Xiao's mood improved a lot when he saw Xiao Cheng, and he nodded:"Xiao Cheng brother, long time no see."

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