Xiao Cheng was very happy to see Tang Xiao.

But Zhang Ping next to him was surprised that Cheng Lei actually knew Tang Xiao.

But she didn't think much about it, she said unhappily

"Manager Cheng, you are the person in charge of your company. No matter whether you know each other or not, this person beat up my son!"

Zhang Ping pointed at Tang Xiao viciously.

Since Tang Xiao didn't recognize his relatives, she wouldn't recognize this son either.

She had to send Tang Xiao to jail today!

Cheng Xiao adjusted his glasses:"Oh? Brother Tang, is that what this lady said?"

Tang Xiao said righteously:"She hit me first, I was just defending myself."

Tang Xiao learned the term"self-defense" from Sun Sheng.

Sun Sheng said: Even if you beat someone, you must be right first. The best result is to beat someone and still have people sympathize with you.

But Tang Xiao was not wrong. It was indeed Zhang Ping who started it first, but she didn't hit him.

Zhang Ping was so angry that she pointed at Tang Xiao:"You provoked me first. I didn't hit you yet, but you hit Zijian. You started it first!"

Tang Xiao said again:"I would like to ask, I am sitting here well, why did you come here?"


Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian choked. It was indeed them who came to find Tang Xiao first.

They came to find Tang Xiao, and then were provoked by Tang Xiao. This is not logical.

Cheng Lei probably understood. Tang Xiao was sitting there, and these two people came to cause trouble and were slapped.

And judging from the clothes of Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian, they must be rich or noble.

Cheng Lei was very surprised: Brother Tang looked gentle and polite, but he didn't suffer any loss!

Cheng Lei said seriously:"That means fighting each other.

It is true that both parties did something wrong.

But, I suggest that you just let it go.

Anyway, you have suffered losses.

If the police come, it will be counted as a fight between you, and neither of you will get any good.

It doesn't matter if this little brother goes to jail.

He is unknown and no one pays attention to him.

But you, madam, you are not an ordinary person at first glance.

If it is spread that you fought with others and were detained for a few days, it would be really hard to listen.


Cheng Lei looked at Zhang Ping sincerely, his eyes firm and righteous.

Cheng Xiao seemed fair and just, and advised both parties to take a step back.

But in fact, he was secretly taking sides, because Tang Xiao slapped the other party. At this time, persuading both parties to take a step back would mean that Tang Xiao made a profit.

With the experience of Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian, they probably didn't notice that Cheng Lei was taking sides.

Cheng Lei's words also caused Zhang Ping to think:

Yes, I am the wife of the wealthy Tang family. If I am detained for fighting with others, the Tang family will definitely be laughed at. Tang Rushan will definitely say something about me.

The wealthy family has its own face, and fighting with others is too ugly.

Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed me who started it first, and it is likely to be counted as a fight.

Zhang Ping weighed the pros and cons, and finally said:"Okay! We are unlucky today. Let's take a step back."

Cheng Lei took the opportunity to say:"Madam, you and your son are outstanding people, and you know the big picture!"

"Manager Cheng said jokingly,"People in our family still have some tolerance." Zhang Ping was very proud.

The atmosphere was no longer as sharp as before.

Although she was very unhappy with Tang Xiao, she thought what Cheng Lei said was quite nice.

Cheng Lei's actions even stunned Tang Xiao.

Is this the world of adults?

Obviously, he slapped someone, but as long as he can speak well, people will not pursue it.

Tang Xiao thought to himself: I still have a lot to learn.

"Mother……"Tang Zijian cried out pitifully.

He wanted to remind his mother that his face was still swollen.

""Zijian, are you okay... This is also my fault." Zhang Ping gently touched Zijian's face, feeling distressed.

But there was no way, she really couldn't hold Tang Xiao responsible.

Zhang Ping endured it, but it didn't mean that her anger subsided.

She looked at Tang Xiao viciously:"Tang Xiao, you just have your eyes on our family's money. I tell you, you can't get a penny of the Tang family's money!"

Tang Xiao frowned, a little disgusted:"I have never been interested in your family's money."

Whether in the past, present, or future, Tang Xiao has never been interested in the Tang family's money.

But no one in the Tang family believed it. Zhang Ping sneered:"Haha, that sounds good."

Cheng Lei was also surprised to hear this: What money? Is there any economic dispute?

Zhang Ping turned to Cheng Lei and said:"Manager Cheng, how much is that Jinyu Water Village? We bought it in full and registered the property in the name of my son Tang Zijian!"

Her eyes were fixed on Tang Xiao, and her lipstick-coated mouth said forcefully:"Tang Zijian is my son, and this gift is from me to my son."

Zhang Ping was taking revenge on Tang Xiao.

In her opinion, Tang Xiao was just jealous of Tang Zijian and coveted the Tang family's money.

She wanted to give Tang Zijian the Tang family's property that Tang Xiao wanted most in front of Tang Xiao.

She wanted to see Tang Xiao in pain, or even regret!

However, Tang Xiao had no expression on his face and even wanted to laugh.

"Your family's money is none of my business. You can give it to whoever you want."

Tang Xiao looked indifferent and ate a cookie as if nothing had happened.

It was as if Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian were air.

"Pretend! Tang Xiao, you always like to pretend."Zhang Ping didn't believe that Tang Xiao really didn't care, it was all pretend.

But Cheng Lei said to Zhang Ping at this time:

"Madam, I'm sorry. This time, our Jinyu Water Village is not for sale to the public."

Zhang Ping was stunned:"Not for sale? How could that be? We paid in full. We will buy it even if it's at a premium. We just want to give it to my son as a gift."

Cheng Lei apologized:"I'm sorry, madam, this is what our President Fan meant." When he said this, he glanced at Tang Xiao vaguely.

Zhang Ping said:"Your chairman is Fan Youtong, right? My husband Tang Rushan knows your President Fan. They have had dinner together before. I am her wife."

Zhang Ping brought up her identity as a member of the Tang family.

Cheng Lei was very surprised:"So you are Mrs. Tang, how disrespectful."

He guessed that Zhang Ping's identity was not bad, but he didn't expect that she was actually the wife of the wealthy Tang family.

Does that mean Tang Xiao has a dispute with the Tang family?

But Tang Xiao looks like a poor student, so it doesn't seem like that.

Zhang Ping was very satisfied with Cheng Lei's attitude:"We are all acquaintances, so can this Jinyu Water Village be sold to us?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Tang, no. This is our CEO Fan's decision, and we have no choice."

"Where is Mr. Fan? Can you let me meet him? I will talk to him face to face."

Zhang Ping didn't believe it. With her status and wealth, she couldn't get a set of Jinyushuixiang?

It was mainly because she wanted to pretend in front of Tang Xiao.×

×It's already halfway done. If I can't buy it, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

She was determined to buy this king of houses in front of Tang Xiao!

Let Tang Xiao know the real strength of the Tang family!

Tang Xiao knew what Zhang Ping was going to do. He felt very bored, so he asked Cheng Lei:"Little Brother Cheng, isn't Mr. Fan here yet?"

Cheng Lei was about to explain when he heard someone shouting

"Mr. Fan is here!"

I saw a middle-aged man with a big belly and a gold metal buckle belt, walking down the hall in the crowd.

Mr. Fan's dress was like that of a nouveau riche, rich but uneducated.

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