Although he is not educated, the real estate he develops is appreciating in value, and everyone respects Mr. Fan.

After Fan Youtong arrived, he looked around as if he was looking for someone.

But at this time, a buyer asked,"Mr. Fan, you don't have enough houses ready. Don't you have more? The second phase will be sold out soon."

"Yes, I didn’t buy it last time, and I don’t think it’s going to work this time either."

Mr. Fan puffed his stomach and apologized,"I’m sorry, fellow villagers, there are only so many houses, and I can’t do anything if they are sold out.

Thank you for your trust, just consider us friends. Everyone, eat more fruit."

Many people were disappointed that they didn’t buy it, and Bihua Real Estate’s houses are indeed very popular.

"Mr. Fan, where is the Jinyu Water Village? Why hasn't it been marked for sale?" This man asked the question that everyone was concerned about.

Yes, the king of suites was not marked today, which meant that it was not put up for sale.

Mr. Fan said:"I'm sorry, everyone, that suite is not for sale. I have other uses for it."

It would be a pity not to sell the Jinyu Water Village.

Several people had planned to sell everything they had to get this king of suites.

At this time, Fan Youtong finally found Tang Xiao, his eyes lit up.

He pushed through the crowd:"Sorry, please let me pass. I have something to do."

Fan Youtong came in front of Tang Xiao and held Tang Xiao's hand tightly.

"Hahaha! Brother Tang, I finally see you. I missed you so much. Without you, abalone and lobster won’t taste good to me."

Fan Youtong spoke crudely, but Tang Xiao could feel his enthusiasm.

Tang Xiao nodded and chuckled:"Not really, I see you’ve recovered quite well"

"Really? Hahaha!"

Fan Youtong's complexion is much better now than that day at Jianhuxuan.

Many people did not understand this scene.

The first thing Fan Youtong did after arriving was to chat with this young man?

Who is this young man? I don't know him.

Apart from being handsome, I can't tell anything about him.

I'm afraid he is here with his parents.

Tang Xiao is almost the youngest person here.

Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian were both surprised: Tang Xiao actually knows Fan Youtong? They look quite familiar, how is it possible!

Although Zhang Ping didn't want to believe it, she thought: So what if they know each other? How good can their relationship be?

At this time, Zhang Ping came in front of Fan Youtong.

"Hello Mr. Fan, I want to ask, can I buy that Jinyu Water Village?" She still didn't give up on that king of houses, she just wanted to buy this house in front of Tang Xiao.

"Who are you……"Fan Youtong didn't know Zhang Ping, so Cheng Lei quickly introduced her to him.

"She is the wife of Tang Rushan from the Tang family."

Fan Youtong was surprised:"So she is Mr. Tang's wife, I am so sorry. Mr. Tang has a big business!"

Of course, Fan Youtong had heard of Tang Rushan's name.

The Tang family is a famous wealthy family with assets of over 10 billion!

Zhang Ping was happy about Fan Youtong's attitude: looking at this situation, there is a chance for the house.

Zhang Ping said anxiously:"Mr. Fan, that Jinyu Water Village……"

"I was just about to say this." Fan Youtong smiled and took Tang Xiao's hand, saying loudly:"My fellow villagers, I, Fan Youtong, want to thank someone here!"

"This person is this little brother Tang!"

Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian saw this scene and felt something was wrong.

Everyone looked at Tang Xiao again.

Tang Xiao was not used to it: What is going on? Such a big scene.

Fan Youtong:"Little brother Tang saved my life! Without him, I, Fan Youtong, would have died long ago. If I don't repay him, am I still a human being?

In order to thank him for saving my life, this set of Jinyu Water Village will be given to him!" As soon as Fan Youtong said this, the whole scene fell silent.

Then, a heated discussion broke out at the scene.

"Oh my god! A house worth over 10 million yuan was just given away like that! Are you crazy?"

"The price is over 10 million, the real market price is double that, over 20 million! And there is no market for it, it is hard to buy even if you have money"

"Is it too much to give someone a house worth more than 20 million as a gift?"

"This is a life-saving grace. I stand with Mr. Fan this time."

"Who is this young man? He actually has the ability to save Mr. Fan. Even the King of Fang was sent away."

"Still wearing school uniform, a high school student? He's only in high school and he's already a multi-millionaire, that's a bit tricky. From this perspective, my son is really a loser."

"This is strength, real strength."

"Bihua is really powerful to dare to send even the king of houses"


When Tang Xiao heard that Fan Youtong wanted to give him the King of Houses, he was also confused.

Damn! A house worth 10 or 20 million, for me?

When Fan Youtong said he wanted to give him a gift, he didn't take it too seriously. '

He originally expected that it would be good to get an electric rice cooker.

Who would have thought that he would actually give him the King of Houses!

Tang Xiao asked cautiously:"Mr. Fan, are you serious? I tell you frankly, I won't give it back to you if you give it to me."

Tang Xiao is sincere, but not stupid. If he can accept it, he will definitely accept it.

Fan Youtong laughed:"I said I would give it to you, so why are you being polite! Don't worry, accept it, you saved my life. Without you, I would have died a long time ago, and a house is a bargain."

Fan Youtong is a big boss in the real estate industry, worth billions.

Giving a house to his lifesaver is a bargain for him.

Although Fan Youtong is not very educated, he will definitely repay a favor.

Fan Youtong said to everyone:"I'm sorry, the house will belong to this young man from now on. If you still want to buy it, you have to find him."

Someone immediately asked Tang Xiao:"My friend, are you selling this house? We can still negotiate the price."

Tang Xiao hadn't gotten used to it yet. He scratched his head:"This... I haven't thought about it yet.……"

"Then may I ask, do you have a girlfriend? My daughter has just come of age, she is a good match for you"

"I haven't thought about this yet...……"

The scene was noisy, everyone envied Tang Xiao, but they couldn't say they were jealous.

After all, Tang Xiao saved Boss Fan's life, and it was his own strength.

But some people were jealous.

Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian were so jealous that they wanted to vomit blood.

They wanted to show off in front of Tang Xiao and show Tang Xiao the strength of rich people.

Who knew that they would just give the house to Tang Xiao.

She had to spend money to find connections to buy it, but they just gave it away for free.

In comparison, she felt that she was stupid and Tang Zijian was useless.

This was too infuriating!

Zhang Ping gave Tang Xiao a vicious look.

"Tang Xiao, it's just a villa. You can't imagine how strong our Tang family is. Xiao Zijian, let's go home!"

""Okay... Mom."

Zhang Ping was so angry that her liver hurt. Seeing Tang Xiao, the rebellious son, so glorious, she couldn't bear it for a minute.

She pulled Tang Zijian to leave.

And Tang Zijian also glanced at Tang Xiao, with murderous intent in his eyes!

Tang Xiao, I will make you die this time!

He was so angry, not to mention that he was slapped in vain.

The villa that originally belonged to him was actually snatched by Tang Xiao!

How infuriating is this.

The two left without attracting Tang Xiao's attention.

Because he didn't care about their feelings at all.

Fan Youtong took Tang Xiao and said enthusiastically:"Brother Tang, I will treat you to dinner tonight. Let's go to the 'Atlantis Sky Restaurant'. Eat whatever you want. By the way, are you an adult?"

"I'm an adult now, what's wrong?" Tang Xiao was puzzled.

"I know a bath center, the service on the second floor is particularly good."

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