"Ah?" Tang Xiao was stunned for a moment.

Tang Xiao understood Fan Youtong's invitation, but he was confused.

"Uh... forget it, let's just have a meal. I have something to do tonight, so let's do it another day."Tang Xiao could only refuse first.

Because he hadn't thought about it yet.

But it was true that he had something to do tonight, and Sun Sheng asked him to go there tonight.

Fan Youtong was full of doubts:"That's a pity, the technicians there are really good. Let's do business first.

Jinyu Water Village is finely decorated, and the furniture and everything have been bought. You can just pick up your bag and move in. Let's go sign the contract. I've also paid the tax for you."

Fan Youtong was very straightforward and completed all the procedures on the spot.

Everyone looked at Tang Xiao with envy.

Tang Xiao looked at the house deed in his hand and felt it was unreal.

My assets have exceeded 10 million?

In the evening, Fan Youtong took Tang Xiao to the Atlantis Sky Restaurant, a real seven-star restaurant, more expensive than Jianhuxuan.

Fan Youtong ordered a lot of dishes, and Tang Xiao packed up what he couldn't finish.

Take it back for grandma to try.

When Tang Xiao returned home, Tang Xiao told his grandma that he had an extra house.

Deng Yinglan didn't believe it at all

"Xiaoxiao, grandma knows you are sensible, but don't lie to grandma. Grandma won't put pressure on you, just study hard and find a good job in the future."

"Grandma is real, stop setting up a stall, let's move there together"

"Even if it's true, I won't go. I'm used to living here, and I won't move in the future."

Deng Yinglan was very stubborn, and Tang Xiao refused to listen.

Deng Yinglan was a very simple person, who had lived here all her life and got along very harmoniously with her neighbors.

How could she move?

She really had no interest in those things.

Tang Xiao lay on the bed, planning to take a short rest.

Then, Gu Xiaoxi sent a message.

‘Tang Xiao! I have good news for you!’

‘What? You were admitted to graduate school again? I heard that informal ways of getting admitted to graduate school are not very good. You should not think about it.’

‘I don't understand what you are saying. It's not a big deal to be admitted to graduate school. I'm telling you, I've joined the crew.’

‘What the hell?’

‘I was spotted by a film crew, and their director came to the drama school to talk to the teacher. He asked me to play the third daughter in an action movie (proud dog head)


Xiaoxi has not come back yet. It turns out that the film director has taken a fancy to her.

They not only took a fancy to Gu Xiaoxi's image, martial arts skills, but also took a fancy to Gu Xiaoxi's popularity at the time.

So they found Gu Xiaoxi and hoped that Gu Xiaoxi would play the third female role.

Originally, they wanted her to be the second female role, but considering that it was Gu Xiaoxi's first time to make a movie, they finally decided to let her play the third female role.

‘I originally wanted to be a villain, but people said that my image in society is too positive now, and it is not good to be a villain (little yellow face regret)’

‘6. Such incredible luck. '

Gu Xiaoxi's luck is unmatched.

‘Tang Xiao, I was away for a few days. Have you been exercising? I'm afraid I'll see you doing Parsons-style push-ups again when I come back.’

‘Humph, I am so strong now, you are no match for me.’

‘What? You, the traitor, want to rebel against your master? '

Gu Xiaochuan's words choked Tang Xiao, and he didn't know how to reply for a long time.

‘What a mess. Please read less novels.’

‘Hahaha, I was just kidding. Thank you for taking care of grandpa during my absence.……’

The chat is over.

It can be seen that Gu Xiaoxi is still quite energetic.

After lying down for a while, Tang Xiao had rested enough.

It was time to go find Grandpa Sun Sheng.

Nursing home, Sun Sheng's room.

Tang Xiao was giving Sun Sheng an acupuncture.

Tang Xiao was very careful because the several places where he inserted the needles were very dangerous.

If he didn't do it right, someone might die.

Half an hour later, Tang Xiao stopped acupuncture.

"I will prescribe some medicine for you. I estimate that you will be able to walk in more than a week."

Sun Sheng was very happy:"It's great, little brat. You are really capable. My bowel movements and urination have been normal these two days, and my toes can move.

It's amazing, much better than those big doctors."

Sun Sheng smiled happily. He was so happy.

He searched for famous doctors, but his disease was incurable.

Unexpectedly, he got effective treatment from an eighteen-year-old boy.

Sun Sheng is not an ordinary person. He has been a big shot in the world for most of his life.

Paralysis was a huge blow to him. He would rather die than sit in a wheelchair.

Sun Sheng was extremely grateful to Tang Xiao.

This young man gave him too many surprises.

"As long as it works, it's fine."

Tang Xiao was also very happy. Sun Sheng's disease was a real difficult and complicated one, a very tricky one.

But the acupuncture that Gu Weiguo taught him was very effective.

He cured Sun Sheng, which also showed that his medical skills had reached a very high level.

Sun Sheng said:"Come on, I'll take you to a place"

"Where are we going?"

Sun Sheng showed a wicked smile:"Take you to experience life and death."

Tang Xiao pouted:"You old man are quite immature"


Tang Xiao took a taxi.

He easily picked up Sun Sheng, put him in the back seat, and fastened his seat belt.

Then he put Sun Sheng's wheelchair in the trunk.

Sun Sheng nodded:"Your strength is increasing very fast."

"Hehe, it's not bad."

After this period of special training, Tang Xiao's physical fitness has improved a lot.

This is just the rising stage, and there is still a lot of room for growth in the future.

Tang Xiao sat in the passenger seat.

The driver asked:"Where are you going?"

"Jiang'an City Public Security Bureau." Sun Sheng said.

Tang Xiao was surprised:"What? Have you decided to surrender?"

When the driver heard the word"surrender", he immediately became nervous. He stared at Sun Sheng with wide eyes and had the urge to jump out of the car.

He didn't expect that he actually picked up a criminal.

Sun Sheng was so angry that he jumped up and down, but he remembered that his feet seemed to be unable to move.

He slapped the back of the chair and said angrily:"Damn it! You little bastard, stop cursing at me! How many times have I told you that I am not a criminal!"

Arrived at the Jiang'an City Public Security Bureau.

The director, An Xin, is a middle-aged man with eyes as big as a cow.

An Xin was very happy to see Sun Sheng, and he took the initiative to help Sun Sheng push the wheelchair.

"Oh, Consultant Sun, you haven't come to the Public Security Bureau for a long time. To be honest, I really miss you."

"I would like to come, but how can I come if my legs are paralyzed?"Sun Sheng said carelessly

""Ah, I remember how brave you were back then. What kind of strange disease did you get?" An Xin said with regret.

"It doesn't matter. If I'm paralyzed, I'm paralyzed. From now on, I'll give you the top spot in prestige steps. I'll retire."

"Haha, Consultant Sun is really good at joking."

Sun Sheng was talking and laughing with the director of the Public Security Bureau, which was beyond Tang Xiao's expectation.

Not only that, other policemen were very respectful when they saw Sun Sheng.

This made Tang Xiao confused.

This old man has such a strong background? He can still chat with the director of the police station after killing someone?!

An Xin looked at Tang Xiao at this time.

"Consultant Sun, this child is……"

Sun Sheng said:"His name is Tang Xiao, and he is my apprentice."

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