When Tang Xiao, the hostage, was strangled by Zhang Qiang, suddenly, a heavy punch hit Zhang Qiang's"little brother".

No matter how strong Zhang Qiang was, he was weak there.

With his back to Zhang Qiang, Tang Xiao grabbed the knife in Zhang Qiang's hand and stabbed back in the opposite direction!

The knife stabbed directly into Zhang Qiang's chest.

Turning around, Tang Xiao pulled out the knife and kicked Zhang Qiang to the ground.

Tang Xiao's body was stained with red. He held the bloody knife and confronted the other two people.

His eyes were like a beast!

""Boss!" The two younger brothers were shocked.

Zhang Qiang, who used to be so arrogant, was killed!

Zhang Qiang lay on the ground, his face red and swollen, breathing difficult, and his bloodshot eyes looked at Tang Xiao in disbelief.


He never thought that this young man with a childish face could be so crazy.

Tang Xiao's heart was pounding.

These things were taught to him by Sun Sheng.

Sun Sheng taught him that when faced with a life-and-death moment, one must first ensure that the other party dies first before he can survive!

Zhang Qiang is a desperado. If Tang Xiao does not kill him, he will die!

Everyone was shocked.

They knew Tang Xiao's identity. The director had explained that he was just a student.

But, is he really just a student?


, bang, bang!

The police were not stupid. They took advantage of Tang Xiao's counterattack against Zhang Qiang and immediately opened fire.

The two younger brothers were shot and fell in front of Tang Xiao.

""Duan Xue! Tang Xiao! Are you all right?"

An Xin and his policemen rushed forward to check and found that Tang Xiao was fine, but Tang Xiao's counterattack still shocked many policemen.

They focused on Duan Xue again.

"Damn it! So much blood! Why isn't the ambulance here yet? How about we take him there!"

Duan Xue was seriously injured and his consciousness was getting blurrier.

The police were in a mess.

They were teammates fighting side by side, and Duan Xue's injury made them very anxious.

They were not afraid of anyone in the charge, but they were not very good at treating the wounded.

Director An Xin kept saying"damn it" left and right.

""Don't gather around, she won't breathe air, she must stop bleeding first! It will be too late if the bleeding is not stopped." Tang Xiao said.

Everyone was stunned, and then looked at Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao didn't give them a chance to question, he took out a set of acupuncture.

Then he tore open Duan Xue's clothes, located the acupuncture points, and gave acupuncture!

Tang Xiao picked up some unknown wild grass on the side of the road, crushed it and applied it to the wound.

The bleeding stopped immediately.

Tang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief temporarily:"It's okay, just wait for the ambulance to come."

"Oh my god! This kid also knows medical skills!"

The police were all shocked.

Seeing that Tang Xiao was so reliable, An Xin quickly grabbed Tang Xiao:"Tang Xiao, it turns out that you also know medical skills, that's great, we have a wounded person over there, please help take a look."

Tang Xiao nodded:"Okay."

An Xin took Tang Xiao to see another injured policeman.

The policeman was stabbed several times and was seriously injured, but as long as Tang Xiao was there, everything would be fine.

He also quickly treated the wound of the wounded.

An Xin pulled Tang Xiao, feeling excited:"Tang Xiao, you helped us a lot. If it weren't for you, they wouldn't survive tonight."

An Xin's eyes turned red when he said this.

"No, you are the ones who have the hardest time."Tang Xiao said modestly.

He had a good impression of these policemen, and they always thought about protecting Tang Xiao's safety.

Even when facing Zhang Qiang, Duan Xue wanted Tang Xiao to go first.

After a while, the ambulance took the wounded away.

The other policemen returned to the Public Security Bureau.

Sun Sheng was still drinking tea in the conference room of the Public Security Bureau when he saw everyone come back. He was especially happy to see that Tang Xiao was fine.

He smiled and said,"Wow, you're back alive, you're lucky."

But at this time

""Stand at attention! Salute!"

In the conference room,

An Xin and other police officers stood at attention. They saluted Tang Xiao with a very standard police salute.


All the police officers in Jiang'an City express their gratitude to Mr. Tang Xiao!" The police were solemn.

Tang Xiao said modestly:"You are welcome, Chief An. You were the first to protect me."

This scene stunned Sun Sheng:"Chief An, what do you mean?"

After the ceremony,

An Xin pulled Tang Xiao and Tang Sun Sheng

"Consultant Sun, you picked up a treasure! Tang Xiao is both a scholar and a warrior, so amazing. He subdued the criminal leader. If it weren't for him, one of our teammates might have died tonight."

"Hmm? Really?"

An Xin said,"Play the law enforcement record."

Every time the law is enforced, there is a law enforcement camera on the chest of the police.

On the big screen in the conference room, the scene of Tang Xiao killing Zhang Qiang was played.

The police from the Public Security Bureau sat and watched.

Tang Xiao's movements were as smooth as flowing water. He was calm, ruthless, and courageous, and one move was fatal!

Some old policemen felt inferior.

If Duan Xue and the other policeman were not injured.

They might think that Tang Xiao's methods were too cruel.

But Zhang Qiang almost killed two policemen. Tang Xiao's ruthlessness and madness only made them feel very happy.

They cast respectful eyes on Tang Xiao.

An Xin was so excited that his blood boiled, and he clapped his hands and praised:"It feels so good, it feels so damn good!"

Sun Shengdu was stunned, and he looked at Tang Xiao again:"Is it so fierce the first time?"

"No way, I was very scared at that time, okay?" Tang Xiao defended himself.

At this time, a policeman came in to report

"Report, Zhang Qiang is dead."

Zhang Qiang is dead!"

Tang Xiao was stunned. He actually killed Zhang Qiang.

Including Zhang Qiang's two younger brothers, there are already three people who died in front of Tang Xiao tonight.

An Xin cursed:"This scumbag died just like that? It's really a bargain for him."

Sun Sheng was very happy.

His original intention was just to let Tang Xiao go with him to see the law enforcement scene, but he didn't expect Tang Xiao to actually kill someone.

"Good, he killed someone.��"What does it feel like to kill someone?" Sun Sheng asked Tang Xiao with a smile.

Tang Xiao still felt a little scared when he recalled it.

Although Sun Sheng had taught him a lot of experience in killing people, he only felt the cruelty and danger when he really faced it.

As for the psychological discomfort, it was not very strong.

Because if he didn't kill Zhang Qiang, he would die!

At this time, a policeman escorted a man in.

"Report, we found this person in the basement of the criminal gang!"

This person is a middle-aged man with a slightly big belly and medium height.

He wears old-fashioned gold-rimmed glasses and an expensive shirt, and he looks rich.

All the police looked at him in unison.

Because he had just seriously injured two policemen, the police looked at this man as if they wanted to kill him.

The middle-aged man also felt the murderous aura in the air.

The middle-aged man panicked:"Comrade police, don't misunderstand, Zhang Qiang and I are not in the same group! I'm just passing by.……"

An Xin asked,"What crime did he commit?"

An Xin felt that this middle-aged man was very unfamiliar, and he didn't seem to be in Zhang Qiang's gang.

The escorting police said,"His name is Tang Ruhai, and he is here to collect tickets for singing."

The middle-aged man was discouraged:"Comrade police, I will accept any fine, just ask you not to tell my family."

Zhang Qiang's gang is very large, and more than a dozen people were arrested tonight.

Among Zhang Qiang's crimes, there is the crime of organizing the sale of y. If there is selling, there must be buying. This middle-aged man is here to collect tickets, commonly known as ladybugs.

If it is just for collecting tickets for singing, he will not go to jail, but only be detained for one or two weeks.

However, if acquaintances, especially family members, know about it, it will be quite socially dead.

An Xin waved his hand, indicating that these small fish and shrimps should be taken away.

But when Tang Xiao saw this man, he was very surprised

"Huh? Uncle?!"

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