Tang Ruhai is Tang Rushan's biological brother, and Tang Xiao's uncle.

Tang Ruhai is also a member of the Tang Group.

Although he is not as rich as Tang Rushan's family, and his status is not as high as Tang Rushan and Tang Yuan, he also owns several companies under the name of the Tang Group.

He also holds 5% of the shares of the Tang Group, and his words still carry some weight in the board of directors.

As far as I can remember, Tang Ruhai didn't treat his nephew Tang Xiao very well.

He even fanned the flames when his younger brother Tang Rushan was corporally punishing Tang Xiao.

He also said bad things about Tang Xiao, saying that Tang Xiao grew up outside and must have a bad character.

This made Tang Rushan hate Tang Xiao even more.

""Tang... Tang Xiao!"

When Tang Ruhai saw Tang Xiao, his heart skipped a beat.

It was over, it was completely over.

The thing he was most worried about happened.

As a porter, the most feared thing is to be caught and known by acquaintances.

The level of social death is enough to move to another planet.

Tang Ruhai had deliberately chosen a remote place to play so that he would not meet acquaintances.

Who knew that the police would raid Zhang Qiang's lair tonight.

What's worse is that he actually met his own nephew here!

And it was the nephew he had offended before.

As one of the shareholders of Tang Group, Tang Ruhai usually acted like a big shot.

At this time, he was as cowardly as a grandson.

He grabbed Tang Xiao's hand:"My good nephew, my dear nephew! Uncle begs you, don't tell my family about me."

When Tang Ruhai said this, he was about to cry.

"Uh... this."Tang Xiao didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain tonight.

An Xin and others frowned:"Tang Xiao, is this man your relative?"

They liked Tang Xiao very much, but they never thought that Tang Xiao would have such a relative.

Tang Xiao shook his head:"He used to be my uncle, but now it doesn't matter."

Hearing Tang Xiao say this, Tang Ruhai became anxious.

He knew that Tang Xiao was in conflict with the Tang family now, and maybe Tang Xiao still hated the Tang family.

But if Tang Xiao told the Tang family about what he did today, he would be finished.

A member of the wealthy Tang family actually went to a small place to sing. The consequences were not ordinary.

If his wife divorced him, other members of the board of directors would use this to attack him, and even enemies outside would use this to attack the Tang family.

How could he keep his current position?

Tang Ruhai begged for mercy:"Tang Xiao, I was wrong, you are my real father. Uncle is confused, you must not tell this to the Tang family."

Tang Xiao showed a sarcastic smile:"Didn't you say before that my character was not very good?"

Tang Ruhai immediately slapped himself twice, the slap was crisp and loud

"Tang Xiao, it was all because of your uncle's confusion. The real bad guy is your dad, that bastard Tang Rushan, a blind man, who actually treated my lovely nephew like this.

Tang Xiao, don't go back to your dad's place anymore, just follow me in the future, how about I treat you as my own son?"

Tang Ruhai was willing to do anything for his own reputation, even scolding his own brother.

He even wanted to take Tang Xiao as his son.

Tang Xiao felt a little disgusted:"Bah, don't disgust me, who wants to be your son?"

Tang Ruhai was so anxious that he was about to kneel down to Tang Xiao.

An Xin, Sun Sheng and others saw this scene and did not stop it.

They saw that this man had a grudge with Tang Xiao before.

In this case, they would definitely help Tang Xiao.

If Tang Xiao really wanted this man to kneel down, they could provide help.

Tang Ruhai pulled Tang Xiao aside and wanted to say a few words in private.

The police escorting him wanted to stop him, but An Xin agreed to let them chat privately.

Tang Ruhai whispered to Tang Xiao:"My good nephew, as long as you don't tell my family, I will give you five million."

Tang Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Good guy, he actually wants to pay me hush money!

This hush money is really a lot, five million right off the bat.

Tang Xiao really didn't expect to blackmail Tang Ruhai.

Tang Xiao didn't care whether to tell the Tang family about this or not, it mainly depends on his mood.

But the other party insisted on giving him money, how can he refuse it? If

Tang Xiao doesn't take it, Tang Ruhai will be uneasy.

Taking the money is good for him and me.

Sharing the worries for his uncle, this is what a nephew should do.

Tang Xiao shook his head and stretched out two fingers.

Twenty million!

Tang Ruhai was shocked. Twenty million is not a small number.

He is rich, but it is not easy for him to take out twenty million in cash at once.

But compared with the consequences of being known by the Tang family, these twenty million are within his tolerance.

Tang Ruhai regretted it. Why couldn't he control that job.

Finally, Tang Ru gritted his teeth and nodded: Deal.

Tang Xiao smiled:"Get it done within tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't help but tell it out. You know, I can't keep secrets."

Tang Xiao knew that although Tang Ruhai was in the detention center, he would definitely be able to contact his secretary, financial staff and the like to help him with things.

Tang Xiao's smile was warm and gentle, but Tang Ruhai felt chilled to the bone.

Others knew that Tang Xiao was relaxed and Tang Ruhai was uncomfortable.

Tang Xiao probably dealt with this old guy as well.

It was almost time, it was two o'clock in the morning, so Sun Sheng asked Tang Xiao to go back first.

He said that Director An would take him back later.

In An Xin's office, there were only An Xin and Sun Sheng.

""Sage, where did you train this little monster? Look at how ruthless he is today. Is he really just a student?"

Sun Sheng smiled and said,"I picked him up from a nursing home."

He was also quite satisfied with Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao's performance tonight far exceeded his expectations.

"Cruel, smart, and knowledgeable in medicine, this kid is as cruel as you, Saint! This potential is incredible."

An Xin is an old policeman who has experienced too many life and death.

But he is still far behind Sun Sheng.

The Sun Sheng in front of him is a more terrifying figure.

Sun Sheng is a generation of mercenary king in the country!

On the battlefield, in the jungle, in the desert and other places, I don’t know how many powerful enemies of Xia Country he has killed.

One of the small countries was even destroyed because Sun Sheng destroyed its top leaders.

There is even a 10 billion US dollar offer on the black market for Sun Sheng’s life.

But Sun Sheng still lives in Xia Country safely and becomes a special consultant to the Public Security Bureau.

This is all Sun Sheng’s strength!

Sun Sheng is good at killing people, and this Tang Xiao seems to be not bad, and even knows medical skills.

How terrible will Sun Sheng’s apprentice be in the future!

"Take your time, take your time, don't rush."Sun Sheng said leisurely.

The next day, Tang Xiao came to school.

Tang Xiao was reading a book in the classroom.

Xin Ling was giving a lecture on it.

"The national exam is next week. Please prepare carefully and pay attention to your exam room. Don't be late the next day or you will be refused entry.……"

There is less than a week left for the national exam.

Others are very nervous, but Tang Xiao can't help laughing.

He just received two text messages.

【XX Bank account, you received a transfer of 20,000,000】

【XX Bank account, you received a transfer of 500,000】

The first sum of money was a hush money from Tang Ruhai, and the second sum was a bonus from the Public Security Bureau.

Tang Xiao subdued the felon Zhang Qiang and saved two policemen.

An Xin immediately decided to give Tang Xiao a bonus of 500,000 and give him a"Heroic Citizen Award".

An Xin also reminded Tang Xiao that this Heroic Citizen Award could add 50 points to the national examination.

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