However, Chief Shui insisted that Shen Mingjiao could only go there alone. After all, everyone has different fantasies and fears in their hearts, and the illusions they see are naturally different.

Shen Mingjiao seemed to really want to find the thousand-year-old agarwood. After hesitating for a long time, she could only grit her teeth and nod. Just leave the rest of the people outside

When they arrived at the place, the Miao woman who was responsible for bringing her pointed at a hillside with unknown purple flowers in front of her and ran away quickly, as if there was some savage beast here.

Shen Mingjiao didn't seem to notice anything, and walked over happily. Before coming, Doctor Wu gave her a Qingxin Pill, and coupled with her hypnosis, ordinary hallucinogenic flowers and plants were not a problem for her.

Shen Mingjiao planned to go through the motions with Chief Shui, so she left naturally.

Looking at the clusters of unknown purple flowers in front of me, I didn't have any unnecessary feelings in my mind, I just thought the flowers were quite pretty.

At this moment, a white shadow jumped in front of her and stopped in a bush not far away. Shen Mingjiao blinked and it took a long time to see that it was actually a little silver fox.

For a moment, she almost thought she was hallucinating and saw the little snow ball left in the palace.

But she was very sure that she was not deceived by the illusion.

Even so, she still couldn't help but look at the little silver fox.

The little guy seemed to feel something, raised his tail vigilantly, and disappeared at the end of the mountain road.

She followed her gaze and saw that the mountain in front of her was not high, but there was a shallow path leading into the mountain. She knew that if she followed this path, she would be able to reach the cave the old man mentioned.

Do not know why. Yesterday's thought was brewing again. Qingyao could not let them go. They had come, but if they left like this, she would always feel a little bit at a loss. but……

She glanced at a dense forest not far away from the hillside without trace. She knew that Chief Shui and others were hiding there, waiting for her to take her away after she had a "hallucination".

You have to find a way to get rid of these people, or find another opportunity to come over.

Before she could think of anything, a figure seemed to be running past in the distance, and then she heard several intermittent shouting:

"...Clan leader,'s not good...there's a fire in the warehouse..."

She heard the Aqua Chief curse angrily, followed by the sound of a large number of footsteps leaving.

Shen Mingjiao frowned. Already the third time!

The person hiding behind always helped them just in time when they encountered difficulties. If the other person didn't do it on purpose, Shen Mingjiao could only think of one possibility. The other party had a problem with Qingyao and wanted to use their help to get rid of Qingyao.

However, Shen Mingjiao knew that Chief Shui should have sent someone to continue guarding her before he left.

Just when I was thinking this. I saw Yun Shu walking over: "Mr. Wu said that you definitely want to go to that cave to have a look. The two people opposite were drugged by Dr. Wu and are currently looking down and sleepy. I'm here for you, so hurry up."

Shen Mingjiao glanced at Yun Shu's clothes. Before arriving, for convenience, they both wore the same clothes.

Those stones were inaccessible to anyone except her, so she had to go there alone.

She immediately stopped hesitating and walked all the way in along the path. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the scene in front of me slowly began to change.

The mountain paths on both sides are no longer covered with green and alternating weeds and wildflowers, but are instead bare, and the soil on the ground is also light red.

After walking a few more steps, her sharp eyes spotted the light red stones on the ground. She bent down and picked up a piece at random, holding it in her hand and looking at it. The color is much lighter than it was in Qishan.

She continued walking forward and already saw the prototype of the cave.

The further she walked, the faster her steps became, and something seemed to be pulling her in her mind.

She knew that this was because of her hypnosis, or... it was because of her blood.

Just like seeing those stones, she would feel friendly from the bottom of her heart.

As she moved forward, the colors of the stones she saw became more colorful.

Until she came to the entrance of the cave, looking at the dark cave with red light, she took a breath, gritted her teeth and walked in.

It's not that she is brave because of her skill, but she knows that except for herself and Qingyao, no one or animal can get close to this place, so there will definitely be no hidden weapons to guard her.

When I walked in, I was already mentally prepared. Shen Mingjiao's forehead was still dizzy, as if something was pressing into her brain.

Shen Mingjiao held her breath and concentrated, gritted her teeth and resisted for a while. Gradually, her brain seemed to adapt to the environment here, and her forehead no longer felt dizzy.

She looked around and saw that the rocks were all glowing with a bright red light. Combined together, they form a large area of ​​dark red, which at first glance is actually quite scary.

But perhaps Shen Mingjiao had seen too many scary things in the past two days, so she didn't feel too scared now.

And to be honest, although this is a cave, it is not simple at all. I think people come here often, and the ground is trampled very flat. When you walk in, there are all kinds of beds, tables and chairs.

She came to the table, randomly picked up a book placed on the corner of the table, opened it and flipped through it. The words written on it were not Chinese characters, it should be about voodoo, and the book seemed to be quite old.

Take it back and give it to the witch doctor, he will definitely understand it.

Shen Mingjiao flipped through all the books on the table and put aside those that she found useful. At this time, she seemed to hear a rustling sound. She was startled, thinking it was those snakes again, but when she listened carefully, it didn't look like it.

She searched for the sound for a while, then quietly approached the bed, listened carefully, and found that the sound was indeed coming from under the bed.

She carefully lifted up the hanging silk mattress, picked up a candlestick that had just been lit on the table, and approached it. She found many jars placed under the bed.

Shen Mingjiao tentatively moved out the outermost jar. The jar was made of dark brown porcelain, and the mouth of the jar was sealed tightly.

She put her ear to it and listened carefully. It sounded like there were many crawling insects. Combined with Qingyao's skill in Gu, she quickly guessed what was inside.

She didn't open it rashly. He didn't understand these things. If he opened it casually, who knew what would come out?

She moved all the jars under the bed and counted them together. There were more than a dozen jars in total.

Shen Mingjiao stared at these jars and smiled with satisfaction. Finally, their hard work for so many days was not in vain.

Now that she has seen these harmful things, there is no way she can leave any more for the other party.

But... there are so many jars, and she definitely can't bring them all back alone.

Time was running out, so she immediately stopped worrying, picked up the two jars and strode out of the cave. She walked back for about half a quarter of an hour, found a relatively hidden location, and put the jars down.

After running back and forth like this for six or seven times, I finally moved all the cans.

She bent over and gasped. She secretly lamented that after so many days of sleeping in the open air, her physical strength had really improved a lot!

There is no way for anyone to come in to this cave, so they can only move all the things out in a roundabout way, and then look for an opportunity to have someone come and move them after they leave.

She straightened up and continued to look around in the cave, trying to find something like a hidden compartment, but she groped for a long time and found nothing.

Just when she was about to give up, there was a rumble in her ears. It was thunder!

This is nothing. Now is the season when spring and summer meet, and thunderstorms are often common in tropical areas.

In order to prevent herself from getting caught in the rain, she was about to leave when she saw a flash of blinding white light in front of her eyes, illuminating the entire cave. After the white light passed, Shen Mingjiao suddenly saw a little baby girl being thrown into the cave. The little girl cried. It was heartbreaking, and in the next moment, I saw the little child bleeding to death from all his orifices.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was hallucinating.

Just as he was thinking this, another bolt of lightning struck, and what appeared in front of him was no longer a little baby girl, but a young woman wearing authentic Miao costumes. The woman was roughly pushed into the cave. She screamed and wanted to get out, but the entrance to the cave was blocked by a huge stone.

The woman soon began to suffer from headaches. Then he held his head and rolled on the ground, until he finally became crazy.

Shen Mingjiao took a step back in shock, her face turned pale, and she held on to the table with both hands to prevent her legs from falling.

If everything she had experienced before could barely be explained with reasonable inferences, what she saw in front of her simply shattered her perspective, making her wonder if there were really any monsters here?

For a moment, she even had the urge to run away.

But when people are in extreme panic and fear, their limbs will always lose control. Her horns seemed to have taken root, and she watched the scene in front of her helplessly.

Watching girls in their prime being pushed into this cave. Watching these girls go from being fresh and beautiful to crazy and dying in embarrassment,

Gradually, she forgot her fear and was infected by the emotions of these girls.

As her mind relaxed, her pupils gradually became dilated.

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