But at this moment, there was a clear clicking sound from his hand.

This sound seemed to break some kind of see-saw that was about to collapse, and Shen Mingjiao instantly came back to her senses.

She rubbed her throbbing forehead, recalling the situation just now, she was so startled that she broke into a cold sweat.

She had an intuition that if she allowed it to go on, she might be affected like the other women who were imprisoned and become insane and die.

At this time, there was a tingling sensation in her fingers. When she looked down, she saw a palm-sized hidden grid popping up where her hand was pressing. It seems that when she was supporting the table with her hands just now, she accidentally touched the machine on the table.

This is considered unintentional.

There was a palm-sized square wooden box placed in the secret compartment. Shen Mingjiao took out the wooden box and held it close to his hand for a while to examine it.

I recognized that this was an organ box made by the Mo family in Jiangnan. It was specially used for dignitaries to store their valuables. The lock was difficult to open.

But as long as you have money and connections, it’s impossible but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

She carried the box out of the cave and looked back at the dark red light coming from the entrance of the cave.

I couldn't help but sigh. No matter who the Yaoguang Great Wizard was, she died thousands of years ago. In order to resurrect the so-called faith, Shenwu Village has distorted human nature and killed countless innocent women over the past thousand years!

Yun Shu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Shen Mingjiao coming back. Shen Mingjiao patted her shoulder: "Are you okay?"

Yun Shu shook her head with a pale face. Although she had brought the antidote pills given by Doctor Wu, she was not like Shen Mingjiao in that she could block these flowers and plants.

"Okay, let's go back and have a rest first, and leave the rest to me."

So the two people hiding not far away finally stopped taking a nap. With the intentional cooperation of Shen Mingjiao and others, the next thing went smoothly. Shen Mingjiao, who was "falling into hallucinations," was forced out of here by the two people, and waited until Shen Mingjiao "came to consciousness." "After that, she excitedly went to the chief of the Shui clan and said that she had found a thousand-year-old agarwood on that hillside and asked how much she could sell it for.

The plan went so smoothly, and the leader of the Shui clan was secretly overjoyed. He was even more proud that he could come up with such a good idea.

He immediately coughed lightly and said with a solemn face: "That is a sacred object in the village. It was passed down from the ancestors. Can't it be sold easily?"

Shen Mingjiao frowned and urged impatiently: "Please set a price! How much does it cost to sell it?"

Chief Shui tentatively came up with a number: "Ten thousand..."

Halfway through, when he saw that Shen Mingjiao seemed to be relieved, he felt anxious and quickly changed his words: "Ten thousand taels of gold."

Sure enough, when Shen Mingjiao heard this number, her eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "One hundred thousand taels of silver, are you trying to steal money?"

Chief Shui stroked his beard and boasted boldly: "Young lady, you don't know. Legend has it that those trees were given by Chiyou during the Yanhuang period and were specially planted in the forbidden area for worship every year. It has been tens of thousands of years. According to historical records, the trees smell It can cure hundreds of poisons. If I hadn't been destined to see the girl, I would never have opened this mouth."

After saying that, she secretly admired herself in her heart. She learned this from Shen Mingjiao. As long as she mentioned her ancestors and added the halo of a Miao sacred object, after being packaged like this, no matter what it was originally, it would instantly become noble and mysterious!

Why hadn't he thought of this before? If you take out the flowers and plants in the village and sell them...

How did he know? Opposite Shen Mingjiao was so embarrassed that she could dig out a palace with her soles after hearing his outrageous boast.

She wanted to remind her silently that it has only been five thousand years since the Stone Age. Where did these tens of thousands of years come from? Bragging also requires basic logic, right?

But there was a look of surprise and excitement on his face: "Are you serious! But... I don't have that much money with me!"

Chief Shui shook his head with a sullen face: "That can't be helped. It only means that the girl has no connection with those pieces of wood."

Shen Mingjiao clenched her fists unwillingly. When she thought of something, her eyes suddenly lit up:

"Although I don't bring that much money, my dad does! Just wait, I'll go out and ask my dad to buy it..."

After finally hearing these words, Chief Shui felt relieved, suppressed his smile and nodded: "Well, it's up to you."

As a result, one dared to speak and the other dared to listen, and the two people, each with their own thoughts, reached a tacit understanding of cooperation.

Shen Mingjiao was satisfied and planned to leave. After walking a few steps, she thought of something and frowned: "But it takes more than ten days to get to Wenshan City from here. Poria cocos has gone back again. My father must be anxious to wait. Is there anyone out of the mountain here?" shortcut?"

Chief Shui frowned upon hearing this. This is indeed a problem. If we follow this method, it will take at least a month to go back and forth. If Qingyao comes back, knowing that he brings outsiders close to the village...

Thinking of that person's methods, Chief Shui shuddered. But he was really unwilling to give up the big fat sheep that was within easy reach!

Shen Mingjiao seemed to say something unintentionally: "My father brought 100,000 taels of gold this time and said he wanted to collect more wood. I wonder how much of the money he spent?"

Ten...one hundred thousand taels! Converted into silver, it’s one million taels!

Chief Shui gritted his teeth when he heard this. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared!

"There is a shortcut from our village to Wenshan City..."

After a cup of tea, Shen Mingjiao returned to the stilted building where they were: "Get ready, we will leave in two hours."

She asked a few guards to quietly go over and get the jars and books back, and also bring Xiuxiu out.

"In order to prevent the other party from becoming suspicious, we will leave first when the time comes, and then someone will come back and take Xiuxiu away halfway."

Fu Guang took the initiative and suggested: "I have been to Xizhai, let me go there then!"

The witch doctor asked her: "What did you see in that cave?"

Shen Mingjiao explained in detail what happened in the cave, including the strange scenes he saw after the thunder. To this day, she can still recall the fear of the unknown.

Several people gasped after hearing this. Haitang rubbed her goosebumps and whispered: "Is there really something there..." She did not say the last word.

Then he gently held his chest: "Fortunately, girl, you reacted quickly enough!"

The witch doctor is a staunch atheist, "Don't lie, madam is probably just confused by the illusion."

Shen Mingjiao shook his head: "No, I am sure that what I saw at that time was definitely not an illusion!"

Doctor Wu didn't believe it, and wanted to argue again. Fu Guang, who had been listening quietly, interjected: "I probably know what is going on. It is indeed not an illusion."

Seeing several people looking over, she explained: "Similar things have happened in our country. It was in a port several years ago. There was a burst of thunder and lightning, and then a strange ancient battlefield scene appeared on the sea. It was enough. It lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Later, a very knowledgeable gentleman in the church explained that this is a playback of the impression record of nature's magnetic field. When thunder strikes, the magnetic field is stimulated, which changes the local geomagnetism and preserves what happened in the space at that time. After many months, in a certain Under a specific situation where the weather, wind speed, temperature and other natural conditions are basically consistent, thunder excites the magnetic field and causes the scene to reappear? "

Several people seemed to understand, but in summary, there was no ghost or deity at work, it was just a normal natural phenomenon. In short, with this explanation, Shen Mingjiao was not so scared anymore.

Feng Lisheng left South Myanmar and returned to the Daxia military camp. After a simple wash, he decided to move back to the court tomorrow.

At this time, Feng Wu came over and reported: "Your Highness, my subordinates asked people to follow those men in black. They found that these people entered a house in the border town. After a secret inspection, it was found that the guards in the house were all from the Western Regions. Two days ago, the neighbor saw A well-dressed woman entered the house surrounded by maids and servants. Based on her appearance, she was basically identified as the Queen of Gaochang."

After saying that, he asked for instructions: "How about my subordinates take people over and surround the house."

Feng Lisheng put down the official document and said: "Since the other party has been able to hide for so many years, it is definitely not so easy to catch."


"Order a hundred elite soldiers and follow me tonight."

The moon was high in the sky, and there was a rapid sound of horse hooves passing by the road.

Feng Wu squatted on the tree and had a clear view of the house through the telescope. He saw two maids carrying clothes into the main courtyard, and there were many guards scattered in the courtyard.

Feng Wu withdrew his gaze and looked at Feng Lisheng aside: "Your Highness, can we take action now?"

Feng Lisheng listened attentively and said, "Wait a minute. We sent people to follow the other party. It's impossible for the other party to not notice it. Is this a trick to lure you into a trap?"

Feng Wuyi was surprised: "It's because my subordinates are not doing things well."

Feng Lisheng waved his hand: "It has nothing to do with you. It's expected. The other party has been lying dormant for so many years. How could he be captured by us so easily?"

A deputy general on the side interjected and asked: "Then...are we still arresting him now?"

Feng Lisheng put down the telescope and smiled faintly: "Of course we want to catch him. We and the other party are fighting to the death. In this case, the competition is who can hold it steady first!"

The two parties faced each other silently for a long time, until the moon reached the zenith, the most sleepy moment of the day. When the people in the dark began to feel sleepy, Feng Lisheng raised his hand and said, "Go in." A group of people entered the courtyard like ghosts.

The sound of weapons clashing sounded in the silent night sky,

Feng Lisheng swung his sword to cut down a guard who rushed over, and pushed open the door of the main room. A woman's scream of trying to calm down came out of the room:

"Who are you? Get out!"

Feng Lisheng raised his sword without hesitation.

Seeing the sword approaching, the other party's eyes widened in shock, and he grabbed a maid nearby and blocked it in front of him. Then he flipped his wrist and the screen on the side was opened. A dark red glowing stone half a man's height was revealed.

As soon as Feng Lishengfu saw the bright red color on it, he couldn't help feeling dizzy on his forehead.

Pictures flashed before his eyes, including the poems he first saw when he first entered the military camp, and the sudden loss of his mother, who was alone in the palace and bullied by other princes. The final scene was frozen in Shen Mingjiao's previous life, lying in a pool of blood with a pale face...

While he was distracted, the woman nimbly turned over and jumped out of the window.

Feng Lisheng quickly came to his senses and said to the deputy general who came in: "Leave ten people behind, and the rest will follow me to chase after them."

Feng Lisheng led the people back and forth in the dark alleys of the houses, and finally stopped in front of an open space surrounded by trees. He held the hilt of the sword in his hand and quickly ran through everything that happened tonight in his mind. He always felt that something was wrong. .

After a moment, he suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Go quickly, that woman just now is fake."

He had never really seen Queen Gaochang before, everything was based on the portrait, and the woman he just saw pretended to be flustered, but in fact her eyes were calm, thinking that the other party wanted to use this trick to make them relax their vigilance.

According to the information investigated in the past, Queen Qingyao of Gaochang should not be able to use martial arts.

Unfortunately, it was too late. White mist suddenly flashed in front of them. Everyone subconsciously covered their mouths and noses, took out the detoxification pills and drank them.

When the white fog passed, the surroundings suddenly lit up with a faint red light, and I saw many red stones hanging on the trees.

"You can't look at those rocks, get out of here."

The archers who had been lying in ambush not far away all drew their bowstrings, and bursts of sword rain came quickly. Feng Lisheng and his party had to avoid looking at the stones on the trees, and they also had to avoid the sword rain. They were really embarrassed.

Feng Lisheng turned his head and chopped off the rocks on the tree, and shouted in a low voice: "Form up."

I don’t know how long this fight lasted. Until the last archer of the opponent fell, Feng Wu panted desperately while holding his long sword, pointing at the red stone they chopped down:

"Where did this thing come from? It's so evil. Fortunately, there aren't many of them. If there were too many, they would be thrown down with a trebuchet during a war. The consequences would be unimaginable."

Feng Lisheng directed the uninjured people to clear the battlefield: "Stop talking nonsense and get out of here first."

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman's shrill laughter suddenly came from not far away:

"Haha... Your Highness Prince Su, don't leave in a hurry! If you leave, what will happen to your beautiful princess?"

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