After Reincarnating, the Ice-Cold Prince Won’t Leave Me Alone

Chapter 417 His Highness promised me that when he returns, he will accept me as his concubine.

Feng Lisheng raised his head fiercely, and with the light of the fire, he saw the deserted second floor of the inn in the distance. A woman with gorgeous makeup was leaning on the railing and looking at her. Because she was too far away and it was night, she could not completely See the woman's face clearly.

Next to her, there was a woman with disheveled hair who was holding a knife to her neck.

The woman's figure was exactly the same as Shen Mingjiao's.

Feng Lisheng's breath froze, and his reason told him that this was just a conspiracy by the other party to confuse him. There was no way this was Shen Mingjiao. But what if it is...

Feng Wu whispered: "Your Highness, don't believe her, she is definitely not the princess. The princess is fine in Qingzhou, and she is waiting for you to return."

After saying that, he picked up his bow and arrow and shot at the woman with gorgeous makeup without hesitation.

With a "Puff" sound, the woman grabbed a maid and blocked the arrow for her.

She growled angrily: "One more time, will it be your princess who dies?

Oh, you don't believe it, do you, haha... Let me tell you, Shen Mingjiao has a red mole the size of a grain of rice three inches from the butterfly bone on her back. Your Highness, Prince Su, am I right? "

Feng Lisheng took a step back fiercely, with a very ugly expression on his face: "Shut up."

This woman was right. Shen Mingjiao did have a small red mole on her back. Except for the people she served, even she herself didn't know about it.

He forced himself to calm down,

But so what? It’s just a mole, what can it prove?

He raised his sword towards the woman with disheveled hair, but his hand trembled uncontrollably.

At this time, there were several clattering sounds, and pieces of glowing red stones were shot over. The light was more dazzling than ever before, like clusters of red lanterns. Just one look at it will take your mind away. .

Feng Lisheng's forehead felt dizzy, and the memory of his previous life once again appeared in front of his eyes. He led people from the border to the palace, and when he pushed Fengming Palace away, the scene almost turned into a river of blood.

And Shen Mingjiao lay silently in a pool of blood, the weak pulse in her wrist disappearing little by little.

It was just the last step. If he had come a quarter of an hour earlier, Shen Mingjiao might not have had any trouble.

During that time, it almost became a nightmare for him.

This daze only lasts for a short moment, but in a duel between masters, it only takes this short moment of hesitation to give the opponent an opportunity.

Deep in the forest, a sharp sword shot out quickly without any warning.

Feng Wu blushed and screamed: "Your Highness, be careful."

At the same time, his body hit Feng Lisheng faster than his head.

In the end, it was still a step too late, and the sharp sword carried by the strong wind was inserted into Feng Lisheng's abdomen. The pain spurred him back to consciousness.

He didn't care at all about the numbness and stiffness of his wounds. He raised his sword and drew the bowstring to full length and shot in the direction of the woman beside the railing of the inn in the distance.

The next moment, only a shrill scream was heard.

Qing Yao didn't expect that Feng Lisheng would still have the intention to shoot arrows at her at this time.

She clutched her abdomen, her face turned pale in pain: "Quickly...get me the medicine quickly, no...take me away from here...Where is Qingyu?"

With a "click" sound, Feng Lisheng slowly fell down as the bow and arrow hit the ground. Feng Wu hurriedly came over to help the person.

She glanced at the wound on his abdomen and exclaimed: "The arrow is poisonous!"

Feng Lisheng's lips gradually became white, and he raised his hand and gritted his teeth to pull out the arrow. The poison was so overbearing that Yun Gong could only resist it.

Feng Wu said anxiously: "Let's go back quickly and find a military doctor to detoxify."

Feng Lisheng raised his hand weakly: "I'm fine. Most of the opponent's hands were broken off and I shot him again. They won't be able to go far. You lead people to chase after him, ahem... This is not far from Wenshan City, I deduce. , Qingyao is injured now, and will probably return to the Miao tribe. If there is no one nearby, you can take people to the Miao tribe..."

Feng Wu retracted the worry on his face and accepted the order in a low voice.

After Feng Lisheng finished explaining everything, his vision went dark and he fell asleep completely. A burly lieutenant on the side supported the person.

"I will take His Highness back to find the military doctor. You go quickly!"

Feng Wu turned around and said worriedly: "Be careful on the road and go back to Dr. Wu. He is the best at detoxifying."

The deputy general patted his strong chest: "Don't worry, General Feng. Even if your subordinates lose their lives, they will send His Highness back to the military camp safely."

Feng Wu knew that although the man in front of him was somewhat straight-minded, he was very brave in fighting and had a sincere mind, so he relaxed and led his men to chase Qing Yao and his party who were escaping.

The deputy general left here with Feng Lisheng on his back and asked people to find the carriage. This lieutenant's surname is Ma.

Lieutenant General Ma felt that the person on his back was breathing lighter and lighter. He was startled and quickly put the person down gently.

Feng Lisheng's face became paler and paler, and the guard on the side exclaimed: "His Highness's breathing is too weak, what should I do?"

Vice General Ma was also anxious. He took a few steps back and forth and said, "It's too late. There should be a medical center near here. Let's take His Highness to the medical center first."

He casually named a soldier: "This place is only about ten miles away from the main camp, but His Highness cannot bear the violent bumps. Zhang San, ride your horse back to the military camp and bring Dr. Wu over."

The soldier named Zhang San had no time to respond, so he mounted a fast horse and galloped out.

Vice General Ma knocked on the door of a medical clinic behind his back. A medicine boy yawned and came to open the door.

See the person standing at the door? Visibly startled. "Several military masters, this is..."

Vice General Ma said in a deep voice: "Call the best doctor in your clinic. The patient has been poisoned and the situation is very dangerous."

Yaotong opened the door completely: "Quick... carry the person in, I'll call the master over."

The middle-aged doctor with a beard took back the silver needle and said to the deputy general:

"The old man's medical skills are shallow. He can only temporarily seal a few of this young master's large acupuncture points to prevent the spread of toxins. He cannot detoxify. You should quickly find another doctor."

Vice General Ma breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. How long can it last at most?"

"In three hours, if you have 500-year-old wild ginseng, you can survive until tomorrow."

"I wonder if they are available in the medical clinic? Don't worry, there will be no shortage of money." He said while pulling off the money bag from his waist.

The doctor waved his hand: "The official is joking, we are just a small medical clinic, how can we have such a thing! Only the largest pharmacy in the city has it."

Lieutenant General Ma quickly asked a soldier to buy it. He took the wooden basin and planned to get some hot water to help Feng Lisheng clean the wound.

At this time, he saw a woman in plain clothes walking by the side of the road carrying a medicine basket. He felt that the woman looked familiar, but at this time, he was so focused on Feng Lisheng's sadness that he didn't pay much attention to her.

The woman, on the other hand, seemed to feel his gaze and turned around. When she saw it was him, her eyes lit up. She hurriedly trotted over, bowed and said, "Vice General Ma, why are you here?"

"It's Dr. Shen! It's so late at night, why are you, a girl, still outside?"

Dr. Shen explained: "One of my best friends gave birth, and I happened to go over to help. She is going to go home now."

Vice General Ma didn't pay attention and casually warned: "Go home early. It's not safe for a girl like you to walk outside."

"It's okay. My house is nearby. Hey, Lieutenant Ma, your arm is injured. How about I help you bandage it?"

After being reminded like this, Lieutenant General Ma felt a slight pain in his arm. He raised his arm and saw that there was an inch-long gash there, which should have been an unfortunate scratch during the previous fight.

He has always been rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so this injury is nothing.

As Dr. Shen said this, she put down the medicine basket and began to look for medicinal materials. At this time, a jade pendant slipped from her sleeve.

Vice General Ma picked it up casually, and his tentacles were cold. When he saw the word "Shen" engraved on this jade pendant, he couldn't help being stunned, and blurted out in surprise:

"Why is this jade pendant here with you?"

Doctor Shen in front of her saw the jade pendant falling and quickly raised her hand to grab it. When she heard this, her face turned red and she whispered: "Your Highness gave it to me."

Vice General Ma was really surprised now: "Is this really given to you by His Highness?"

Feng Lisheng distributed a dozen pieces of jade given by the eldest prince of Nan Myanmar to a group of close lieutenants. He was there at the time, so he naturally recognized the jade. Later, Feng Wu also joked about asking His Highness to carve something for the Princess. In those two days, many people saw His Highness coming in and out with a carving knife and this piece of jade in his hand.

Unexpectedly, this jade was given to Dr. Shen in the end!

He thought about the rumors privately in the military camp again, and suddenly believed them a little more.

Doctor Shen said sheepishly: "Your Highness promised me that when you return, you will accept me as your concubine."

Vice General Ma said "Oh": "Congratulations!"

He is just a rough guy and thinks it is okay for a powerful man to have three wives and four concubines.

At this time, the medicine boy's anxious shout came from the direction of the medical room: "Master Jun, come here quickly, this young man has a fever."

Doctor Shen asked cautiously: "Who has a fever?"

Vice General Ma felt that since the woman in front of him was His Highness's woman, it would be okay to tell her His Highness's news! Besides, Dr. Shen is still a doctor.

He immediately said: "It's Your Highness. Your Highness is injured. Come on, you can help me."

Qingyu's eyes flashed, and he followed in with a worried look on his face.

Happy New Year everyone!

I finally made up enough manuscripts before the end of the month, saving my meager basic salary.

Feel moved by yourself and give thumbs up to the workers (*)

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