The medicine boy saw a woman next to Vice General Ma and asked casually: "Is this the patient's family?"

Vice General Ma nodded hesitantly: "That's right!"

The medicine boy didn't care. "That's just right. The patient has a fever. It's very dangerous for him to have a fever. Someone must keep an eye on him."

Qingyu thanked him profusely and took the basin with a cold towel soaked in cold water from the medicine boy's hand: "I'm sorry to trouble this little brother, I'll do it!"

Looking at Feng Lisheng lying on the bed with a pale face, Qingyu's hand holding the wooden basin trembled slightly.

She finally... finally could touch the boy of her dreams!

Qingyu wet the handkerchief and gently covered Feng Lisheng's forehead. Finally, she could stare at this flawless handsome face at close range. There was unconcealable obsession in her eyes.

The man on the bed frowned in discomfort and opened his lips unconsciously.

Qingyu leaned forward with an anxious look on his face: "Your Highness, what did you say? Where else do you feel uncomfortable?"


Qingyu's face stiffened.

Vice General Ma didn't notice anything unusual about her. When he saw Feng Lisheng frowning, he quickly came over worriedly and happened to hear Feng Lisheng murmuring "Princess".

He was stunned, and Feng Lisheng shouted Shen Mingjiao's name twice more. Although it was gibbering, anyone could hear the endless tenderness and nostalgia in his tone.

Vice General Ma subconsciously glanced at Dr. Shen beside him, scratched his head, and realized with hindsight that he had done something wrong.

Qingyu gritted his teeth and controlled the expression on his face.

Why? Apart from her face, how could Shen Mingjiao compare to her? It's worth Feng Lisheng thinking about it so much!

In fact, in the original plan, there was no part about letting people pretend to hold Shen Mingjiao hostage. Qingyao only thought of using those rocks to trap Feng Lisheng and his party.

It was she who felt that since Feng Lisheng could repeatedly break the miracle of war epidemics at such a young age and defeat Beidi, which had troubled the Han people for many years, there was no way he could be captured so easily.

Although those stones are powerful, they are still dead objects.

So she had an idea and thought of fighting against flaws, that is, starting from his weaknesses.

Facts have proved that her method worked.

She was in the forest when the sword was shot, and she personally ordered the sword to be released.

Seeing her sitting in a daze, Vice General Ma on the side urged: "Doctor Shen, aren't you a doctor? Please help His Highness take a look."

A hint of evil flashed across Qingyu's eyes, and he raised his head and smiled gently at Vice-General Ma: "I'm here. Vice-General Ma, you must be very tired this night, so go and take a rest!"

"Okay, the doctor said that His Highness needs 500-year-old wild ginseng. I'll send someone to buy it from the pharmacy in the city. They should be back soon. I'll go out and take a look. If you need anything, please call me."

Until the footsteps disappeared, Qingyu lowered his eyes and stared at Feng Lisheng's pale and handsome profile.

She used Qingyao to temporarily hold Feng Wu back, and now she must take him away from here as soon as possible.

Vice General Ma went out to take a breath. The soldiers who went to buy ginseng had not returned yet. He was afraid that something would happen, so he asked the only two soldiers to go out to look for them.

He stood in the alley outside the hospital and blew in the wind for a while. Then he heard Doctor Shen's voice coming from behind him:

"Vice-General Ma, why haven't you treated the injury on your arm yet? Come on, let me take a look at it for you."

Feeling that the other party was about to reach out, Vice Ma subconsciously stepped aside and smelled a strange fragrance in his nostrils.

He turned his head casually: "No..."

Before the word "use" came out of his mouth, he heard a "puff" sound, and he felt a chill in his chest, and a sharp dagger glowing with blue light was inserted straight into his heart.


Vice General Ma raised his head in disbelief and met a pair of cold eyes.

Qingyu pulled out the dagger at will, and immediately brought up a bunch of blood flowers, and the horse deputy general's burly body fell heavily.

The last moment he closed his eyes, he felt no reluctance to die. As a soldier, he was ready to die at any time the moment he put on his shirt.

He only felt guilty that he had led the wolf into the house, and was worried about Feng Lisheng.

He held on to his consciousness and wrote the word "Shen" on the ground with his fingers.

Qingyu returned to the medical clinic and gave the doctor a sum of money, saying that Feng Lisheng's poison could not be delayed and planned to find a better doctor. Then he asked two sturdy servants to carry Feng Lisheng into the carriage that had been prepared.

When the doctor at the medical clinic saw that the woman was brought in by Deputy General Ma, he didn't think much about it and happily collected the money.

At the same time, a fast horse was speeding past on the endless official road. Suddenly, a sharp arrow came from nowhere,

The sharp arrow penetrated the armor of the soldier on the horse. The soldier fell off the horse heavily after being hit by the arrow.

At the last moment of his life, the militia soldier stretched out his hands and clawed at the ground trying to crawl forward. A large amount of blood poured out of his mouth. Finally, he lowered his hands feebly, but his eyes were fixed on the direction of the barracks.

It was Zhang San who had been ordered by Vice General Ma to go to the military camp to find a military doctor.

Feng Wu and his party chased Qing Yao and others all night, but as Feng Lisheng said, Qing Yao can do so many things secretly by himself, how can he be so easy to catch! Moreover, the other party is also good at using various poisons.

It was not until the sky dimmed that Feng Wu avoided a series of poisonous mist attacks, but the figure of the opponent was no longer in sight.

At this time, they were far away from the border town and were in a mountain forest. A small flag closest to Feng Wu asked in a low voice: "General, where should we go next?"

Feng Wu quickly bandaged the wound and said in a deep voice: "We will arrive at Wenshan City in half an hour. Qingyao is seriously injured and has lost so many people. She must also recuperate. Let's go to the Miao people."

As he finished speaking, a goshawk flew from a distance. Hearing this familiar voice, Feng Wu's expression was stern, and there was always an ominous premonition in his heart.

It is difficult to train eagles. The Southwest Army has only tamed less than five eagles. Goshawks will never be used in non-urgent military situations.

After reading the letter, Feng Wu's expression changed completely: "Go back quickly, something happened to His Highness."

In short, they found the medical center after searching, but it was too late. All the doctors and medicine boys in the medical center were killed, including the few soldiers who went out to buy ginseng.

Finally, Lieutenant General Ma's body was discovered in a dark alley. Looking at the crooked word "Shen" under the dazzling blood on the ground, the group fell into deep thought.

Feng Wu turned around and asked, "Whose surname is Shen among the soldiers who were left to follow Vice General Ma?"

After thinking for a while, several people shook their heads, meaning that there was no one named Shen.

Feng Wu frowned: "Then think about it again. Of all the people named Shen you have come into contact with recently, are there any special ones?"

He had been following Feng Lisheng busy with the matter of recovering southern Myanmar, and had no time to pay attention to the messages in the military camp.

Everyone thought hard and realized that Shen was a common surname, and there were quite a few people named Shen in the military camp, but they were all colleagues who had been together for many years, so there was really nothing special about them. Finally, a soldier who usually liked to listen to gossip slapped his forehead excitedly and said:

"Doctor Shen!"

After Feng Wu listened to the soldier's vivid description of the recent rumors in the military camp, he felt bad.

"What is this rumor about? It turns out that three people are like a tiger!"

"Go and find out what happened to Dr. Shen?"

However, this matter exploded in the military camp. First, the deputy general who stayed behind saw that it was past the time to return to Beijing, but Feng Lisheng and his party had not returned.

Later, rumors started spreading somewhere, saying that King Su was not leading people to pursue Xizuo at all, but was having a tryst with Dr. Shen in the name of official business. And because he was accidentally attacked by the enemy on the way, he has now been captured.

The news spread quickly, and in half the morning, even the horsemen who worked in the army knew about it.

Several senior generals realized that someone was adding fuel to the flames and took action to stop it.

But the other party was obviously well prepared, and the public opinion was fierce. The news spread all the way back to the capital as if it had wings.

Everyone subconsciously didn't believe it. How could His Highness Prince Su, who had always been cold and ascetic, do such a thing? And what about Shen Mingjiao?

But that wasn't the worst, the rumors spread and somehow took a turn for the worse.

It is said that King Su's disappearance was actually his intention. Nan Mian had clearly sent a letter of surrender to Daxia, but the court had not received it for a long time. What does this mean? This shows that Feng Lisheng had a different intention and wanted to establish himself as king. And South Myanmar is his position, and Beidi has also secretly surrendered to him.

Next, he will use his connections in the Daxia Army to encroach on the entire country bit by bit.

In short, Feng Lisheng wanted to rebel.

In this era where monarchy is supreme, rebellion will undoubtedly be scolded by the world!

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