After Reincarnating, the Ice-Cold Prince Won’t Leave Me Alone

Chapter 489 Just do whatever you want to do. It doesn’t matter if you give up if it’s too hard.

Thousands of miles away from the capital, there are rolling mountains.

Under the mountain path, a fast horse was passing by at a rapid speed. The face of the man on the horse was hidden under the bamboo hat, and only his hands were exposed, showing white skin that was different from the Han people.

Just when the horse turned a gentle slope, there seemed to be a sound of breaking through the air in the distance, and then there was only a "puff" sound. The arrow stabbed firmly into the back of the horse, and the man on the horse was driven by inertia to fall off the horse.

Not long after, a blond girl in a smart outfit landed lightly on a stone, looking coldly at the man lying on the ground bleeding profusely.

Andrew never thought of that? He had obviously tried his best to escape the pursuit of Daxia officers and soldiers, and saw that he would be able to escape from the pass in half a month, but he suddenly lost his life on this wild hillside.

He opened his eyes with great effort, and instantly met those all-too-familiar blue eyes, trembling his lips and murmuring:

"Her Majesty the Queen... no... you are not... you are Princess Wendy... you are not dead..."

Speaking of this, Andrew's voice seemed to be trembling even more.

Fu Guang's hand holding the sword hilt tightened: "You really know..."

"You made that face Casey!"

The man's cloudy eyes showed fear, but he would not admit it: "I don't know..."

After speaking, he tilted his head and completely lost his breath. But his reaction also said it all.

Fu Guang stood there blankly for a while, then turned and left.

After Kuai Ma returned to the capital, he found Nie Gutang, the leader of the Red Lotus Sect.

"I heard that the leader has a secret method that can regenerate damaged skin and flesh?"

Nie Gutang glanced at her face covered with ugly scars, and there was no emotion in his tone: "Did Lingling tell you?"

Fu Guang did not deny it: "I know that the leader has been tracking down a disciple of the Red Lotus Sect who was convicted a few years ago. If the leader is willing to help, in exchange, the person the leader is looking for will be sent back to Daxia within two years."

Cui Lingling once said that a few years ago, the Red Lotus Sect had a branch leader who was very good at poisoning. Later, for unknown reasons, he killed many people and defected, and also took away many of the sect's unique classics. One of the poisons Fu Guang suffered when he was in trouble was at the hands of the other party.

Nie Gutang finally corrected his expression: "Even if this hadn't happened, I would have helped because of my relationship with Princess Su. However, this method of skin regeneration is extremely painful, and you may lose your life if you are not careful. Are you sure you want to try it?"

Fu Guang nodded calmly. She would always go back. Since she wanted to go back, how could she show others this face?

"Okay, but this is no small matter. I have to ask His Highness Prince Su first."

"Yes, but please, Master, please don't tell Miss Cui for the time being. Sister Gillian is pregnant now, so it's not appropriate to worry about too many things."

Back to Shen Mingjiao, seeing that it was getting late, Shen Mingjiao was about to go back.

When passing by a pastry shop, I met Mr. Chen, the minister of Dali Temple, who was out on business.

Mr. Chen came forward to greet him, and Shen Mingjiao casually exchanged a few words: "Sir, do you have a case to handle?"

Mr. Cheng sighed sadly: "Yes! There was a serial murder case recently in Jiangnan, with hundreds of victims. Due to the seriousness of the case, it was transferred to our Dali Temple."

"Has the real culprit been caught?"

"I've caught him, but several veterans of the case investigation in the government office felt that something was fishy, ​​but that person was very tough and insisted that he was the murderer. No matter how hard he pressed, it was useless."

At this point, his eyes flashed and he said cautiously: "I wonder if it would be convenient for the princess to share the worries of the government and the court?"

Shen Mingjiao finally understood, and glanced at him with a half-smile: "After going around in such a big circle, Master Chen finally said this?"

Mr. Chen wiped the non-existent cold sweat from his forehead: "I have no choice but to do this..."

"Okay, for the sake of Mr. Chen's hard work and staying here for so long, let's go!"

Seeing that the princess was about to follow Mr. Chen, Erya behind him was a little anxious and whispered.

"Princess, are you still pregnant? It's not good to go to a place like that..."

Nowadays, there are many taboos during pregnancy, and places where prisoners are detained like Dali Temple generally represent unlucky.

"It's okay. Not only are there prisoners there, but it's also a place where justice is served for the people. What's wrong with going there?"

Mr. Chen was very touched and hurriedly explained: "This girl does not need to worry. In order to facilitate the princess, we brought the prisoner to the teahouse."

Shen Mingjiao: "I'm quite prepared. You don't expect me to refuse, right?"

Although he said that, he still got on the sedan and followed Mr. Chen to a nearby teahouse.

This trip went smoothly. The murderer was the suspect's son. The father couldn't bear to see his son suffer the death penalty, so he forged evidence to serve as a scapegoat. I can only say that I have pitiful parents in the world!

Mr. Chen personally sent the person out of the teahouse. After careful consideration, he hesitated and said, "If this happens again next time, can I ask the princess for help?"

He was just tentatively mentioning it, but the princess agreed simply:

"Okay! But you don't have to go to so much trouble next time, just go to Dali Temple

But I must state in advance that I am usually very busy and cannot accept all prisoners. "

Master Chen understood what she meant, and he nodded repeatedly with joy:

"That's natural. Unless the case is serious and the prisoner cannot be tried by the government, the princess will be employed."

After bidding farewell to Mr. Chen, she returned to the palace. She had just leaned on the couch and drew a design for a while when the door of the small study room was pushed open suddenly.

Seeing the person coming, she put down her pen angrily: "I was shocked!

Didn't you say you would come back tonight? "

Feng Lisheng sat down next to her, pursed his lips and asked, "Did you meet Mr. Chen today?"

Shen Mingjiao was not surprised that he knew. She pushed the half-drawn drawing, picked up a piece of snack and ate it, "He went to find you?"

Thinking about it, she is the wife of King Su. How could Mr. Chen not report this kind of thing to Feng Lisheng in advance.

One arm was held by a warm and strong hand, Feng Lisheng looked at her steadily:

"You don't have to force yourself to do something you don't like. Even if you have such ability, there is no reason to do it?"

Shen Mingjiao couldn't help laughing, and casually leaned on his shoulder, "Do you think I'm someone who can compromise?"

I peeled half an orange and put it to his mouth. It was quite interesting to see him swallowing it with a sour frown on his face.

"Don't worry, I really didn't force it, I just thought it wouldn't be a problem to stay in the house eating and sleeping all day."

Although she was determined to be a salted fish vase waiting to die, but after a long time, it seemed that it was quite boring.

As for the affairs inside and outside the palace, she had been in charge of them for nearly ten years in her previous life, and she was already very familiar with them. As long as she followed the procedures, she didn't need to worry much at all.

She doesn't have much ambition, and she doesn't want to prove anything, she just wants to enrich her life.

"Also, I will continue to study with Wen Heng. After a few years, I plan to try to treat some patients in this field." She joked with a smile: "Maybe in many years I can become a miracle doctor?"

Although she is somewhat cheating.

After hearing what she said, Feng Lisheng tightened his arms, held her tighter, and said warmly: "Just do whatever you want to do. It doesn't matter if you give up if you feel it's hard,"

A low and clear voice lingered above the head. Although the two had been together for many years, these words still made my heart throb. These words were more joyful than "You don't need to do anything, I will support you."

Husbands and wives must not only get along with love, but also respect each other. Regardless of whether there is a disparity in ability or status between the two, at least in daily interactions, the two should be equal - although it seems difficult for many people to achieve this nowadays. ,

Shen Mingjiao couldn't help but raise her face and kiss Feng Li Sheng's lips.

The man above her paused for a moment, then lowered his head, raised his hand and gently wrapped it around the back of her neck, deepening the kiss.

After a while, the two of them separated, panting, and the corners of their eyes were a little red.

Shen Mingjiao was particularly weak and leaned lazily into his arms.

Feng Lisheng's chest felt suffocated, and he picked up the cold tea on the table and drank heavily. Seeing that Shen Mingjiao had no intention of getting up, he calmed down for a while and put aside the charming thoughts in his mind. Pushing the person in his arms to sit down, he said seriously:

"Although the first three months of the dangerous period have passed, for the sake of safety, it is better to be careful."

Shen Mingjiao raised her eyebrows: "So?"

Feng Lisheng coughed lightly, picked up the teacup and put it to his lips to hide his embarrassment: "If you really want to, I can... help you in other ways..."


Shen Mingjiao was so shocked that she almost bit her tongue and almost blurted out what solution? Fortunately, I had to hold it back!

The next day, Feng Shuo was officially canonized as Crown Prince, and there was no need to mention the long and complicated rules of the royal family during this period.

Over at Prince Su's Mansion, Shen Mingjiao got up early in the morning to get busy and asked the kitchen to prepare a table of Feng Shuo's favorite meals. She wanted to do it herself, but her cooking skills were really hard to describe.

In addition, in order to make it more lively, Shen Mingjiao also invited Cui Lingling's family. After all, it was Feng Shuo's serious uncle's family. And Gu Danxue, who has just returned to Beijing. And Shen Mingshu’s family. The uncle's family,

Feng Shuo invited some good friends to play with.

Gu Danxue was the first one to come here. Soon after she returned to Beijing, the uncle's palace sent a matchmaker to propose marriage. Her and Xing Qi's wedding date had been set.

Therefore, she has been a little nervous recently and wanted to talk to Shen Mingjiao.

It happened that her father was very strict with her during this period. He was afraid that she would be hooked again by Xing Qiyi, so he sneaked out.

As soon as I got off the sedan, I saw a familiar figure standing lazily beside the stone lion at the entrance of Prince Su's Mansion.

When the other party saw her, he immediately stood up straight.

Gu Danxue speeded up her steps unconsciously and asked curiously: "Why did you come so early? No, why didn't you go in when you came?"

Xing Qi thrust the pine nuts he had peeled all the way into her hand. The answer was very straightforward: "Because I want to see you!"

His tone was filled with resentment: "The divorce period is still half a year away, and I can't even go to you in the meantime!"

Nowadays, men and women are not allowed to see each other in the first few months of marriage.

Mainly because there are not many father-in-laws in the world who like their son-in-law. Although before this, Gu Zhao admired Xing Qi quite a lot and wanted to recruit people into the army, but after Xing Qi came to recruit him, the old father felt that there was nothing about him that he liked? I just postponed the wedding until the end of the year.

In his words, what is too easy to obtain is often not cherished.

Gu Danxue defended in a low voice: "You asked someone to give me a box of sweet-scented osmanthus cake the day before yesterday."

The two of them walked forward as they talked.

"Forget it, I happened to bump into Uncle Gu who was coming back that day. Uncle Gu looked at me as if I had robbed him of his treasure.

By the way, is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake delicious? "

Gu Danxue held the handful of pine nuts, which still had the residual warmth from the man's fingertips. She picked up one and put it in her mouth, chewing it carefully. Hearing this, he shook his head slightly:

"It's not delicious, it's too sweet. I like to eat food with a strong flavor."

Xing Qi chuckled, "Okay, then I'll bring you Chengxi's crispy duck next time."

Sometimes the opportunities in life are so wonderful. Gu Danxue, who was timid and had low self-esteem a year ago, has now learned to simply refuse food she doesn't like.

But Xing Qi, who originally had little nostalgia for this world, is now an ordinary young man trying his best to please his sweetheart.

Before mid-morning, everyone who was supposed to come arrived.

Even Ming, who has always been elusive, came and brought his family members with him.

Shen Mingjiao pointed at the slender man standing beside her, raised her eyebrows and asked:

"The show was great! If I remember correctly, you said that you had been following Shui Wuhen for two months, and even made yourself covered in bruises. Are you acting as a couple?"

Ming, who was a little uncomfortable at first, quickly shook his head when he heard this: "'s all a misunderstanding. I didn't know he was Shui Wuhen before this!"

Shui Wuhen greeted everyone politely and carefully explained the causes and consequences. It was probably like they didn't know each other without fighting, but they knew each other right after fighting.

Cui Lingling was quite interested in the rumored best thief in the world, and the two even made an appointment to compete in martial arts another day.

The male guests were entertained by Feng Lisheng, while the female guests, Shen Mingjiao, invited everyone to play leaf cards.

As for Nuobao, he was following the group of friends brought by Feng Shuo, all of whom were boys. The beautiful and cute Nuobao became a group favorite.

Cui Lingling envied: "How wonderful it is to have a daughter! She is delicate and soft, much cuter than a brat."

Shen Mingjiao teased her: "Then you and Qin Yannu work hard to have another baby!"

Cui Lingling shook her head firmly: "No, one Fei Fei is enough for me to worry about. Qin Yan and I have made plans. When Fei Fei turns three years old, we will return to the world together."

Shen Mingjiao was quite envious. In the storybook, he could travel to the end of the world with a sword! It’s exciting just thinking about it! But she doesn’t know martial arts, and riding a horse is tiring.

Mrs. Lu Guogong obviously also supports her son and daughter-in-law to enter the world:

"You can go out without worries! Where is Fei Fei and his grandfather? When I was young, I often fantasized about being a heroic heroine, but unfortunately my family's conditions did not allow it."

Cui Lingling truly felt that she had found a wonderful mother-in-law.

When she was happily thinking about returning to the comfortable life in the world, the kitchen came to tell her that it was time to start dinner.

As soon as the steamed seabass was served on the table, Cui Lingling smelled the smell and vomited.

Gu Danxue, who was sitting aside, quickly took out the handkerchief with one hand and patted her back gently with the other: "Lingling, you have gastrointestinal discomfort. Why don't you see a doctor?"

However, several women at the table who had had childbirth experience looked at each other.

Cui Lingling regained her composure, realized something, raised her hand to feel her pulse, and then said desperately:

"I might have to give Fei Fei a younger brother or sister!"

Although the doctor does not treat herself, she can still detect the happy pulse.

Her dream of a free and unrestrained world was shattered!

In any case, this can be regarded as a happy event. After finishing the meal in a lively manner, after seeing off the guests, looking at the suddenly deserted courtyard after the excitement, Shen Mingjiao felt even more desolate, especially when Feng Shuo was moving out tomorrow.

At night, Feng Shuo rarely stayed in the main courtyard until he went back to sleep very late.

Shen Mingjiao seemed to treat him as an ordinary six-year-old child, telling him bedtime stories over and over again, but this little guy was too serious and could always accurately find the logical loopholes in her stories.

Shen Ming threw the book into Feng Lisheng's arms coquettishly, saying that she couldn't do the job.

Feng Lisheng didn't even open the book and started talking about the art of war. Feng Shuo listened with great interest and asked questions from time to time.

Shen Mingjiao leaned on the beauty's couch, staring boredly at the two people, one large and one small, with the same straight back and resolute eyes.

She was originally going to tell Feng Shuo a bedtime story, but as she listened, she fell asleep first.

After hearing the sound of even breathing, one large and one small at the same time lowered their voices,

After Shen Mingjiao fell asleep, Feng Lisheng stood up and gently carried her to the bed.

The next day, Shen Mingjiao got up early. Feng Shuo, who was wearing an apricot-yellow python robe, came over and kowtowed to the two of them respectfully.

Shen Mingjiao's nose felt a little sour. She blinked quickly and took out the half of the jade pendant that Yingsu had given her when she was on Peach Blossom Island from the wooden box.

"Although you are less than ten years old, you seem to be smarter than me, and my aunt has nothing to teach you.

This half of the jade pendant was left to you by your father. It is half of the token of Huitong Bank. Now it is returned to you.

Go to the East Palace and take good care of yourself. Don’t work too hard on your homework, and have a proper balance between work and rest..."

After giving a lot of miscellaneous instructions, he finally said softly: "Be a good prince, we are proud of you!"

Feng Shuo's eyes were a little sour. Although he had lost his parents since he was a child, he still had a family who loved him.

Shen Mingjiao sighed sadly as she watched the little guy being driven away in the prince's sedan chair.

Although she just moved out of Prince Su's Mansion and moved into the East Palace, and could see her anytime she wanted in the future, she still felt that Prince Su's Mansion had suddenly become a lot deserted.

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