After Reincarnating, the Ice-Cold Prince Won’t Leave Me Alone

Chapter 490 Auspicious snow heralds a prosperous year (end of text)

Shen Mingjiao originally thought that it would be a long time before she gave birth, but maybe her life went smoothly... It's not exactly smooth! A lot of things happened in between.

A few days after the crown prince was canonized, the Gaochang royal court sent many things.

After the death of Qingyao, the former Queen of Gaochang, it took the court nearly three months to completely clear up its female dramas scattered throughout Daxia. Countless, providing a lot of material for Feng Wansheng's gossip periodicals.

And the former King Gaochang was also convicted and beheaded, leaving only Yunshu in Nalan's direct lineage. With Yexiu around, Yun Shu soon became the new Gaochang King, and the two were married three months ago.

Going round and round, they are finally as written in the storybook, the princess and the knight overcome many hardships and finally stay together forever.

After that, every two months, the scars on his face faded away, and Peter and others, who had been traveling around in Daxia, left by boat.

Shen Mingjiao has been depressed for several days. The two countries are so far apart, and they don't know the difference. When will they meet again?

Back to the topic, before she knew it, she was nearly nine months pregnant, and Gu Danxue got married yesterday, so she had someone send her a congratulatory gift in advance.

It's a pity that she is pregnant now and cannot attend her friend's wedding, which makes her quite depressed. According to what Wen Po said, I thought it would be ten days before giving birth.

But she didn't want her to lie on the bed bored after dinner, flipping through the latest storybook that Feng Wansheng sent someone, and finally began to give out sugar after seeing the hero and heroine grind for dozens of chapters. broken.

Fortunately, just in case, Feng Lisheng turned down Shen Mingjiao's big office work after she was eight months pregnant, and guarded her almost every step of the way.

Seeing Shen Mingjiao clutching her stomach and screaming for pain, he forcefully carried her to the delivery room next door. His Royal Highness King Su, who has a wealth of prenatal and postpartum theoretical knowledge, calmly asked someone to call the midwife, and ordered the kitchen to prepare ginseng soup and so on.

Shen Mingjiao was also panicked, mainly because she was afraid of pain. But seeing that Feng Lisheng was still so stable, she also calmed down a little.

Feng Lisheng gently patted his head, with a gentle voice to comfort him, but when he turned his back, his hands hanging by his sides trembled violently.

Soon Po Wen came over, and after some inspection, she said that the mouth of the palace had only opened two fingers, which meant that she had to wait to give birth. Shen Mingjiao endured the labor pain and asked Feng Lisheng to wait outside.

Feng Lisheng frowned and shook his head: "I don't care about these things." People who walked over the battlefield licking blood, what taboos do they care about?

Shen Mingjiao insisted: "But I care, okay! Get out, please..."

Finally, under Shen Mingjiao's repeated resistance, Feng Lisheng reluctantly left the delivery room.

Wen Po and Shen Mingjiao both heaved a sigh of relief.

Wenpo is purely because the prince is here and she is nervous and can't let go.

And Shen Mingjiao felt awkward, having a baby would inevitably lead to embarrassment, although she knew that Feng Lisheng would not dislike her, but she just felt uncomfortable.

Regarding the matter of having a baby, both of them put 120,000 points of thought into dealing with it. Shen Mingjiao grabbed the mattress and quietly waited for the storm to come, thinking that it would be good if she could hypnotize herself.

Feng Lisheng, who was standing at the door, was not much better. According to the book, the pain of childbirth is comparable to some tortures in the world.

He felt that he had never experienced such a difficult moment, and he had even thought about the issues of protecting the elders and the younger if something happened.

But at this moment, he heard a scream of pain coming from the room, his hands shook in fright, and a confiscated booster directly crushed the teacup in his hand.

He didn't seem to feel the pain, and rushed to the door of the delivery room in a few steps. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard the sound of a baby crying.

Everyone outside the delivery room was stunned.

Feng Lisheng is also rarely a little dull, isn't it said that some women even have pain for a day or two after giving birth? It was less than two quarters of an hour before and after!

Shen Mingjiao in the delivery room was also a little dazed, looking at the crying baby in Granny Wen's arms, God knows she was prepared for a long-term struggle, but in the end, she suffered a severe pain just now, and the baby was born.

Looking at the glowing red baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, Shen Mingjiao, who was already a little afraid of childbirth, just felt that she could do it again!

It's okay, she can still consider continuing to live.

Wen Po came out of the delivery room with her baby in her arms, and smiled at Feng Lisheng who was standing stupidly:

"Congratulations, Your Highness, the princess has added a little princess to you."

Feng Lisheng took the swaddle in a daze. Although he had practiced in advance, his hands were still unconsciously stiff after taking the swaddle.

He looked down at the little baby in his arms, because he was just born, and his facial features had not yet opened, so he couldn't see who it looked like. On the side, Mrs. Wen insisted that this was the most beautiful child she had ever delivered.

Although it might be a compliment, Feng Lisheng listened to it very pleasantly, and the father-in-law Hua at the side directly rewarded the steady woman with a certain amount of gold.

At this moment, the little guy groaned twice, then slowly opened his eyes, Haitang and the others exclaimed, because the little guy's eyes were blue like Feng Lisheng's.

And because it is a baby, a pair of eyes reveal the ignorance and clarity of the new world, like clear gems, people can't take their eyes off.

Feng Lisheng paused with his fingertips, then relaxed. Today is not the same as in the past, it is impossible for him to let this child experience his past suffering.

It wasn't until Shen Mingjiao finished packing that Feng Lisheng carried the child into the delivery room. It wasn't that he didn't want to see his wife immediately, but that Shen Mingjiao refused to give in.

Shen Mingjiao half leaned against the head of the bed, her face was a little pale due to excessive blood loss, but she was in good spirits.

She took the swaddling baby skillfully, and she was not surprised at the baby's gender. As early as four or five months old, the witch doctor told her straightforwardly that the baby in her belly was probably a daughter.

Shen Mingjiao stretched out her hand and lightly poked the little guy's soft face, feeling that she couldn't get enough of it.

"What do you think we should name this child?"

Feng Lisheng took the soup that Haitang brought in and stirred it gently, then frowned and said, "I'll think about it when I go back."

Ever since Shen Mingjiao became pregnant, he would occasionally look through various books when he was free, and he always picked up a lot of names.

But now he feels that no name is worthy of his precious girl.

"Okay, I'll leave the big name to you, and the nickname is An'an! I hope this child will have a safe and smooth life."

Named Scrap Shen Mingjiao, I really can't think of a name that is too lofty.


Regarding the matter of giving An An a name, nothing was settled until Xisan. It was because Feng Lisheng was too picky, he stayed in the study for an hour or two, and all kinds of books that were suitable for naming were torn apart by him.

Shen Mingjiao followed him around, lying on the bed every day looking at the roof of the tent boredly.

The newborn baby is very easy to take care of, and with the help of a wet nurse, apart from regular breastfeeding, she basically eats, sleeps and eats.

Until the day of Xisan, all relatives and friends who could come came. The main courtyard was very lively for a while.

The queen hugged An An and repeatedly praised the child for his good looks.

"By the way, according to the rules, a child of the royal family will be given a jade certificate half a month after birth, and His Majesty will give the child the title of princess after the full moon. Have you thought about the name?"

"No, Your Highness, he is still thinking...

Wait, sister-in-law, what are you talking about? How can An An be named a princess? "

The prince's daughter-in-law is the princess, and she hastily appointed An An as a princess. This is a violation of the ancestral system. Can the courtiers have any objections?

The queen smiled and comforted her: "It's okay, based on Xiaoliu's achievements over the years, it is also right to invite An'an to be a princess."

Shen Mingjiao understood after a little thought, this time the crown prince's treason case, as well as the quelling of the war in the Southwest and the recovery of Southern Burma, Feng Lisheng's first contribution is well-deserved,

Originally, the imperial court should grant rewards, but Feng Lisheng's status is there, apart from some gold and silver property, there is nothing else to reward.

But Feng Lisheng took all those gold and silver treasures, and didn't want anything else.

Not only that, Feng Lisheng is still trying to delegate power slowly.

After all, how can someone else sleep soundly on the side of the couch. Although Jing Hedi has a very good relationship with Feng Lisheng at this stage, if Feng Lisheng's power is getting bigger and bigger without knowing how to measure it, and even threatens the imperial power, then even if Feng Lisheng has no ambitions, he will be feared by the superiors.

And they still have this relationship with Feng Shuo.

Simply Feng Lisheng is not greedy for power, and he just couldn't get used to Beidi's rampantness when he first joined the army. He likes the art of war and martial arts, and likes galloping on the battlefield. So he had long thought about slowly handing over the military power in his hands.

The two of them planned it in private. When An'an grew up, they could go to the side to be locked up for a while, or walk around to see.

Jing and Di obviously understood his thoughts and wanted to make up for it as much as possible, but they didn't lack for others, so they could only give it to An An.

After trying to understand the relationship, Shen Mingjiao didn't say anything, and happily agreed for An An.

Nuo Bao also came, blinking his eyes curiously at An An in the swaddle: "My sister is so beautiful, like the little princess in the story my mother told me!" This made everyone around laugh.

Shen Mingjiao scratched her little nose: "This is not a little sister, according to seniority, you have to call her little aunt."

The little girl obviously didn't quite understand the difference between her aunt and younger sister, so she called "little aunt" loudly and cooperatively with the rattle. The surrounding women laughed again.

At this time, the wind blowing outside the house, a servant girl exclaimed, "It's snowing..."

This delivery room has glazed windows, and everyone can see the pattering snowflakes falling through the not-so-clear window edges.

An An in Shen Mingjiao's arms tilted her head subconsciously, and then giggled.

Shen Mingjiao poked the little guy's fleshy face: "You also want to see the snow, don't you? Then grow up quickly!"

The queen on the side smiled and said: "Speaking of which, this is the first snow this year? The auspicious snow heralds a good year, and I hope that the coming year will be smooth and rainy."

Shen Mingjiao's heart moved, she looked down at An An's shining eyes in her arms, she might as well be called Ruixue!

Although there are no gorgeous and uncommon words, it seems a bit tacky, but Sheng Zai has a meaning?


After An An's full moon, the five sense organs are completely opened. It's like picking out the merits of Shen Mingjiao and Feng Lisheng, they are so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off them.

Shen Mingjiao hugged the beautiful girl happily, and felt that life should not be too happy.

When An An was two or three years old, she took her out for shopping for the first time, and everyone who saw her face was stunned wherever she passed.

This made Shen Mingjiao a little bit worried, her precious girl will not become some evil concubine when she grows up, right?

After An An broke the rules and went to study in the upper study at the age of five, this worry became even stronger.

Suddenly there is such a beautiful and lovely girl in the school of a group of boys, how An An is favored by the group can be imagined.

An An is an extroverted little girl, within two days, she basically got to know the boys in the study.

When it's the rest day, invite all her friends to Su Wang's mansion to play.

Shen Mingjiao looked at the boys following behind her daughter,

The tallest children in black clothes next to them were the children of Mi Yue and Yingsu. They inherited Mi Yue's strong physical strength and were very capable of fighting, but they obeyed An An's words, but it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

The last one is Gu Danxue and Xing Qi's eldest son. He has a cold personality, but he is good-looking!

The closest to An'an is Fei Fei from Cui Lingling's family. Although he is a bit mischievous, he has a lively personality and can deceive people!

There is also the young master of the Grand Scholars family. Although he looks a little old-fashioned, he has an upright demeanor. He must feel safe when he grows up...

Shen Mingjiao made a comparison, she felt like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, thinking that each has its own advantages.

In the evening, when I joked with Feng Lisheng, the latter immediately turned black: "If An An likes it, then accept it all."

Shen Mingjiao: "..." No way, no way!

However, as the years passed, these little radishheads grew up slowly, and all kinds of love, hatred, and hatred Shura fields that they imagined did not appear, because An An... the longer she grew, the more crooked she became.

Who would have thought? The little princess who was so well-behaved and soft when she was young will become the bully of the capital when she grows up,

And the boys who played together when they were young are now the new generation of young talents in the capital...all of them have been made brothers by her.

Until these "brothers" all had their sweethearts, An An was still a well-known little overlord in the capital and even the Great Xia, and he could be said to be invincible.

At this moment, seeing An An, who was already eighteen years old, with that disastrous face, climbed trees and climbed over the wall to escape the marriage urging without any image.

Shen Mingjiao let out a long sigh, she was really blinded by this face!

The text is finally over!

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