After Reincarnating, the Ice-Cold Prince Won’t Leave Me Alone

Chapter 491 Extra Story: The Princess and the Shadow 1

On the second day after Feng Shuo lived in the East Palace, Fu Guang talked with Shen Mingjiao all morning.

After lunch, she left the palace and went straight to a Zhuangzi outside the city, which was the meeting point of the Red Lotus Sect in the capital.

Nie Gutang put down the medicine pestle: "It's decided, the method of skin and flesh regeneration is only recorded in ancient books, it's not only painful, but also very risky."

Fuguang nodded calmly: "I have to thank the leader."

Nie Gutang didn't persuade him any more, and got up to prepare the needed medicine.

Half an hour later, Fuguang entered the room that had been disinfected with Cang Zhu and wormwood. Nie Gutang stood in front of the table and started fiddling with tools.

At this time, regular footsteps came from outside the courtyard, but with some urgency, Fuguang looked for the sound and turned his head. It seemed that he was not surprised to see someone coming, and he called "Big Brother" softly.

Feng Lisheng looked at this younger sister with a complicated expression:

"Does it have to be like this?"

Fu Guang pursed his lips and nodded: "I always want to take back what belongs to me.

If I'm just an ordinary girl, it doesn't matter if I'm disfigured. But I am the prince of the Great Moon Kingdom. From ancient times to the present, no monarch has ever been disfigured. "

Her tone was calm, but with undeniable determination.

Looking at this little girl who hadn't reached the age of hair, Feng Lisheng knew that he couldn't persuade her. He raised his hand and gently rubbed the top of her hair:

"Go, brother is guarding you outside."

Fu Guang was a little happy, couldn't help but bend his lower lip, but still said: "Don't feel sorry for me later, I will make it through."

Soon, the door closed in front of him. As time passed, the girl's painful voice came from the room, as if she was being tortured to the extreme.

Feng Lisheng's fingers were clenched into fists. Although Fuguang was only a teenage girl, she had an extremely tenacious personality. When she didn't know her identity before, she never cried out that she was tired after being trained so intensely by him. This shows that How much does it hurt!

The sound of small footsteps came from next to my ear, followed by a familiar aura approaching, Feng Lisheng worriedly held the arm of the visitor: "Why are you here?"

Shen Mingjiao looked at the closed door, sighed and said: "This girl is afraid that I will hide it from me, but I am not stupid, how can I not see her abnormality!"

She patted Feng Lisheng on the shoulder: "This is the path she chose. As her family, we can only support her even if we don't want her to suffer,"

It wasn't until half an hour later that the cries of pain in the room gradually weakened, and Shen Mingjiao tightly grabbed Feng Lisheng's clothes.

Finally the door opened with a creak, and Nie Gutang came out with a tired face, and nodded to Feng Lisheng and the two: "Remember not to infect the wound, I will come back in three days."

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

It took Fuguang a full three months to fully heal. It also meant that she was leaving.


On this day, Fu Guang wore the clothes of the Great Moon Kingdom and pushed open the door of the main courtyard. The girl was bathed in the sun, her skin was as white as snow, and she was as beautiful as a legendary elf.

The little girl came over and gently hugged Shen Mingjiao: "Sister Gillian, I'm leaving."

She reached out to help Shen Mingjiao's protruding belly:

"It's a pity that my aunt can't see you born with her own eyes. When you are full moon, my aunt will make you the most beautiful little skirt."

Shen Mingjiao rubbed her wavy blonde hair: "Although you are very powerful, you must protect yourself well."

Blinking her long eyelashes, forcing the soreness out of her eyes, she nodded heavily.

While the two were talking, someone was already urging them at the gate of the courtyard.

Shen Mingjiao held Fu Guang's wrist: "I'll see you off!"

Sitting on the carriage, Fu Guang squeezed open a walnut with his bare hands and handed it to Shen Mingjiao. He was silent for a while and said: "I have met you for so long, and I have never talked about my past."

Shen Mingjiao poured her a cup of tea, at this moment, she just needs to be a silent listener.

"You should already know that my mother is Alice, and she was already the queen of the Great Moon Kingdom when I was born. The castle at that time... the imperial palace as you know it, had just undergone a power change and died. A lot of people.

I don't know who my biological father is, some say it's my mother's ex-husband, some say it's the prime minister of the DPRK and China, and some say it's my own uncle..." She shook her head impatiently.

"I don't really care anyway."

Shen Mingjiao rubbed her hair, but didn't expose her.

"At that time, I was the only child in the castle, and I should have been established as the heir apparent. From the moment I could hold a pen, I had to learn many things every day, not only literature, but also martial arts.

Even though I have excellent bones, I still have to suffer a lot if I want to succeed in my studies at a young age.

But I don't like that at all, I like designing jewelry and want to be a jewelry designer.

But my mother just looked at me quietly, she said she was sorry for letting me be born in such an environment, and said that I had no choice but to either learn to be a prince, or I could only be a mermaid. "

Fuguang took a breath: "I didn't understand the deep meaning of her words at the time, I just felt that she was depriving me of my personal freedom in this way, and felt that she should force her own responsibility on me,

So, I always confronted her. The most serious time, I threw away all the guards and ran out of the city to watch the diamonds unearthed. My mother mobilized many people to look for me. After returning, my mother punished me to kneel on the top of the cliff.

I was extremely wronged, felt abandoned by everyone, but stubbornly refused to admit my mistake and never looked back. Until I was about to pass out, a mouse was crawling around my feet. I felt annoyed, so I stretched out my hand to grab it at will, and just turned around...

My mother was standing not far away looking at me, she had been there since I knelt down, her head was covered with frost, she deliberately took off her coat, her face was pale with cold,

I couldn't help crying all of a sudden. Obviously practicing martial arts is so hard, I didn't cry! I feel so uncomfortable, I don't know why she and I have become like this..."

Shen Mingjiao gently took the little girl into her arms: "None of you is wrong, maybe your personalities are too similar."

They are all too stubborn in their bones, and Alice is obviously powerless to her daughter who is in the rebellious period, so she can only use this method of self-harm to punish her daughter and torture herself at the same time.

"Since then, I have restrained myself a lot. Until I was twelve years old, my subordinates reported that a diamond mine had been discovered on a small island outside the city. As long as I finished my homework, my mother did not restrict my personal hobbies.

I went to that small island overnight with a few attendants, but it turned out to be a trap and I was caught.

I was locked up in the basement, and it was my cousin who arrested me. She scratched my face with a knife and stabbed me with a slave mark on my face. Put a highly poisonous phase silk on me, and tortured me in every possible way.

At that time, the powerful martial arts I had learned over the years finally came into use, and I escaped one night when the other party was caught off guard.

But when I finally came to the capital Lausanne, I learned that the princess had already been found. My first reaction was that it was impossible, and then I thought that someone might have replaced my identity. When I was trying to figure out how to enter the palace, I saw..."

She paused for a while before saying: "There was a gong on the street, two rows of royal guards opened the way, and someone called the queen to go. I was secretly happy, thinking it was a coincidence, and was about to rush over.

At this time, I saw a familiar gorgeous car passing by from a distance, and a girl who looked exactly like me was sitting in the car, and my mother was arranging flowers on the girl's head with a smile on her face.

I was stunned for a while, my mother was mostly strict with me, it seemed that she didn't like to laugh in my impression.

At that time, I felt like there were two villains fighting in my heart, and one said to rush forward to expose the girl's lies. Another voice said, that girl is more cute than me at first glance, maybe my mother likes that girl more...

I was stunned, the car had already passed by, and my body, which was already at the end of poisoning, couldn't hold it anymore, so I passed out while leaning on the tree trunk.

Later, I was taken away by a slave trader and sold to the Black Triangle. When I woke up again, Xiangsi had an attack, my brain nerves became numb, and I forgot everything. "

She has always been a quiet person, she likes to keep everything in her heart, but now that she has spoken out, she feels a lot easier.

At this time, the carriage passed by the bustling market, and the loud shouts of peddlers could be heard in my ears.

Shen Mingjiao asked the driver to stop, bought two sticks of candied haws and handed them to Fu Guang: "In our Great Xia Kingdom, girls who are not as good as Ji are still children, come, eat a bunch of candied haws."

Fu Guang took the candied haws, bit his lips lightly, and couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips. Although the sweetness was sour, there was only sweetness left in the aftertaste.

Shen Mingjiao asked her: "What do you think?

In fact, this matter! The analysis from the perspective of a bystander is not logical. I think the concubine mother must have some unavoidable difficulties. Don't jump to conclusions until you know the truth. "

After all, she felt that as a mother, it was impossible not to recognize her own daughter, and it hadn't been ten or eight years, even if the imitation was flawless. It is impossible for Alice to be the queen of a country by being a fool.

Fu Guang said softly: "I know, but I just don't dare to face it..."

Shen Mingjiao can understand her thoughts very well. After all, the so-called authorities are obsessed with being so smart, how can they not understand these things? Just locked in emotionally.

He also handed her another candied haws in his hand: "Let me guess, the person pretending to be you is the cousin who captured you back then, right?"

Fu Guang nodded: "She and I look alike, she is my uncle's illegitimate daughter, she was fostered in the countryside since she was a child.

The Andrew who conspired with Su Qing before, he would use a knife to completely change a person's appearance. "

The carriage left the city quickly, Shen Mingjiao and Feng Lisheng waved their hands to send the group away,

Afterwards, there was no news from the Great Moon Kingdom until one year later, Fuguang sent many things by merchant ship, and he chose gifts for almost everyone he knew, and there was a long letter attached.

Indeed, as Shen Mingjiao had guessed before, Alice knew that someone was going to cause trouble, but the other party's hidden power was too strong to uproot, and in addition, there had been no whereabouts of Fu Guang, so she had no choice but to follow suit.

However, after Feng Lisheng and others returned to Beijing with Fuguang, because the distance between the two sides was too far, Alice did not receive the news until two months later.

After confirming that Fuguang was not in danger on Daxia's side, he was not in a hurry to let her go back, and planned to wait until all the incidents subsided.

After Fu Guang went back, he cooperated with Alice internally and externally, and spent half a year completely eradicating the rebel party, but at the last moment, the cousin who pretended to be her and the leader of the rebel party escaped.

Shen Mingjiao finally felt relieved after reading the letter.

Until another two years later, Fuguang returned to Daxia by boat to discuss the opening of trade between the two countries, and stayed in the capital for half a month, holding An'an all day and never letting go.

An An obviously liked this beautiful aunt very much, and insisted on going with her when she left.

Two years later, An An was five years old. Two months ago, she received a letter from Da Yue Kingdom saying that Alice was going to pass the throne to Fu Guang, and then Da Xia visited her granddaughter.

After all, the distance between the two countries is too far, and it takes half a year to go back and forth. As the monarch of a country, it is impossible to leave for such a long time.


In the midsummer season, cicadas were singing, and in the upper study room of the palace, an old man with a gray beard was speaking passionately in front of the stage.

Originally, noon was the most drowsy, but the children who can sit here are the elite of the elite.

Rao was so trapped that he was about to die, but his back was still straight and his eyes were firm. Except for a dumpling sitting in the last row,

Fan Tuanzi An An poked the tip of the pen, listening to the lecture very seriously, but looked down at the lines of text in the book. She couldn't help but yawned several times, and then flattened her mouth.

It's really not that An An doesn't study hard, but that he doesn't want to make friends with An An because of these words!

Good night! This episode mainly revolves around some things about Alice, and there will be many scenes of An An interspersed in the middle. It should not be too long, about 66,000 to 70,000 words.

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