After Reincarnating, the Ice-Cold Prince Won’t Leave Me Alone

Chapter 504 Extra The Princess and the Shadow 14

An An stuttered and understood what the other party meant, and couldn't help but become even more anxious.

Jingqi looked at William and squeezed out some tears, her eyes pleading and pitiful: "Please, sir, let us stay. I am strong and can work." After saying that, she dragged An An and knelt down to him.

Although he was used to seeing this kind of scene, but they were two children after all, William felt a little soft-hearted for a while.

As long as you make sure that the two of them are not acting for fun, it's not impossible to bring them along.

At this time, An An raised her head and looked at him with her big eyes blinking: "Uncle, just take us for a ride. When my parents come, I will definitely repay you."

At this time, An An's palm-sized face was painted dirty, covering up her original appearance, only revealing a pair of beautiful eyes.

When William suddenly saw these eyes, he couldn't help but be startled. In the end, two people were left behind.

Jingqi spontaneously picked up the broom and started working. The officer who just spoke curled his lips:

"Two wild children who come from nowhere, why should adults care about their life and death?"

William did not explain that this time they were sent to a neighboring country to capture a group of illegal immigrants. On the way back, more than one person heard in front of him that the Queen was launching a nationwide effort to search for her niece. She is a little girl of five or six years old, with an oriental face and eyes that look very much like the queen.

Although he wondered how the news spread so far, she had once seen the Queen from a distance. Such a beautiful face, even if it was just a glimpse, he would never forget it.

The little girl in front of her seems to have eyes that look a bit like the queen. Anyway, it doesn't take much trouble to bring two children along. What if it turns out to be true?

Before talking back, after An An and the others left Casa Island, a group of strong men on patrol left cursing.

In fact, the chasing sound they heard before was not directed at them, but a thief who suddenly broke into Jack's residence. The thief happened to escape in this direction.

The sky is getting dark, but the island is still very lively. It is a den for some distressed people, but it is also a den for rich people to sell their money. The night of drunkenness and extravagance has just begun.

However, no one noticed that in the distance of the island, there seemed to be several large and magnificent ships approaching rapidly.

In the most luxurious castle on the island, the two people finally separated after struggling for a long time. Casey put on his clothes, caressed the man's chest, and said in a coquettish tone:

"Mr. Jack, it's time for me to go. See you later!"

Jack, the scar-faced man, narrowed his eyes in enjoyment, "Beautiful lady, stay on the island and be my woman, and all the treasures I get will be given to you." He hadn't met such a top-notch beauty in a long time. Say a few nice words to coax people without losing any weight.

The disgust in Kathy's eyes could hardly be concealed. She wanted to go back as soon as possible. Although the two children locked up on the boat had become dull and stupid now, she still didn't worry. They were her revenge on Wendy and her daughter. capital.

But he must also catch the man in front of him. She is confident that sooner or later, this man will succumb to her skirt.

Thinking that there were so many people watching on the boat, she suppressed her worries, and the two rolled together again.

It lasted until dawn, and the two of them fell asleep from exhaustion under the stimulation of drugs.

At this time, there was a fierce fight on the island, and a subordinate knocked on the door in a panic. Jack was awakened and cursed impatiently.

The subordinate didn't care about anything and said tremblingly: "...Boss, many officers and soldiers have come to the island, and the brothers are all surrounded..."

Jack got up with a groan, and most of his sleepiness disappeared: "What's going on? Which country's officers and soldiers are they from?"

The reason why Casa Island has been able to exist safely for so many years is the result of several countries maintaining a balance with each other. Moreover, the forces on the island are complex and chaotic, and they are all involved in several countries. Similar things have not never happened.

"He is from the Oyue Kingdom...and has an oriental face..."

Jack frowned. It was not surprising that the officers and soldiers of the Dayue Kingdom came over, but they were so far away from the Easterners and had no interests involved. At most, they collected some tolls from the passing merchant ships, but for such a trivial matter, there was absolutely no need to send officers and soldiers to come forward.

When Casey heard this, his shoulders shrank and his eyes flickered.

She didn't need to think about it to know why the other party came. She had to find a way to get back as soon as possible, and she couldn't let the two cubs be rescued!

However, her strangeness did not escape Jack's eyes.

Jack narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and slapped the woman hard: "Bitch, are you the one who caused this trouble?"

Kathy was stunned and couldn't accept that the man who was obsessed with her just a moment ago now fell out with her whenever he wanted.

To put it bluntly, Kathy was too arrogant and thought she was a superior princess, thinking that with her beauty and figure she could make the old man in front of her bow to her. Who knows, how can a man who can be the boss in a place like this be a simple character?

Casey's mind was buzzing and before he could recover, the door was pushed open with a bang.

A man with a handsome face walked in slowly, followed by seven or eight senior generals of the Dayue Kingdom.

When Casey saw the person coming, his pupils shrank sharply.

Half an hour later, Feng Lisheng sat in the main seat, and Jack, who usually had a fierce look, accompanied him respectfully and was completely flattering.

There was a circle of people kneeling on the ground. The leader, Casey, lay dying on the ground. Under the iron-blooded torture of King Su, in less than half a cup of tea, Kaisi and his party attacked all they could. Including Eero Assolin who was injured by An An.

After Feng Lisheng heard what happened, he was so angry that he pierced the opponent's throat with an arrow.

Feng Wu hurried in with his people and reported: "Your Highness, we have searched everywhere on the island and have not found the princess or the young master. However, we found the secret code left by the young master at Nan'ankou.

The two of them probably left by boat, heading towards the Great Moon Kingdom. "

Feng Lisheng frowned and thought carefully that this was indeed the most correct approach. If he had not brought the army over in time, it would have been very dangerous for the two children to stay on the island.

It was such a coincidence that not long after the two left, they arrived just in time.

He tilted his head and glanced at Jack coldly: "What are the ships passing through the south coast port today?"

Jack wiped his sweat and shook his head: "This is too much, even the little one doesn't know?"

There are so many ships passing by the port every day that even the subordinates responsible for surveillance patrols may not be able to remember them.

Feng Lisheng ordered Feng Wu: "Search all the people who pass through the Nan'an port, and don't let go of some vendors."

Until the sun rose high, Feng Lisheng got a thick stack of confessions and began to analyze them one by one.

The two children have been running on the streets since they can remember. Although he doted on An An, he did not neglect his education. He had seen a lot of scenes, large and small. Therefore, the two children will not be deceived casually.

In this way, suspected human traffickers and others were eliminated, and the two of them probably had no money, so they could only sneak onto a certain ship or encounter some other opportunity.

In fact, the two children still think too simply. Even if they have money, if they encounter someone with malicious intentions, they will just take the money away because they are weak children.

Feng Lisheng rubbed his brows, and after eliminating them one by one, he planned to check the remaining ships one by one, including the official ship that escorted the prisoners.

He quickly wrote a letter and had it delivered to Fu Guang. Since it was confirmed that she was in Dayue Kingdom, it would be more convenient for the queen Fu Guang to come forward.

Feng Wu kicked the woman on the ground: "Then what should I do with this person?"

Feng Lisheng packed up his things and stood up, his eyes cold: "Kill."

Seeing Casey's familiar face, his expression became even more ugly. He took the sword and slashed the face amidst the woman's frightened screams.

On the other side, after half a month of traveling, the official ship escorting the prisoners was finally about to dock.

An An was happily munching on a piece of bread. A man dressed as an official on the side handed her a glass of water: "We are about to arrive in Maya City. What are your plans, Miss An An?"

During this time, An An could basically understand what they were saying, but her pronunciation was still very non-standard.

"My brother and I plan to stay in Maya City first and wait for the elders in Dayue Kingdom to pick us up."

After saying that, he broke half of the bread in his hand and handed it to the official: "I can't eat any more, uncle, you can eat it!"

The official was not polite to her and took it with a smile. At this time, Jing Qi came over after cleaning up.

The officer looked at the two children and couldn't help feeling emotional. At first, no one took the two children seriously, and they even thought they would starve to death midway through.

Who would have thought that despite their young age, these two children are very good at getting into trouble, and they usually rush to do various tasks?

This boy has keen observation and caught a prisoner who deliberately set fire within two days. The girl is also amazing. She seems to be naturally good at sociability. Now half a month has passed, and all the ruthless officers on the ship are friendly to her. Except for the first two days after arriving, the two children have never been hungry.

When the sun set, the official ship finally docked, and the prisoners were driven off the ship one by one. The two children walked last. They had already agreed to stay in Maya City for the time being.

An An also thought about confessing her identity to the official, but she felt it was too unsafe. She had heard her mother and father talk about her aunt's newly ascended throne and her foundation in the court was unstable.

Others were too complicated for her to understand even as a child. Using her own thinking, she understood that her aunt defeated everyone and became the boss, but many younger brothers were dissatisfied and wanted to pull her down.

So what if everyone knows that he is her aunt's niece and wants to arrest her and threaten her aunt? Just like Casey before him.

As the two set foot on the land of Maya City, a gust of cold wind blew. An An shivered and tightened her grip on the large leather jacket.

She had already found out clearly on the boat that Maya City was located in a remote area and had a very harsh climate. Except for the summer, which was slightly warmer throughout the year, the rest of the year was extremely cold. It was the place of exile for the Otsuki Kingdom, and many prisoners were exiled here.

The prisoners were pulled away by carriages. The leader of the official mission came over and glanced at the two of them: "If you have nowhere to go for the time being, go to my house and stay for a while."

An An nodded and smiled sweetly at the other party: "Thank you, Uncle William. I will definitely repay my uncle when I find my family."

It was still a stilted Big Yue language, but after spending so many days together, William could barely understand it.

He smiled and rubbed An An's head: "Okay, uncle, wait!"

The two followed William into the carriage. Jingqi said that William seemed to take special care of them. He might have recognized An An's identity, but he didn't ask them.

An An didn't understand the twists and turns here, but she just felt that William was not a bad person, and besides, they were two young children who were penniless and had nowhere else to go.

William did not marry a wife, so he and a few servants were the only ones at home. A maid took care of An An and took a refreshing bath. When she came out, Jing Qi had already written the letter.

An An took a look and said disgustedly: "When did your handwriting become so ugly!"

Jingqi directly put the pen into his hand: "I give you the pen, you write."

All right! She is worse than Jingqi!

"But Otsuki's writing is so strange." The most important thing is that the strokes are much simpler than Chinese characters.

Jingqi: "So what? Anyway, Chinese characters are the oldest and are more powerful than other countries' characters. Uncle Paul said that the characters of Dayue are composed of twenty-six characters, and our Chinese characters are almost every There are many strokes in each stroke.”

An An thought for a while and nodded seriously: "Well, it seems that Chinese characters are indeed more powerful."

An An urged him to give the letter to William quickly. This place is far away from Lausanne, the capital of Da Yue. The two children had no intention of sitting still and waiting for death, but sending a letter to Daxia was even more unrealistic.

Fortunately, An An heard from her grandmother that after her aunt returned to China, she also opened a Beautiful Pavilion in Lausanne City, and the business was particularly booming. Jingqi proposed to write a letter and ask William to help send it to the Beautiful Pavilion in Lausanne City.

Since Meimei Pavilion is opened by my aunt, the shopkeeper must be one of my own, and I will send it to my aunt as soon as I get the letter.

When William came back from his work, Jingqi took the letter and asked him to deliver it to Lausanne City.

William patted Jing Qi on the shoulder and promised: "I just happen to have some things to send home. I will get a reply in about two months."

Jingqi breathed a sigh of relief, thanked her again and left.

After confirming that Jingqi was gone, William shook his head funnyly,

After all, they are children. Even though they are much smarter than children of the same age, sometimes they still look at things simply.

He opened the letter without saying a word. He pulled out two pieces of letter paper, one of which had Chinese characters written on it, so naturally he couldn't understand it. The other one was written crookedly in Big Moon characters - Aunt Queen, I am niece An An, and I am in the Mayan City.

William clenched his fists in excitement, he was actually the person the Queen was looking for!

But what surprised him was that the news had spread abroad. After he returned to Maya City, he inquired carefully and found that except for a few people, no one knew about it. So how did the news spread abroad?

Since he couldn't figure it out, he simply didn't think about it, stuffed the letter back intact, and had it sent to the capital.

An An and Jing Qi just stayed at William's house. After two days, their energy and spirit were restored.

An An lay on the bed, resting her chin on her little hand: "If dad doesn't come here, we will have to stay here for at least two months. It doesn't seem good to eat and drink for free."

Jingqi thought for a while: "I'll go out to the streets tomorrow to look for any work."

They wanted to help Uncle William with some housework, but there were servants at home, and Uncle William refused. Since coming to Maya City, Uncle William seems to have taken better care of them and does not allow them to go out and run around.

The two little guys got together and murmured for a while. The next day, they heard that William was going to check on the prisoners' service status, so they pestered him to go along.

Although William looks fiercer, he is a very easy-going person. He couldn't stand the two children and had to agree.

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