After Reincarnating, the Ice-Cold Prince Won’t Leave Me Alone

Chapter 505 Extra The Princess and the Shadow 15

Similar to the Great Xia Kingdom, most of the prisoners exiled here were engaged in coal mining and mining, while women and children had a more relaxed life, mostly weaving and drying flax.

It was especially cold here in the coal mining area, and An An couldn't help but wrap her coat tightly around her body. William couldn't help laughing at her: "I told you not to come, now you regret it!"

An An covered her cold and red nose with her hand, and firmly shook her head in denial:

"Uncle William, go and do your work! Let's take a walk around the area."

It would be great if the two of them could follow them to the mining area. William would not be able to take them down to the mine.

William nodded, leaving a few yamen staring at the two of them.

Only when I came here did I know that William is the current lord of the Mayan City, equivalent to the county magistrate of Daxia.

An An and the two wandered around for a while. There was really nothing interesting here. The trees were bare and the soil on the ground was frozen like a hard block. An An asked a cadre who was following him:

"Uncle, is there anything interesting here?"

She spoke very slowly, and the Yamen barely understood. Seeing that the city lord valued these two children very much, he thought for a while and said, "This is an outer city, there is no fun place."

After thinking for a while, he hesitated and said: "If you want to find a friend, miss, you can go to the female prisoner opposite."

An An didn't have anywhere to go anyway, so he asked a few people to lead the way.

The place where the female prisoners are serving their sentences is not far from here. There are rows of open houses. Inside, shackled women are either stepping on looms or dyeing cloth. There are also some half-year-old children sitting aside and dividing silk threads.

Most of them looked numb, and only a few of them looked out the window with some longing in their eyes.

Although An An felt sorry for them, she didn't sympathize with them. Just like the little girl who was dragged by her mother and staggered, An An saw that she was pitiful, so she gave her the endless bread. After two consecutive times, An An just finished eating the bread. The girl looked at her eagerly and saw that she really didn't give him anything. When she turned around, she showed a look of resentment.

Through various things along the way, An An gradually understood some truths. The world is not black and white. In the past, she was like a delicate flower growing in a precious flower pot. Although she occasionally moved out to bask in the sun, all she could see was It is the pavilion and waterside pavilion of Prince Su's Mansion.

Two children were wandering around the house. Apart from being slightly warmer than the mining area, there wasn't much to see here. The ground was so bare that not even a single weed could be found.

An An walked to the corner of the row of houses and was about to go back, when she heard a whine and a skinny black dog passed in front of her.

An An's eyes lit up, there were actually puppies in this place?

She knelt down and waved to the dog. This puppy was actually not afraid of people. He stopped and glanced at her lazily, then turned his head back without energy.

An An dug and dug out of the small pockets. The clothes here are different from those in Daxia. There are big pockets sewn on the clothes that can hold things. There are a lot of miscellaneous things in them, but there is no food.

Jingqi had no choice but to take out an oil paper bag from her pocket with some beef jerky inside. Da Yue Kingdom also has beef jerky, but the method is different from Da Xia.

An An took a few pieces and placed them gently on the ground. The thin black dog was indeed attracted. After searching, he ran over and sniffed. He looked very hungry, but he resisted eating.

An An raised a small eyebrow: "Hey, this dog is quite alert!

Eat it! I didn't poison you! "

To prove it, she even took a piece of beef jerky and stuffed it into her mouth.

But she saw the thin dog picking up the beef jerky on the ground and running forward. The two children looked at each other, and Jingqi guessed:

"Maybe take it back to feed its children!"

He had seen some poor adults secretly keep whatever good things they got and bring them home to their children.

An An was curious: "Let's go and have a look."

Although the two children had short legs, they were not slow in running. They followed the skinny dog ​​around and arrived at the door of a dilapidated house, followed closely by several government officials.

An An stared in the direction of the broken house: "Hey, it turns out it's not for dog babies!"

I saw a dilapidated house... or it couldn't be called a house. It was built with only some bricks and soil. It didn't even have a door, and it was barely sheltered from the wind. There was a gray-haired old man sitting at the door.

It's not an exaggeration to describe the old grandfather as skinny. His messy hair blocks his eyes and his expression cannot be seen, but he looks similar to those of the female prisoners.

The thin dog ran up to the old man, whined a few times, and put the dried meat in his mouth into the old man's hand.

The old man raised his head and stretched out his hand to touch the thin dog's head. The iron chain on his wrist made a clanking sound with his movements.

Although the old man in front of him might be a very evil person, An An still couldn't help but feel sad and desolate when looking at this scene.

Jing Qi asked the yamen officer who was following him: "What did he do? How come he was left alone here?"

It stands to reason that this is where the female prisoners are located. Even if the old man in front of me is too old to dig mines, he probably won't live here.

The government officer obviously knew this person, "He didn't do anything wrong, and we don't know the details. Anyway, according to people here, he has been here for ten or twenty years! He has been locked in the house with chains."

Two years ago, the former city lord was arrested due to party issues. Sir William was transferred here to investigate and count all the prisoner information here, but no information about this person was found. The former city lord was not a good person. We privately deduced that this person probably offended the former city lord in the past and was kidnapped for revenge. "

After hearing this, the two children also felt that the old grandfather was quite pitiful. An An asked in a low voice: "Then why doesn't he leave?"

The official sighed: "I guess I don't have a home anymore!

Lord William saw that he was pitiful, so he found the best doctor in the city to examine his body. As a result, the doctor said that he had a terminal illness and would not live for three years. "

"That's it..." Then this old man is so pitiful!

An An walked in unconsciously. They made so much noise. The old man sitting in front of the house didn't know whether it was because he couldn't hear it, or he didn't care if he heard it. He never raised his head.

An An opened the package of dried meat and softly called "Grandpa" in Dayue language. The old man still didn't raise his head.

The Yamen official explained, "He was poisoned and his voice was mute. Maybe his ears can't hear either!"

An'an called to the skinny dog, "Come on, eat, I'll give you all these dried meats!"

The thin dog looked at the old man, hesitated for a moment, but finally could not resist the temptation of delicious food, and started to eat in small bites.

An An squatted down and happily fed the thin dog: "That's right. I'll bring you some bones next time."

Jing Qi watched the old man curiously from the side. Although the old man was losing weight, his back did not bend.

Jingqi thought, this must be a very strong-willed person.

He looked at the iron chain on the old man's hand again, and only then did he notice that maybe because of the time, the iron chain had grown into his skin.

He couldn't help but shrink his shoulders. How painful was it?

After finishing a pack of dried meat, it was time for the two of them to leave. An An touched the thin dog's head: "Okay, bye!"

The old man with his eyes lowered finally saw the little girl's appearance clearly. After a while, he didn't move his stiff fingers until the group of people walked away.

What a beautiful little girl!

Until they walked far away, the two children were still a little depressed, but from what they saw and heard along the way, they also understood that there were many similar poor people in the world, and they could only give a little help when they happened to meet them.

Passing by the house where the female prisoners were again, An An hesitated for a moment, then pulled Jing Qi in and walked around. She bypassed the adult female workers stepping on the looms and came to the area where the girls were.

A girl couldn't help but look at the two of them curiously, and when she saw the yamen who followed them in, she subconsciously shrank her neck.

An An did not disturb them, just sat aside and watched curiously. See the girls skillfully dividing the threads, the threads are as thin as hair.

Suddenly she had an idea and asked the nearest little girl: "Do you have any thicker thread?"

She kept talking and gesticulating, but the girl lowered her head as if she didn't dare to speak. An An was a little discouraged.

A girl who was more courageous said cautiously: "Yes, this cotton thread."

After saying that, she grabbed a handful of white silk thread and handed it to her. An An arranged the threads one by one, cut them to the appropriate length with scissors, and braided the simplest bow knot. This was the only female red thread she could master. ,

It was for the purpose of decorating her dolls that she pestered her mother to deliberately learn it, but she only knew a few simple techniques.

Jing Qi, who was squatting aside and counting ants in boredom, glanced at her. The two often played together, and one look could tell what this girl was thinking.

"You want to make a deal and sell it?"

"Well, can't you?"

Jing Qi didn't have any objections. Anyway, the two of them couldn't find anything to do in a short time. He mainly wanted to get to know more people so that he could find out the way to Lausanne or see if there were any merchant ships passing by heading to Daxia. They couldn't all point to the letter sent out.

Seeing the two children busy playing with silk threads, the Yamen who were following them also breathed a sigh of relief and sat aside to take a nap leisurely.

An An struggled for a long time and finally made a nice concentric knot. The girls who were dividing the line secretly looked at her from time to time, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise when they saw the formed concentric knots.

An An was not satisfied: "It would be nice to dye the thread red and decorate it with jade beads."

Jingqi was speechless: "If we want to have jade beads, why do we need to go out to sell them? But there should be a place to dye cloth here."

An An asked these girls and learned that there was indeed a place for dyeing cloth, and finally smiled with satisfaction.

The girl who just spoke stared at the concentric knot in her hand and asked tentatively: "Miss, can you teach us how to braid it?"


Anyway, these people won't leave here and won't affect her business.

No matter which country they are in, girls are always attracted to beautiful things. They selected the most skillful girl to learn, and when she learned how to rest, she could teach them. Others continued working.

As long as those government officials were there, the people in charge turned a blind eye.

Time always flies when you are doing things seriously, and soon the whole morning has passed.

By the time William came over after finishing his official duties, An An had already made dozens of connections.

William picked it up curiously and looked at it, and couldn't help but admire: "You girls from Daxia are so skillful with your hands!"

An An nodded proudly: "That's right!"

"But it seems that this kind of thing is also sold in Lausanne City, but that one is more exquisite and beautiful, and only noble ladies can afford it."

When An An heard this, she immediately understood that it must have been done by her aunt, and the little girl suddenly became more confident in her big business of making money.

She raised her head and smiled flatteringly at William: "Uncle William, can you help someone dye the thread red!"

"Okay! There should be some at the dyeing shop. I'll have someone get it for you."

An An's status is unusual, so William will satisfy her requests as long as they are not excessive, and besides, they are just threads, not even trivial matters.

An An naturally didn't understand these twists and turns. These threads were owned by the public and she would have to pay them back when she made money.

William looked at the location of the dyeing workshop, hesitated for a moment, and said uncomfortably:

"I happen to be going to the dyeing workshop. If you don't mind, can we come together?"

An An's mind was filled with her business experience and she didn't pay much attention to the strange look on William's face. She and Jing Qi followed him to the dyeing workshop at the back.

In the spacious open space yard, rows of colorful cloths are hung, and the powerful visual impact makes people unable to help but be dazzled.

An An stared at these hung cloths intently. In her original understanding, the colors were only red, orange, red, yellow and green, with at most a mixture of different shades.

But in the big dyeing workshop in front of you, there are twenty or thirty kinds of reds alone. Even the most common-looking white color has more than ten kinds.

She was like a curious baby, walking back and forth in the huge dyeing workshop with a serious look on her short legs, causing the female prisoners who were working to look around curiously.

Jingqi tugged on her sleeve and pointed in a certain direction: "That's Uncle William."

An An followed his line of sight and saw the tall and burly William standing silently in the corner, staring longingly at a female prisoner who was dyeing cloth.

The female prisoner was not particularly beautiful, but she gave people a very comfortable feeling.

The female prisoner swung the cloth skillfully and occasionally looked up at William. It was obvious that there was a long distance between them. One of them was wearing a majestic official uniform, while the other was wearing heavy shackles. However, when the two looked at each other, they seemed to separate the surroundings into two worlds. In the world, there was a sweet happiness that could not be broken by others.

Looking at this scene, An An's eyes felt a little sore for some reason, because her parents... were like this too!

Woohoo...she misses her parents!

When leaving, the steward respectfully brought over a stack of red threads, and William handed it to An An. An An, holding the red thread, finally got over the homesickness and thanked the steward:

"Thank you, auntie. When I make money, I will return the line."

The steward hurriedly waved his hand: "No, Miss, just come and get it if you want!" These things were piled all over the warehouse, and this bundle was not even a drop in the bucket.

On the way back, An An couldn't help but curiously asked William: "Uncle William, tell us your story!"

William knew what she was asking, and he coughed slightly in embarrassment: "Even children don't understand adults' things!"

An An pouted. As a rebellious little kid, he couldn't bear to hear words like "Children don't ask about adults' things."

snort! Uncle William is blushing? What doesn't she understand? She has seen great things since she was a child!

But she is not a child who can calmly contain her curiosity.

After less than half a cup of tea, under her pressure, the uncle who followed William told him everything he knew.

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