After Reincarnating, the Ice-Cold Prince Won’t Leave Me Alone

Chapter 506 Extra Story: The Princess and the Shadow 16

"If you want to say that we adults are really infatuated and pitiful, we are already thirty and not married yet."

An An followed his words and asked: "Is it related to the aunt I met in the dyeing workshop?"

"That's right! Don't look at our lord's casual attire, let me tell you, Lord William is from the Earl's Mansion.

The girl in the dyeing workshop is named Anna. Her father was also a high-ranking official. The two families are family friends. They grew up together and have a mutual affection for each other as adults.

Before the two took the initiative to break through the window paper, Anna's father was suddenly demoted, and the family had to rush to the place where they were demoted.

Anna wrote many letters to Lord William, but she never received a reply. She wasted years and years until she was twenty-five years old, when she got the news that William had already married a wife and had a child. Her parents were seriously ill and were about to pass away. In order to make them feel at ease, she randomly picked someone to marry.

However, Anna didn't know at the time that all of this was designed by her parents. Her parents made up and spread this lie in order to stop her from being so depressed. But she didn't expect that the man she married was a scumbag.

After marriage, Anna was often beaten with bruised nose and swollen face. Once she was beaten severely, she took a knife and wanted to fight the man desperately. She didn't want to really kill, but lost in the dispute. "

An An puffed up her face in anger: "It's really not worth ruining your life for such a man!"

Yacha sighed: "Who said it wasn't?

The government judged Anna as manslaughter and sentenced her to fifteen years in prison. But her husband's family was dissatisfied, thinking that the sentence was too light, and found a relationship to transfer the case to the capital city of Lausanne.

It turned out that William did not receive any of the letters Anna wrote. After Anna left the capital, William was arranged by the family to go to the castle as a personal guard, and he could not leave Lausanne easily. All those letters were intercepted by William's mother. And told William that Anna had already married and had children. "

Two people who love each other deeply miss each other because of their separation and many misunderstandings.

An An clenched her fists angrily: "Uncle's mother is too bad, why did she do this?"

Jing Qi: "Obviously! If Anna's family is demoted, the two families are not well-connected. Naturally, William's family doesn't want Anna to come in."

Yacha nodded: "Yes, but they didn't expect that Anna would go back to the capital for trial, and her husband's family made a big fuss again, and directly brought the matter to the Queen. William naturally knew about it.

He visits Anna and the two clear up any misunderstandings. "

The clerk sighed and shook his head: "I heard that Lord William cried when he crouched on the door of the prison with his head in his arms."

Such a big and three rough man, it can be seen that his collapse and despair have reached the extreme,

"Later, Lord William ran around asking for relationships, and even asked the Queen. After learning about the cause and effect, the Queen personally sentenced Anna to exile in Maya City for ten years.

Lord William gave up the bright future of the capital, broke away from the family's asylum, and asked to be transferred to Maya City, just to be closer to Anna.

Many people feel worthless for him, his ability is outstanding, and he was appreciated by the empress, but he gave up his bright future for a female prisoner, "

Although they don't know what love is at this stage, the two little guys are still moved by the love between William and Anna.

Jing Qi said indifferently: "Father said that a capable person will shine wherever he is. Isn't it ten years? Since he can be favored by the queen, it will be a matter of time before he has a bright future."

Jingqi spoke Chinese, so the yamen servants naturally couldn't understand her.

An An stuttered and translated for a few people, but the Yacha who spoke just now shook his head in disapproval:

"It's not as easy as you said. Without family promotion, adults will have to work hard for at least 20 years."

An An didn't care. In her perception, as long as she worked hard, there would be gains, and Uncle William and Anna would definitely get better and better.

In response to this incident, the two children have a lot of respect for William. No matter what the world says, in the hearts of the children, Uncle William's behavior is like a big hero in a storybook.

But as soon as An An returned to William's house, she began to mess around with her business plans. Bring Jing Qi together, and start to play several kinds of nets that she knows.

However, Jingqi was too handicapped, and always accidentally tore off the root of the silk thread. The maid in the mansion looked interesting, and also smiled and asked for help.

After two days of tossing, all the silk threads were used up, and one hundred and eight strings of nets were finally made.

An An rubbed her numb wrist, looking at the red nets all over the table, she felt a sense of accomplishment.

Jing Qi brought a bottle of medicinal wine: "Stretch out your hand and rub it for you, otherwise you will cry at night when you sleep."

An An stretched out her hand cautiously: "Then you lighten up... Hiss, it hurts..."

Jing Qi was unmoved, and her palms tightly held An An's wobbling arms like iron pliers.

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If you don't rub the blood away, you will be sore for several days."

An An burst into tears in pain: "Woooo...I'd rather be in pain!"


Although Jing Qi was stared at by An An for a long time afterwards, the so-called long-term pain is worse than short-term pain is still reasonable. After sleeping, the arm pain basically disappeared the next day.

An An rested her chin on the table, blinked her big eyes, stared at the pile of red nets, and asked Jing Qi on the opposite side:

"How do you say we want to sell it?"

Jingqi thought for a while: "I've already inquired. These silk threads are sold by the catty. This kind of dyed thread usually costs 30 copper coins per catty."

Both of them have no idea about money, Su Wang's mansion has everything, and sometimes they never know how to bargain when buying things on the street.

An An automatically understood that thirty copper coins were equivalent to Da Xia's thirty Wen. "It's so cheap! Then how much do we have to sell for one?"

Jing Qi took the attitude of doing calculations and sketched on the paper: "We have to calculate the cost of the goods first."

An An immediately trotted out to find a servant to borrow a scale, packed the net and weighed it, which weighed about two catties.

Jing Qi quickly calculated on paper: the cost price of a iron is about half a copper coin. The two called it cheap.

An An tried to remember how those aunts, aunts and uncles sold things when they were on the street?

Well, it seems that the buyer will counter the price, and then the seller will say with a sincere and heartbroken face that it is already the cost price, and it cannot be repaid, and it will lose money if it is repaid...

An An frowned in distress. Thinking about it this way, it seems that selling things is not very profitable! Losing money every day!

"It's too troublesome to bargain. How about we set the price directly, whether you want to buy it or not! It seems that no one has ever bargained in the beautiful pavilion opened by my mother, and there are still customers coming every day!"

Beautiful Pavilion is aimed at the high-spending crowd. These people love face, so naturally they will not bargain.

"How much can I order? If it's a bunch of copper coins, the profit can barely be doubled!"

Thinking about it this way, they can earn fifty-two copper coins more. Although the money does not seem to be much, they are still making money!

Jing Qi felt that one copper coin was too low: "You worked hard to make it up, and the hard work is not counted?"

An An felt distressed: "How much is the right amount?"

Jing Qi didn't understand either: "Anyway, we can't just sell one copper coin, or... sell two copper coins!"

This would quadruple the profit!

An An was stunned: "Aren't we too dark-hearted, anyone buying it?"

Jingqi gritted her teeth: "Didn't you say that there is no business without profiteers? Let's sell it first? If we really can't sell it, we will lower the price."


The next day, Jingqi inquired about the market, found the location, took a piece of cloth and spread it on the ground and set up a stall, with a piece of paper standing beside it, on which the price of the goods was written in the big moon language.

An An listened to the yelling all over the street one after another, and her face was eager to try: "Shall we sell it too!"

Jing Qi couldn't save face: "...Let's forget it! I can't shout out."

An An has known herself since she was a child, and there is no concept of embarrassment at all. She immediately shouted at the top of her voice:

"The latest net, only two copper coins..."

After these days of study, An'an Dayue language became smoother day by day.

With this voice, many people around looked over curiously, and they couldn't help being even more surprised to see that the stalls were actually two oriental children.

An An shouted at a girl with blond hair who passed by: "Beautiful sister, buy a string of strings, it's very beautiful to hang on jewelry!"

The girl stopped curiously, picked up a sympathetic knot and looked at it carefully. After staring suspiciously for a long time, she couldn't help but see:

"This thing is quite beautiful, but what is it used for!"

When An An saw something interesting, she immediately sold it enthusiastically: "Sister, you can hang it on the jewelry backpack, and there are clothes..."

The girl hesitated and asked, "How much is it?"

"It's very cheap, just two copper coins."

The girl was obviously stunned for a moment, and then simply took out two copper coins from her pocket.

Holding these two copper coins, An An felt happier than eating honey for the first money she earned through hard work. She circled around Jing Qi cheerfully: "Jing Qi, we made money!"

At this time, several women passed by the stall, and An An hurriedly greeted with a sweet smile: "Auntie, let's buy strings..."

The conditions of these people were obviously not very good, but in the end they gritted their teeth and bought one each.

An'an took the money happily, thinking that doing business is not difficult!

Jing Qi was observing all kinds of people walking back and forth, but unfortunately he didn't have the language talent of An An, so he could barely understand what these people were saying.

Thinking in my mind, if I want to know the doorways on the streets of Maya City as soon as possible, what kind of person is the most suitable person to ask for information? Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to a thin figure running away in the dark.

Not long after, a seven or eight-year-old boy in clean clothes walked over embarrassedly: "Little sister, do you sell it?"

"A bunch of two copper coins, brother, buy a bunch?"

The boy lowered his head shyly: "I...I want to buy it back and give it to my sisters at home, as well as aunts and aunts who are out of town. I wonder if they like it?"

An An was even happier when she heard that, this is big business!

She nodded vigorously: "Of course! How much do you want to buy?"

The little boy bowed his head and counted with his fingers for a long time, but he couldn't figure out a specific number. He scratched his hair nervously.

Jingqi couldn't stand it anymore, "Just tell me how many people you want to give it to!"

The little boy scratched his head: "There are too many relatives to count! My father said he would take us back to the ancestral house."

Jing Qi nodded understandingly. After all, in the world he had seen, it was not uncommon for some big families to have two or three hundred people at every turn. "Then you can buy more."

The little boy took out a heavy money bag, and the copper coins rattled non-stop: "Then I'll buy a hundred strings!"

An An and the two were stunned, shocked by the little boy's generosity, but the little boy in front of him was cleanly dressed and didn't look like a bad guy, and all he took were real copper coins. An An attributed this to her good luck.

The two parties pay with one hand and deliver with the other.

As a result, there were only five strings of nets left on the ground, and An An waved all of them to the little boy.

An An was carrying a heavy pocket: "Jing Qi, do you think I am a legendary business genius, possessed by a koi!"

Jing Qi took the cloth and wrapped the bag of copper coins in her hands. Although she felt a sense of accomplishment, what she said was: "I don't mind holding heavy hands!"

After he finished speaking, he was taken aback for a moment, always feeling that something was wrong? Before he could figure it out. They were all dragged forward by An An:

"Isn't that Uncle William? Let's go, let's pay back the money from the aunt in charge, and get some silk thread to continue weaving!"

She clenched her small fists, feeling full of strength. What is a sore wrist?

Squinting her beautiful eyes, she began to fantasize. Several years later, the successful richest woman stood in front of the stage, bathed in all kinds of adoring gazes from the audience, and said in a calm tone: "The first pot of gold I earned was from selling nets. ..."

However, what the little guy didn't know was that the little boy who bought all their goods turned around the street corner with his bag, the timid expression on his face disappeared, he grinned triumphantly, and his eyes were full of wit.

Half an hour later, a small stall was set up near the intersection of the wealthy district, with strings of red strings hung in a patchwork pattern, the little boy stood in front of the stall, already changed his face, enthusiastic Say hello to the lady passing by:

"The most fashionable accessories in Lausanne, each person is limited to two strings, and only ten cents."


William was just passing by and didn't intend to leave the city, but after An An moved out of Anna, he persuaded himself to compromise,

When passing by William's house, An An thought of the poor old man, and went back to get some bread to eat.

Arriving at the rows of warehouses where the female prisoners were serving their sentences, An An counted out 60 copper coins, "This is the thread money for the aunt in charge."

William raised his eyebrows in surprise. They both lived in the same mansion. He also knew about the two children's tossing around selling things. He laughed and teased: "Hey! You are so rich, you have made money!"

An An nodded heavily, "Yes, did you earn more than two hundred copper coins?"

After speaking, he lifted the cloth bag containing the money and shook it. There is a crisp sound between the collisions,

William praised the two children fiercely to save face, and accepted the copper coins generously.

An An also handed the remaining copper coins to William: "Uncle, we still need to buy silk thread, so we will buy it with the remaining money."

William was amused by her serious appearance: "We are friends. Uncle can give you credit first, and it will be the same when you make money."

"No, my brother will settle accounts."

After she finished speaking, she counted with her fingers, and they made a total of 206 copper coins this time, minus the 60 copper coins for the aunt in charge, and there were 146 copper coins left.

A bundle of silk thread is thirty copper coins, so how many bundles can they buy now?

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