After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1122: She ruined Lu Nanze's child! (1)

 Chapter 1122 She spoiled Lu Nanze’s child! (1)

"What are you busy with, second brother? Even if you are busy, you won't miss me!"

ˆ Qiao Yiyi is reluctant to give up.

The nanny couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but sigh and said: "Mr. Lu has been really busy recently and spends time in the anchor room every day. It is said that people in the company now go to the anchor room when they want to sign with him! Moreover, Mr. Lu has to change his ways every day, inviting a female anchor to dinner~ everyone said that he has fallen in love with her on the way~"

 After saying one sentence, Qiao Yiyi's face changed drastically; "What did you say?"

The nanny glanced at her, fed up with Qiao Yiyi's usual arrogance, and said with a smile, "I mean, Mr. Lu is pursuing a woman in the company. That woman, like you, has the same surname as Qiao. Everyone. Call her Miss Qiao."

 Miss Qiao…

 Qiao Yiyi's eyes widened in shock, she took a step back in disbelief and bumped into the table behind her, "She? It's her! It must be her..."

 She understands her second brother's thoughts very clearly.

The second brother wants to take advantage of Qiao Lian’s amnesia to make Qiao Lian fall in love with him!

 So, now, the two of them must be living together and flying together, and living a very nourishing life every day.

 But...the two of them are together, what about her?

 She had been waiting for her second brother for eight years and was just abandoned?

Qiao Yiyi bit her lip and clenched her fists angrily: "No, give me your mobile phone, I want to call my second brother!"

After saying this, Qiu Yiyi went directly to the nanny and snatched it away.

The nanny immediately took a step back and said, "Miss Qiao, please stop making trouble. Mr. Lu said, don't disturb him if nothing happens."

 “Who said I’m fine? I have a big problem! I want to find my second brother!”

Qiao Yiyi shouted, "Give me my phone!"

The nanny stared at her with a look of disgust, "Miss Qiao, please eat quickly."

Then as if trying to avoid a virus, I took a step back and walked out.

 Qiao Yiyi watched the nanny leave the room, and she was the only one left in the whole house, and she suddenly became anxious.

She rushed to the door of the room and shouted outside: "Open the door for me! Open the door! Give me your phone! I want my phone! Someone is here! I want to find my second brother! He can't do this to me I!"

 After being closed for a few days, Qiao Yiyi was really scared of being locked up.

If the second brother is really in love with Qiao, then the second brother will definitely keep her under house arrest here for the rest of his life in order to prevent himself from becoming a bond between them!

This thought made her go crazy.

  I knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no movement outside.

She slid down the door in despair.

She stared at everything in the room, and then, not knowing where the strength came from, she stood up and swept all the food on the table to the floor!

The sound of thunder came over.

Qiao Yiyi covered her face and cried bitterly.

Now, she can't say anything to the outside world, and there is no way to save herself.

 She cried for a long time and finally stopped.

 At this moment, the room was filled with the smell of food.

On a plate scattered on the ground, there was a fish.

 After a while, the fish was stunned.

The fishy smell slowly came over and reached her nostrils.

I don’t know whether it was because the room had been stuffy for too long or because she had cried so hard just now. Qiao Yiyi suddenly felt nauseated and nauseated. She covered her chest and went straight to the bathroom, whereupon she vomited!

 (End of this chapter)

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