After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1123: She ruined Lu Nanze's child! (2)

Chapter 1123 She spoiled Lu Nanze’s child! (2)

 Qiao Yiyi vomited, and the nanny outside the door and the people monitoring the room discovered it immediately.

  The nanny immediately contacted Assistant Zhao Yang.

 Because when he locked her in, Lu Nanze told her that Assistant Zhao Yang would be fully responsible for everything about Qiu Yiyi!

Zhao Yang rushed over quickly and brought a family doctor with him.

 When the two people entered the bedroom, the smell in the room was very unpleasant.

On the ground, no one had come to clean up the food she had knocked over, and the windows in the room were tightly closed.

 Qiao Yiyi sat on the sofa in the bedroom with a pale face, looking straight ahead, looking very bad.

Zhao Yang's eyes narrowed when he saw Qiao Yiyi like this.

 The nannies were standing outside the door, watching the fun.

Zhao Yang couldn't help but shouted sharply: "What did I say when I handed Miss Qiao over to you?"

The nannies were stunned, and they all stood up straight, not even daring to breathe.

Zhao Yang pointed at Qiao Yiyi and said, "I said, take good care of Miss Qiao. Is this how you take care of her?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the clever nanny rushed into the room. First he opened the window and diffused the smell in the room. Then he quickly picked up the broom and cleaned up the food on the floor.

Soon, I took the mop again...

After all this trouble, the doctor walked in when the room was finally clean.

Qiao Yiyi's long hair was spread around her body. Because she had just vomited violently, and the heating in the room was very hot, she was sweating all over her body at this moment.

As soon as I got so close, I smelled a sour smell.

 The doctor frowned.

Zhao Yang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the nanny, "Miss Qiao hasn't taken a shower for how many days?"

The nanny said: "It's been about three or four days."

Zhao Yang couldn't help but turn around and look at Qiao Yiyi again.

 Did she start to give up on herself because she was disliked by Lu Nanze?

 Looking like this, she is completely different from the strong, hypocritical woman she was before.

Zhao Yang stared at the doctor, "Go and check it out."

The doctor nodded, took a step forward, and observed Qiao Yiyi carefully, "Ms. Qiao, are you feeling unwell?"

 “I feel sick and want to vomit.” Qiao Yiyi looked straight ahead.

 “Why do you feel sick?”

Qiao Yiyi took a deep breath and said, "That fish smells so bad."

 The doctor asked about some more symptoms, and finally asked: "Ms. Qiao, when was the last time you had your period?"

Qiao Yiyi was stunned when she heard this.

She suddenly thought of something and stood up. She stared at the doctor in disbelief, and then spoke after a while, "I, I... I had it last month?"

The doctor took out the instrument and said, "Then I will draw some blood for you and test it and then we will know."

Qiao Yiyi’s eyes were shining and she nodded.

Zhao Yang was at the door, listening to the conversation in the room, and he was a little confused.

 He stared at Qiu Yiyi in disbelief.

 Over the years, there was no contraceptive method for that time. Didn’t you think about it?

 He is going to be a father?

His eyes suddenly became hot and he looked straight at Qiao Yiyi's abdomen.

 There, brewing his child.

 Zhao Yang narrowed his eyes.

 The doctor’s examination results will come out soon.

 In the end, Qiu Yiyi was pregnant.

 (End of this chapter)

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