After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1157: He actually likes her so much...(16)

Chapter 1157 He actually likes her so much... (16)

The categorical words were spoken without a trace of hesitation, and you could hear that they were his most straightforward thoughts.

 But it was this attitude that made Qiao Lian stunned again.

Looking straight at the door, as if trying to look through the door at the two people outside.

Lu Nanze's determination made her seem to see his sincerity.

 But the next second, he suddenly burst out laughing.


How could the Lu family have such a thing?

When Papa Lu heard what Lu Nanze said, he became angry, "What are you talking nonsense about? What's so good about that girl's movie of hers? Lu Nanze, I'm here today to inform you that you should get ready to marry Qiu Yiyi!"

Lu Nanze squinted his eyes and stared at Dad Lu. After a while, he sneered, "Dad, in my heart and in my eyes, she is better than anything else. I will not get married like this."

Dad Lu was furious: "You...!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Nanze pointed coldly at the door, "You can go out."

 “You unfilial son, how dare you drive me away?”

"This is a workplace. If you have anything else, you can wait until I get home."

 Dad Lu: "Go home? How many days have you not been home?"

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes, "I'll go back tonight, you go home first."

Father Lu said reluctantly, "Then I'll wait for you at home."

Then he snorted coldly, and then left with a bang.

 After Lu's father left, Lu Nanze sat tiredly on the office chair. He didn't know how long he sat there when there was a knock at the door, and then the little secretary walked in.

Lu Nanze asked: "Where is Miss Qiao?"

The secretary was stunned, "Miss Qiao? I, I don't know..."

Lu Nanze’s eyes narrowed, “Didn’t she go out?”

Secretary: "I didn't see it. I just saw the old gentleman walking in. Isn't Miss Qiao in your office?"

Qiao Lian, who was hiding in the bathroom, immediately gathered her emotions after hearing the words of the two people. Then she walked out of the bathroom. She stretched out her head with a blank look on her face, looked outside, and then whispered like a thief. He said: "Are you leaving?"

Lu Nanze:…


The moment Lu Nanze saw her, he thought of what he had just chatted with his father, his pupils shrank, and he stood up.

 He stared at Qiao Lian.

I don't know how much Qiao Lian heard or understood what they just said!

 He narrowed his eyes, and after a while he slowly said, "Why are you here?"

Qiao Lian touched her head and said, "I heard your father coming, so I hid quickly! In case your father would find out, it would be too bad."

Lu Nanze:…

Lu Nanze waved to the secretary, who walked away from the office.

Lu Nanze then spoke again: "How much did you hear about what I just said?"

ˆ˜Qiao Lian: “I heard everything!”

Lu Nanze’s pupils narrowed.

Qiao Lian tilted her head and looked at him in confusion, "Did your family have any trouble with Qiu Yiyi's family? Otherwise, why would your father force you to marry her?"

Lu Nanze looked Qiao Lian up and down.

But he saw that her expression was natural and the confusion in her eyes didn't look like she was faking it.

He then lowered his head, frowned, and said slowly: "Well, don't worry, it will never affect our relationship. Give me some more time, and I will definitely handle this matter. ”

 (End of this chapter)

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