After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1158: He actually likes her so much...(17)

Chapter 1158 He actually likes her so much... (17)

A flash of light flashed in Qiao Lian's eyes, she nodded, and then waved to Lu Nanze, "Then I'll go downstairs first. Are you okay?"

 “It’s okay.”

"OK, bye."

When Qiao Lian left the office, Lu Nanze's face turned gloomy. He immediately picked up his cell phone and called Qiao Yiyi.

 Qiao Yiyi’s call was answered quickly.

 She shouted excitedly: "Second brother!"

Lu Nanze's face immediately darkened, and his voice seemed to be floating up from hell, with a demonic aura, "Qiao Yiyi, my warning, have you gone beyond the reach of the sky?"

 One sentence made Qiu Yiyi shiver and she bit her lip, "Second brother, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Nanze sneered. "I remember that when I was a child, my mother liked to keep cats, but I hated them. My mother insisted on letting me keep them. Do you know what happened to that cat later?"

ˆ Qiao Yiyi’s voice was trembling a little.

 Soon, I heard Lu Nanze's next words, "That cat is dead."

Qiao Yiyi straightened her body instantly, "Second brother, you..."

"I think there is no need for me to say anything else. The account books are indeed in your hands, but can you guarantee that the account books can be handed over to the police? Suzhou is my territory, don't force me to be ruthless!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Yiyi screamed, "Second brother, second brother!"

 However, the only response she received was the beeping sound of Lu Nanze's cell phone.

Qiao Yiyi stared at the phone, her eyes straight.

Lu Nanze always meant what he said, and his meaning was very clear. If his father continued to pester him, he would make the whole family of three disappear!

This thought made Qiu Yiyi shiver suddenly. She swallowed and ran straight outside, "Dad! The second brother called me!..."

 In the study, Qiu Yiyi told Mother Qiao and Qiao Zhigang what happened, then she cried and rubbed her eyes to wipe away the tears.

"Dad, Mom, what should I do now? We have children, but he just refuses to recognize them. In his heart, he only has that little **** Qiao Lian! Dad, he doesn't agree. You also know the second brother's methods... Over the years, he has become more and more cruel, and I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" Qiao Zhigang stood up suddenly, "We are here, so don't be afraid! This matter can actually be solved very easily!"

Qiao Yiyi's eyes lit up and she immediately raised her head, "How to solve it?"

Qiao Zhigang slowly narrowed his eyes and said: "Of course, cut him off at the root! Didn't you get along very well in the past days? Then return to the past, the days without Qiao Lian... "

 When he said this, a sinister look flashed in his eyes.


 Qiao Lian was leisurely eating fruit downstairs. When the time came, she would live broadcast for two hours.

 And the PC team also moved into the company collectively to cooperate with her.

 Qiao Lian twitched her lips. When she cooperated with them, she played carelessly. But after getting in touch with their team members, she discovered... In fact, those who play e-sports really just have a dream.

Although the club now pays them wages, there is an age limit for e-sports after all.

 After the age of 25, your career will be declared over. After all, as people get older, their reactions are not so sensitive.

 (End of this chapter)

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