Chapter 1483 He is my son... (61)

After Mo Zhi said that, he stared at Mo Xicheng. When he saw that he didn't answer immediately, he said directly: "What? You don't want to? This is the company's project, not your movie. , is it up to you to pick and choose, or do you think you can’t handle it? If you can’t handle it, you can just say it! After all, you haven’t managed a company since you were a child. If you don’t understand, so do everyone else. That’s understandable~”

The senior officials looked at Mo Xicheng one by one, with probing expressions in their eyes.

If Mo Xicheng's ability is worse than Mo Zhi's, it can even be said that if their abilities are equal, they will be more willing to follow Mo Zhi's command. After all, Mo Zhi is more justified than Mo Xicheng.

If Mo Zhi hadn't been so shameless, no one would have asked Mo Xicheng to manage the company. At this moment, everyone looked at Mo Xicheng, hoping that he could find a suitable reason, or maybe Use the appropriate method and refuse.

 After all, if you have contact with a masculine director, you will become unclear in the future.

The CEO of their company was tampered with by a director. How funny is this?

 However, no one expected that Mo Xicheng just glanced at Mo Zhi lightly, and then nodded, "Okay!"

 After saying this, everyone was shocked.

 They all looked at Mo Xicheng in disbelief.

Seeing that he had agreed, Mo Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. "Okay, today's meeting will end here and be dismissed! And you, Mo Xicheng, tonight, the company will help you make an appointment with Li After you get out, you have a nice and slow talk with Director Li. Even if it lasts all night, we won’t blame you. The money for the room can be reimbursed directly by the company! Hahaha~"

 After saying these ambiguous and sarcastic words, Mo Zhi stood up and turned around to leave.

Mo Xicheng frowned, feeling disdainful of his vulgar words.

He stood up and was about to leave when someone suddenly stopped him, "Mo Xicheng..."

Mo Xicheng turned around and saw one of the executives striding towards him.

The man looked to be in his fifties, with a dignified appearance and a sense of righteousness. He frowned, walked over and said directly: "You can't take this case, or you can just let your subordinates talk about it. You can’t meet with the director, you know?”

Mo Xicheng was slightly startled.

 I didn’t expect that someone in the company would care about him.

 He looked at the person with confusion, "Who are you?"

"I am Gao Feng, you can call me Uncle Gao. This matter is a trap set by Mo Zhi for you. You may not know that Director Li is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mo Xicheng, "I know."

Gao Feng was stunned, "You know you still don't refuse?"

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes: "Under the circumstances just now, do you think I can refuse?"

 Choke at the peak.

 Yes, can you refuse?

Mo Zhi spoke so slowly that if he refused, his reputation for incompetence would spread throughout the company.

But I went to negotiate with Director Li...

Gao Feng sighed, "Then do you know the consequences of taking this case?"

Mo Xicheng nodded, "I know."

Gao Feng: "Then you still..."

 (End of this chapter)

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