Chapter 1484 He is my son... (62)

Halfway through the words, another voice intervened, "I said Gao Feng, you are in charge of Mr. Mo. Mr. Mo is so proud of his face. If you don't win this project, you will lose face. As long as the project comes, you will take care of it." What kind of tricks did Mo always use? "

Gao Feng choked and turned around to see another middle-aged man in his fifties walking over. He sneered, "Young people today, when they encounter something, they will ignore it as soon as they are irritated. Haha, He really dares to take on any project, and when his brain gets hot, he dares to bomb other people’s buildings!”

Gao Feng frowned and looked at Mo Xicheng.

He said: "If you reject this project now, we seniors will agree. You..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Mo Xicheng, "It's okay, Uncle Gao, thank you, I'll take this project."

Gao Feng's face suddenly darkened, "Mo Xicheng, why did you know that it was the south wall and still hit it forward with all your strength? I think you are really a fool. I'll just hit you to death! You will know what the consequences will be by then. It’s serious!”

 After saying this, he threw up his sleeves and left.

The other people, seeing the situation here, also pointed at Mo Xicheng, showing contempt.

 Gao Feng left the conference room and entered his office. He loosened his tie angrily, sat down on the chair, and took several deep breaths before calming down.

 But he still frowned, and after a while he picked up the phone and made a call.

As soon as the call was connected, Gao Feng couldn't help but said: "Li Shu."

Li Shu's voice came from the opposite side: "Gaofeng, how was the board meeting today? Did Mo Zhi give Mo Xicheng trouble?"

When Gao Feng heard this, he suddenly became furious, "You said you wanted me to take care of him, but after all, he is a child raised by a mistress and cannot see the truth of the matter. Mo Zhi set a trap and he didn't say anything. He said, he jumped in! I said he didn’t listen, this kid is too stubborn!”

Li Shu's voice suddenly became nervous, "Gaofeng, what happened? Mo Xicheng is my only son, you must help me keep him."

Gao Feng sighed, "Li Shu, he seems to have quite the aura, but after all, Mo Zhi has been working in business for so many years. I don't think he is Mo Zhi's opponent. Alas! This time, Mo Zhi just casually After irritating him, he immediately took it for granted. How will such a person manage the company in the future? "

Li Shu said: "Don't worry, he is not such an imprudent child. He must have his own reasons for doing this."

"What's the point? Just hit him head on. I think he'll get a **** head by then! Don't come crying to me! You'd better take this child back. It's best to go abroad for a few years to experience and learn well. "

"I don't think highly of him now. What happened today...sigh!"

There was a hint of hatred in Gao Feng's words that Li Shu couldn't help but comfort him: "Don't worry, Lao Gao, I'm just a son, we can take another look, okay?"

“I think there’s nothing good to see anymore. After this project is over, let him leave the company.”

 PS: See you in the evening for the rest of the updates~

 (End of this chapter)

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